
  • 网络Carbon budget
  1. UNDP的碳预算目标能够达到吗?

    Will the Carbon Budget Goal of UNDP Be Realized ?

  2. 碳预算方案:一个公平、可持续的国际气候制度框架

    The Carbon Budget Scheme : An Institutional Framework for a Fair and Sustainable World Climate Regime

  3. 在全球碳预算研究中,青藏高原高寒草甸土壤有机碳库不可忽视。随着全球变暖,表层土壤有机碳分解释放的CO2将增加。

    Soil organic carbon pool of the alpine meadow is ignorable in the carbon budget both of the globe and China .

  4. 英国是第一个将碳预算写入法律的国家。

    The UK was the first country to introduce legally-binding carbon budgets .

  5. 不同于分时段、临时目标的《京都议定书》途径,这样的碳预算方案是一个全面涵盖的整体性一揽子方案。

    Unlike the phase-by-phase progress and provisional goals of the Kyoto Protocol , the carbon budget scheme outlined above is a comprehensive and holistic package .

  6. 以气候安全的允许排放量为全球碳预算总量,设为刚性约束,可以确保碳预算方案的可持续性;

    However , a sustainable carbon budget scheme is undoubtedly achievable if the global carbon budget ( the total amount of permitted by climate security ) is made an absolute constraint .

  7. 科学家首次计算出了“碳预算”即在不触发全球变暖的灾难性“临界点”的前提下,全球能够排放的温室气体总量。

    Scientists have worked out for the first time the " carbon budget " the total such gases the world can emit without risking a catastrophic " tipping point " of warming .

  8. 将有限的全球碳预算总额以人均方式初始分配到每个地球村民,满足基本需求,可以确保碳预算方案的公平性。

    If a preliminary distribution was made among the world 's population on a per capita basis , the total limited global carbon budget could not only meet basic needs but also ensure the scheme 's fairness .

  9. 正如人们能够预见的到的那样,采用这种排放权制度已经导致有人提议,为每个人建立一份碳排放预算。

    Predictably , the adoption of such permits is already leading to proposals to create a carbon emissions budget for every individual .

  10. 为此,我和我的同事们发布了最新的年度全球“碳排放预算”报告,希望能帮助大家厘清思路。

    This is why my colleagues and I have published our latest annual update on the global carbon budget , to help focus minds .

  11. 你可以把“碳排放预算”想象成家庭开支预算——全世界所有国家去年花掉了多少预算(或者说向大气中排放了多少二氧化碳)?若要避免危险的气候变化,还有多少预算可以花?

    You can view the carbon budget like the housekeeping budget . How much carbon did all countries of the world last year spend , or emit to the atmosphere , and how much have we left to avoid dangerous climate change ?

  12. 关于城市碳金融支撑体系运行机制,在明确了运行机制的目标及原则之后,从碳排放预算约束机制、碳排放杠杆调节机制和利益协调机制三个方面去设计城市碳金融支撑体系的运行机制。

    After the clear goals and principles of the operating mechanism , I designed the operation mechanism of the carbon financial support system from three aspects : carbon emissions budget constraint mechanism , carbon emissions lever adjustment mechanism and interest coordination mechanism .