
  • 网络carbonate cement
  1. 24%;有效储层(孔隙度大于9%,渗透率大于2×10-3μm2)的埋藏深度小于4500m,碳酸盐胶结物含量小于10%;

    The effective reservoir buried depth is less than 4500 meters and the porosity is higher than 9 percent while the permeability is higher than 2 × 10-3 μ m2 . The content of carbonate cement is less than 10 percent .

  2. 碳酸盐胶结物北部主要以方解石、铁方解石为主,胶结方式多样。

    Carbonate cement in northern area mainly are calcite , ferrocalcite with various cementing way .

  3. 有机质演化产生的COZ和有机酸造成浅部储层长石骨架颗粒和碳酸盐胶结物的溶解,产生第一个次生孔隙带;

    Co , and organic acid generated from organic matter evolution dissolved feldspar grains and carbonate cements in shallow beds and formed the first secondary pore belt ;

  4. 塔里木油气区砂岩储集层碳酸盐胶结物的同位素组成与成因分析

    Stable isotopic composition and origin analysis of the carbonate cements within sandstone

  5. 新场地区须家河组砂岩中碳酸盐胶结物研究

    Carbonate Cements from Xujiahe Sandstone and Its Forming Mechanism in Xinchang Area

  6. 胶结物主要有泥质胶结物、碳酸盐胶结物、自生粘土矿物和自生石英、长石。

    Cements are argilla , carbonates , authigenic clay minerals , quartz and feldspars .

  7. 碳酸盐胶结物是东营凹陷砂岩储层的主要胶结物。

    Carbonate cementation is the main type of cementation of sandstone reservoir of Dongying depression .

  8. 深部碳酸盐胶结物的溶蚀构成第4个次生孔隙发育带。

    The dissolution of carbonate cement in deep beds formed the fourth secondary pore belt .

  9. 云冈石窟砂岩中碳酸盐胶结物化学风化及相关文物病害研究

    Chemical weathering of carbonate cement in sandstone and the related cultural relic diseases in Yungang Grottoes

  10. 胶结物的组分主要以碳酸盐胶结物为主,另有硅质胶结和少量铁质胶结。

    The main component of cement is carbonate , a small amount of siliceous cement and iron cement .

  11. 孔隙类型主要为长石、岩屑及碳酸盐胶结物溶蚀形成的次生孔隙;

    Most of pores are secondary ones which mainly generated from dissolution of feldspars , lithoclasts and carbonate cements .

  12. 溶解作用产生次生孔隙,增大孔隙,并主要发生在长石颗粒和碳酸盐胶结物中;

    Dissolution gave secondary porosity and increased porosity , and it occurred mainly in feldspathic grains and carbonate cementation .

  13. 伊蒙间层矿物的结构有序度整体上逐渐增加。早成岩期碳酸盐胶结物与晚成岩期碳酸盐胶结物的成岩物质来源有所不同。

    Origin of the material needed for formation of carbonate cements of the early and late diagenetic stages are different .

  14. 得出:研究区碳酸盐胶结物形成于中成岩阶段。

    We have the following suggestions : the carbonate cement in study area is forming in the middle diagenetic stage .

  15. 其中碳酸盐胶结物和次生石英加大是造成砂岩物性降低的主要胶结物。

    In the cements , carbonate and quartz overgrowths are the main cements that reduced the reservoir quality of the sandstones .

  16. 渤中坳陷古近系中、深部碎屑岩储层碳酸盐胶结物分布特征及成因机制

    Distribution characteristics and origin of carbonate cements in the middle and deep clastic reservoirs of the Paleogene in the Bozhong Depression

  17. 溶蚀作用主要发育于长石和岩屑颗粒内部与边缘,以及粒间碳酸盐胶结物;

    Dissolution mainly occurs in the interior and edge of feldspar and lithic grains as well as in the intergranular carbonate cements .

  18. 溶蚀作用导致碳酸盐胶结物、长石颗粒和少量岩屑溶解流失。

    The pore space was affected by the dissolution of calcite and feldspar , as well as the precipitation and cementation of carbonates .

  19. 研究区孔喉结构以中孔细喉为主,碳酸盐胶结物对砂岩的微观非均质性产生一定影响。

    The main type of pore throat structure is medium pores and fine throats , carbonate cement may have an impact to microscopic heterogeneity of sandstone .

  20. 其次,层序界面代表相对较长的沉积驻留时间,这使得在层序界面之下储层内碳酸盐胶结物含量增加;

    Secondly , the boundary means a relative longer residence time of the sediments , which increasing the content of carbonate cement in reservoirs under the boundary .

  21. 储层以原生剩余粒间孔隙为主,长石及早期碳酸盐胶结物的溶解是形成次生孔隙的主要原因。

    The main pore type of the reservoir is primary remained intergranular pore , the dissolution of the feldspar and early carbonate cement results in the secondary pore .

  22. 煤系地层的砂岩中所含水介质呈酸性,致使其砂岩储层具有碳酸盐胶结物含量低、硅质胶结物含量高、粘土矿物中富含高岭石的显著特点。

    Sandstone reservoir intercalated in coal-bearing series with medium is characterized by low content of carbonate cement , high content of siliceous cement and rich kaolinite in clay minerals .

  23. 云冈石窟地区云冈组上段砂岩中碳酸盐胶结物的含量普遍在10%以上,其主要矿物成分为含铁方解石和含铁白云石。

    Carbonate cement is universally more than 10 % in sandstones of the upper Yungang formation in Yungang Grottoes area . It 's mainly composed of ferriferous calcite and ferriferous dolomite .

  24. 第三幕主要记录于碳酸盐胶结物中,主要为无机热流体事件,只发育盐水包裹体,均一温度为163℃。

    The third episode , mainly an inorganic low-temperature thermal fluid event , was characterized by the aqueous fluid inclusions in the carbonate cements , and the homogeneous temperatures of 163 ℃ .

  25. 钙质结壳的存在使得孔隙结构也发生变化原生孔隙被碳酸盐胶结物充填,发育的次生孔隙是碳酸盐胶结物的晶间和晶内微孔隙;

    The existence of calcareous incrustation causes the change of pore structure : the primary pores are infilled by carbonate cements , the secondary pores being developed are intercrystal and intracrystal micropore ;

  26. 颗粒骨架的淋滤、早期及后期碳酸盐胶结物、骨架颗粒(长石、火山岩碎屑)和黏土胶结物的溶解是盆地形成优质储集层的主要因素;

    The key to the good quality reservoir is leached grains and the dissolutions of the early and late carbonate cements , framework grains ( feldspar , volcanic fragments ) and clay cements .

  27. 碳酸盐胶结物是东海盆地丽水凹陷古近系储层砂岩中最为重要的自生矿物,主要类型为铁白云石和方解石。

    Carbonates are the most abundant cements in the Palaeogene sandstones of Lishui Sag , East China Sea basin , which mainly consist of ankerite and calcite and have distinctive stratigraphic distribution and geometry .

  28. 碳酸盐胶结物有早、晚两期,早期泥晶方解石主要分布在浅层,连晶方解石充填的深度分布范围大,在中深部最为发育。

    The carbonate cements can be divided into two different stages , the early microcrystalline calcite is mainly concentrated in the shallow strata , while the crystalline calcite is largely distributed within the middle-deep strata .

  29. 部分长石碎屑被高岭石替代和早期碳酸盐胶结物的溶解使一部分锶流失,这是造成漂白砂岩中低锶含量的主要原因。

    Part of the feldspar fragments replaced by kaolinite and dissolution of early carbonate cements resulted in loss of strontium is the main reason for the " bleaching " sandstones with low content of strontium .

  30. 埋藏压实使原始孔隙减少10%~15%,石英的次生加大则可使孔隙减少2%~5%,多期次的大量碳酸盐胶结物也使储层的物性变差及非均质性变强;

    The compaction makes primal porosity 10 % 15 % less , the quartz secondary enlargement reduces it by 2 % 5 % . Several periods of carbonate cementation leads to reservoir physical property inferior and heterogeneity stronger .