
  • 网络lanthanum carbonate
  1. 碳酸镧在CA、UDS和MN试验中的抗诱变作用

    Study on Antimutagenic Effect of Lanthanum Carbonate in CA Test , UDS Test and MN Test

  2. 说明:碳酸镧不溶于水,溶于酸。

    Description : Lanthanum carbonate is insoluble in water and soluble in acids .

  3. 碳酸镧治疗维持性血液透析患者高磷血症有效性和安全性的系统评价

    A Systematic Review of Lanthanum Carbonate for Hyperparathyroidism in Dialysis Patients

  4. 碳酸镧组发生率较安慰剂组高。

    Lanthanum carbonate group compared to placebo .

  5. 碳酸镧沉淀的自发结晶性能

    Spontaneous Crystallization of Lanthanum Carbonate

  6. 考察了加料方式、加料速度、加料比等对碳酸镧结晶的影响,并对碳酸镧的结晶化机理进行了讨论,提出了相关的沉淀和结晶过程的化学反应方程式。

    With the results of pH situ determination , the effects of feed speed , feed molar ratio , aging period and feed manner on the crystallization of lanthanum carbonate were examined , and the crystallization mechanism was discussed .

  7. 所制备的水菱钇型碳酸钕比镧石型碳酸钕含有更少的结晶水和氯离子,可实现高钕低氯含量碳酸钕的快速生产。

    And tengerite type neodymium carbonate contains less crystalline water and chloride than that lanthanite type neodymium carbonate crystallized at room temperature do , which is benefit for the production of neodymium carbonate with higher neodymium and lower chloride content .

  8. 以不同的锌盐、无水碳酸钠和乙酸镧为原料,采用固相法合成了纳米ZnO/La2O3粉体。

    Nanometer-sized ZnO / La2O3 was prepared by solid phase synthesis . Deferent zinc salt , sodium carbonate and lanthanum acetate were used as starting material .

  9. 碳酸氢铵及镧作基体改进剂的衬钽管石墨炉原子吸收光谱测定钪

    Determination of Scandium by tantalum foil-lined graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with lanthanum and ammonium bicarbonate as matrix modifiers

  10. 以碳酸氢铵为沉淀剂合成了碳酸镧晶体。

    Crystalline lanthanum carbonate was synthesized using ammonium bicarbonate as the precipitant .