
  • 网络Terminal energy consumption;energy end-use;enery end-use
  1. 能源生产和转换部门的生产过程消费不计入终端能源消费;

    Energy production and production processes of transforming sectors should not include in energy end-use .

  2. 工业部门终端能源消费占北京市终端能源消费的50%左右。

    Industrial consumption accounts for about 50 % of total final energy consumption in Beijing .

  3. 电能在北京市终端能源消费的竞争力评价研究

    Research on Competitive Capacity Evaluation about Electric Power in the End-use Energy Market of Beijing

  4. 煤炭及焦炭在终端能源消费结构中所占比重降低到20%以下;

    The consumption of coal and coke will account for less than 20 % of the terminal energy structure ;

  5. 能源结构指标包括:电力在终端能源消费中的比例、煤炭在能源消费中的比例、清洁能源占一次能源消费总量的比例、可再生能源占总能源消耗的比例、气化率五项指标;

    There are five indicators in the energy frame indicators , which are the proportion of the consumption of electricity , coal , clean energy , and the sustainable energy , and the efficiency of gasification .

  6. 本文论述能源平衡统计的国际准则及中国能源平衡存在的问题。按国际准则计算了中国终端能源消费量和结构以及物理能源效率。

    This paper discusses the international criterion of energy balance , and problems of China 's energy balance system , and calculates China 's final energy consumption and mix , and physical energy efficiency ( thermal efficiency ) .

  7. 其次,从经济的增长、人口、产业结构的变化、能源结构的变化、居民生活消费等几个方面选取自变量用组合模型对大连市规划年的终端能源消费量和一次能源消费量进行了预测。

    Secondly , several independent variables were selected from economy , population , industry structure , energy structure and resident living aspects , and forecasted the primary energy consumption and final energy consumption in Dalian using the combined forecasting model .

  8. 随着我国经济发展对电力的依赖性逐渐加深,电能占终端能源消费的比重不断提高,稳定可靠的供电系统已成为社会经济增长的一个重要基石。

    The dependence of Chinese economic development on power is gradually deepening and the proportion of electrical energy in terminal energy consumption is increasing , a steady and reliable power supply system has became one of the important cornerstone of social economy .

  9. 2005年,按国际准则计算的中国终端能源消费量为1307Mtce,其中农业占4.4%,工业58.6%,交通运输16.3%,民用、商业和其他20.7%。

    In 2005 , China 's final energy consumption was 1307 Mtce , of which consumption of agri - culture sector , industrial sector , transport sector , residential & commercial sectors and others shared 4.4 % , 58.6 % , 16.3 % and 20.7 % respectively .

  10. 长期以来,我国对能源问题的研究和政策制定都集中在工业领域,然而,居民消费作为经济活动的终端对于能源消费有着直接和间接的影响。

    The research and policy making of energy issues has always been focusing on the industrial field ; however , consumer activities , being the end of the economic chain , exert both the direct and the indirect impact on energy consumption .

  11. 电能作为一种优质、清洁能源,提高其在终端能源中的比重,对于优化终端能源消费结构,提高电气化水平具有十分重要的意义。

    It is very important to increase proportion of electric power among the end-use energy market for optimization of end-use energy consumption structure .