
  • 网络carbon footprint;carbon emission;carbonfootprint
  1. 我们都需要寻求降低碳排放量的方法。

    We all need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint .

  2. 德国还计划到2050年时将本国的碳排放量降低80%-95%,以推动本国向绿色能源的转变。

    The country is also planning to reduce its carbon footprint by 80-95 % by 2050 , sparking a shift to green energy in the country .

  3. 尽管有北极熊的悲剧,碳排放量也在飙升,但大多数人很难相信全球变暖会对他们个人产生影响。

    Despite mournful polar bears and charts showing carbon emissions soaring , most people find it hard to believe that global warming will affect them personally .

  4. 然而,世界经济论坛今年的一份报告指出,服装租赁业产生的碳排放量占到了全球排放量的5%。

    A report by the World Economic Forum8 this year suggested that the industry generates 5 % of global emissions9 .

  5. 因此,虽然在全球各国封锁期间,运输和工业碳排放量峰值下降了17%,但大量气体仍在生成,增加了大气层中二氧化碳的总含量。

    So , while the global lockdown saw carbon emissions from transport and industry drop by as much as 17 % at their peak , large amounts of the gas were still being produced , adding to the overall total .

  6. IBM的目标是把碳排放量降低50%。

    IBM 's goal is to bring emission savings to50 % .

  7. 然后,我们利用碳排放量与GDP的关系对未来10年的碳排放量进行了预测。

    Then , we predicted the carbon emissions in the next 10 years by using carbon emission and GDP .

  8. 上个月,科学期刊《自然》(Nature)的一篇论文主张,因为对中国煤炭品质的假设有误,中国的碳排放量实际低于国际机构的估算结果。

    Last month a study in the journal Nature argued that Chinese emissions were actually lower than estimated by international institutes , because of incorrect assumptions about the quality of Chinese coal .

  9. 而在不影响GDP的情况下降低单位能源碳排放量,关键是碳排放权交易制度的建立。

    But this does not affect the circumstances to reduce the unit GDP energy carbon emissions , the key is carbon emissions trading system establishment .

  10. 随着加入WTO以后,中国经济得到了迅猛发展的同时碳排放量也在快速增加,这使我国面临了国际社会巨大的减排压力。

    With accession into WTO , the economy of China increased rapidly as well as the carbon emissions . So China had to face the huge international pressure of reducing the emissions .

  11. IBM称这种水冷供暖方案相比传统的供暖技术具备更好的环保特性,使用水冷供暖方案后,供暖系统的碳排放量将减小最多85%,每年还可以减排30吨碳氧化物。

    IBM estimates that the wate-rcooling scheme will reduce the system 's carbon footprint by up to85 percent and save up to30 tons of carbon dioxide annually , compared with standard cooling approaches .

  12. 理论上这应该是削减碳排放量最便宜的方法之一,据碳排放顾问公司PointCarbon估计,其每吨二氧化碳减排量的成本为1美元,但是,国际社会最终却为此付出高得多的代价。

    But while this should in theory be one of the cheapest methods of cutting emissions at an estimated $ 1 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent destroyed , according to Point Carbon , a carbon consultancy the international community ends up paying much more .

  13. 国际能源署(IEA)等许多其它机构发表的关于今年碳排放量的报告也显示了类似的结果。

    A number of other bodies , such as the International Energy Agency , have shown similar results for carbon emissions growth this year .

  14. 2009年,EPA公布了新的节油标准,要求汽车制造商大幅提高客运车辆的平均燃油里程,以减少碳排放量。

    In 2009 , the E.P.A. released new fuel economy standards requiring automakers to aggressively increase average fuel mileage of passenger vehicles in order to cut carbon emissions from tailpipes .

  15. 美国环保局(USEnvironmentalProtectionAgency)局长吉娜•麦卡锡(GinaMcCarthy)拒绝接受这一批评。她表示,中国承诺将确保中国的碳排放量在2030年左右见顶,这要求中央政府立即采取措施,让不情愿的省级政府步调一致。

    Gina McCarthy , head of the US Environmental Protection Agency , rejected the criticism , saying Beijing 's commitment to ensure Chinese emissions peak by about 2030 demands that the central government takes immediate action to pull reluctant provincial governments into line .

  16. 白宫g20峰会“向导”迈克弗洛曼(mikefroman)表示,美国取消上述补贴的提案将会使化石燃料的碳排放量减少12%。

    Mike froman , the White House " Sherpa " for the G20 summit , said the US proposal to eliminate the subsidies would reduce fossil fuel emissions by 12 per cent .

  17. 相对于2000年以来录得的每年2%至3%的碳排放量增长,这种降低可谓是个重大的逆转;而且,它还发生在一个国际货币基金组织(IMF)预期全球经济将增长约3%的年份,实属罕见。

    That would be a dramatic turnround from the 2-3 per cent annual emissions growth recorded since 2000 and a rare occurrence in a year when the International Monetary Fund expects the global economy to grow by about 3 per cent .

  18. 值得一提的是净碳排放量与碳排放强度的增长先于人均GDP的增长。

    The net carbon emissions each year , carbon emission intensity per capita GDP greater speed than ever before growth , and almost a linear relationship . It is worth mentioning that the first net carbon emissions carbon intensity of growth and growth in GDP per capita .

  19. 2009年12月在丹麦首都哥本哈根召开的世界气候大会上,中国做出了到2020年实现单位GDP碳排放量降低40%-45%的承诺,如何兑现承诺是一项艰巨的任务,需要全国上下共同努力。

    At the World Climate Conference held in Copenhagen last December , China committed to reduce its carbon emissions per GDP by 40 % - 45 % until 2020 . How to meet commitments is a long-term and hard task , completely needs joint efforts of the whole community .

  20. 根据REEP表示,印度有76百万的人不能用电,有65百万的人使用碳排放量很大的煤油。

    Of the76 million homes in India that have no access to electricity , 65 million use carbon-emitting kerosene , according to REEP .

  21. 不过,欧盟气候行动专员康妮赫泽高(conniehedegaard)周二透露,只有中国和印度的航空公司违抗了初步的要求,拒绝透露它们在2011年的碳排放量。

    However , Connie Hedegaard , the EU climate Commissioner , revealed on Tuesday that only the Chinese and Indian carriers had disobeyed a preliminary requirement to divulge how much carbon they emitted for 2011 .

  22. 然后利用Max-min满意度和公共权重的DEA固定成本分摊模型,将各省区行政区的碳排放量作为非期望产出,将其总和进行固定成本分摊。

    Then use DEA fixed cost allocation model based on Max-min satisfaction degrees and common set of weights , considering the carbon emissions of provinces and administrative regions as the undesirable output , their sum is considered as the fixed cost to be allocated .

  23. Xeros委托一家环境顾问公司进行测试,结果显示,这套系统的碳排放量比当前最有效率的洗衣烘干系统还要少40%、用水量少90%,尼龙珠可以重覆使用数百次再回收。

    An environmental consultancy commissioned by Xeros to test its system reckoned that its carbon footprint was 40 % smaller than the most efficient existing systems for washing and drying laundry .

  24. 食品货运的过程中(包括海运、空运等)必然产生会产生C02气体的排放,随着贸易量的增长,海、空等运输方式都在递增,食品货运的碳排放量十分惊人。

    The process of food freight ( including sea , air , etc. ) is bound to produce to produce CO2gas emissions , with the growth of trade volume , sea , waited in vain for mode of transport in increments food freight carbon emissions is very amazing .

  25. 该省应对气候变化的目标是2020年前允许碳排放量增长。

    Its climate-change targets would allow emissions to grow until 2020 .

  26. 当然,长期来看,碳排放量仍将继续增加。

    Longer term , of course , emissions will just keep rising .

  27. 而使用100度的设置可以将碳排放量降低三分之一。

    But that 100-degree setting cuts carbon emissions by one-third .

  28. 这加起来相当于美国每年碳排放量的百分之五。

    That adds up to about five percent of US annual emissions .

  29. 能源行业是人为碳排放量的主要来源。

    Energy is the leading source of man-made carbon emissions .

  30. 碳排放量评估方法在低碳城市规划之应用

    Application of Carbon Dioxide Emission Audit to the Planning of Low Carbon Cities