
  1. 碲化镉及相关化合物多晶薄膜与碲化镉太阳电池研究

    Study on CdTe and Related Compound Polycrystalline Thin Films as Well as CdTe Solar Cell optically optimal tellurium-cadmium-mercury infrared detector

  2. 由于碲化镉量子点的引入使得合成的弹性DNA功能材料网络能发出可见的荧光。

    Because of the CdTe introduced makes elastic DNA materials emit visible fluorescent .

  3. 碲化镉太阳电池的流行结构为nCdSpCdTe。

    The current structure of CdTe solar cells is n-CdS / p-CdTe .

  4. n型碲化镉单晶光电化学电池的研究Ⅱ.金属离子修饰与光电化学催化

    The Study of n-Type Single Crystal Cadmium Telluride-Based Photoelectrochemical Cell II . The Metal Ions Modification and Photoelectrochemical Catalysis

  5. N型单晶碲化镉光电化学电池的研究&(Ⅰ)表面刻蚀与氧化还原偶选择

    The studies of n-type single crystal cadmium telluride based photoelectrochemical cell ( I ) the surface etching and redox couple choosing

  6. 碲化镉(CdTe)探测器的原理及医学应用

    The Principle of Cadmium Telluride ( CdTe ) Detector and Medical Application

  7. 碲化镉(CdTe)和硫化镉(CdS)是制造薄膜太阳能电池的常用半导体材料。

    Cadmium telluride ( CdTe ) and cadmium sulfide ( CdS ) are common semiconductor materials used in thin film solar cells .

  8. 为了提升太阳能的竞争力,诸如第一太阳能公司(FIRSTSOLAR)这类企业对开发碲化镉制成的太阳能电池越来越感兴趣。这种材质更有效率,更加灵活,可应用于包括窗户在内的更多表面。

    In a bid to make solar more competitive , there is growing interest from companies like First Solar in developing solar cells using cadmium telluride , which is more efficient and more flexible so it could be applied many more surfaces including windows .

  9. 分别用溴甲醇、硝酸-磷酸混合液对碲化镉薄膜腐蚀,用XRD、SEM表征薄膜结构、成分,形貌,并研究了太阳电池的特性与化学腐蚀的关系。

    The structure , composition and surface of the films were studied by XRD , SEM after etching of Br_2-Methanol and nitric-phosphoric mixture respectively . The dependence of etching process on characteristics of solar cells was studied .

  10. 在镀上金属电极前,对CdTe表面进行化学蚀刻是制备高效率碲化镉薄膜太阳电池的关键技术之一。

    One of the important technic in the production of high efficiency thin-film CdTe solar cells is the CdTe film surface chemical etching before deposition of a metallic contact .

  11. GQDs的细胞毒性检测:采用MTT检测GQDs的细胞毒性,并与碲化镉量子点(CdTeQDs)进行比较。

    Cytotoxicity test of GQDs : The cytotoxicity of GQDs was tested by MTT assay , compared with cadmium telluride quantum dots ( CdTe QDs ) .

  12. 研究声光调Q的Nd:YAG激光对碲化镉薄膜的刻划过程,得出了刻槽形貌随脉冲重复频率、灯电流大小和刻划速率变化的规律。

    Laser scribing process of CdTe films was studied by Q-modulated pulse Nd : YAG laser . The dependence of the morphology of scribing line has been obtained with the function of pumped lamp current , frequency of pulse , scribing rate .

  13. 发展了碲化镉多晶薄膜的表征研究,优化了廉价氩氧气氛下使用近空间升华技术沉积CdTe多晶薄膜的制备和后处理条件。

    Developing the method characterizing CdTe thin film quality and optimizing the processing of preparation and post heat treatment for CdTe thin films by Close-Spaced Sublimation ( CSS ) in the cheap mixture atmosphere of argon and oxygen .

  14. 碲化镉太阳电池生产线可行性分析

    Analysis of the Feasibility About Manufacturing Line of CdTe Solar Cells

  15. 10.6μm碲化镉电光调制器的实验研究

    Search of 10.6 μ m Laser 's Cadmium Telluride Electrooptic Modulator

  16. 用聚焦辐射加热法加籽晶气相生长碲化镉

    Seeded vapour growth of cadmium telluride using focused radiation heating

  17. 真空气相沉积制备碲化镉薄膜的电学和光学特性

    Investigation on the electrical and optical properties of the CdTe thin film

  18. 用旋转圆盘电极制备碲化镉光电极

    The Cadmium Telluride Photoelectrode Prepared with a Rotating Disc Electrode

  19. 碲化镉核辐射探测器

    CdTe nuclear radiation detector cadmium-telluride high temperature infrared fire detector

  20. 金属离子束注入对碲化镉薄膜材料的改性研究

    Studies on Altering Character of Metal-doped CdTe Thin Films by Ion Implant Technique

  21. 碲化镉和碲镉锌的深低温光致发光研究

    Photoluminescence Studies of CdTe and Cd_ ( 1-x ) Zn_xTe at Low Temperature

  22. 碲化镉太阳电池新型背接触的研究

    Study of New Back Contact for CdTe Solar Cell

  23. 碲化镉单晶生长和缺陷研究

    Growth and Defect Study of CdTe Single Crystals

  24. 密堆积升华制备碲化镉多晶薄膜

    Thin film cadmium telluride prepared by close-spaced sublimation

  25. 碲化镉新型β-射线探测器的研制

    A New Type CdTe β - Ray Detector

  26. 激光刻划碲化镉薄膜研究

    Study on laser scribing of CdTe films

  27. 石墨浆做背接触层的碲化镉薄膜太阳电池及组件的研究

    Study on graphite paste for back contact of CdTe thin film solar cells and modules

  28. 真空热蒸发碲化镉薄膜的结构组成和光电性能研究

    Studies of Structure , Composition and Photoelectric Properties of CdTe Thin Film Grown by Vacuum Sublimation

  29. 第二代太阳能电池包括碲化镉、铜铟镓硒等类型。

    The second-generation solar cell includes cadmium telluride , copper indium gallium selenide and other types .

  30. 经过一系列的修饰,碲化镉量子点的荧光强度显著增强。

    With this series of modifications , the fluorescence intensity of CdTe QDs was significantly increased .