
  • 网络magnetoelectric effect
  1. PZT502/CoFe2O4叠层复合材料的制备与磁电效应

    Preparation and Magnetoelectric Effect of Multi-Layer PZT502 / CoFe_2O_4 Composites

  2. 复合材料LiNbO3/Terfenol-D的磁电效应

    The Magnetoelectric Effect of Composite LiNbO_3 / Terfenol-D

  3. JFET压磁电效应的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of the Pressure-magnetoelectric effect of JFET

  4. 应力作用对复合型多铁性材料BaTiO3-Fe磁电效应的影响

    Stress Impacting on Magnetoelectric Effect of the Composite Material BaTiO_3-Fe

  5. 磁性材料制品液压机铁磁合金/压电材料复合磁电效应研究

    Research on Magnetoelectric Effect of Ferromagnetic Alloy / Piezoelectric Composite Material

  6. 具有磁电效应的A类反铁磁系统的自旋波理论

    The spin wave in the A - type antiferromagnet with magnetoelectric effect

  7. 本文用标准的松弛方法研究了结型场效应晶体管的压磁电效应。

    The pressure-magnetoelectric effect of JFET is discussed by using standard relaxation techniques .

  8. 钢结构材料应力磁电效应实验研究

    Research on the Stress-Magneto-Electric Effects for Steel Structure Material

  9. 一类非线性边值问题及半导体中的光磁电效应

    A Kind of Nonlinear Boundary-value Problems and A Photomagnetic Electric Effect in a Semiconductors

  10. 超晶格半导体材料的光磁电效应(Ⅰ)

    Photo-Magneto-Electric Effects for Strained Superlattice (ⅰ)

  11. 霍尔效应是一种发现、研究和应用都很早的磁电效应。

    Hall Effect is a magnetoelectric effect which was discovered , studied and applied very early .

  12. 烧结得到的致密陶瓷在氧气氛下退火后,都能很好地极化和磁化,并可测试到明显的磁电效应。

    All composites after post-densification annealing in oxygen could be electrically and magnetically poled to exhibit significant magnetoelectric effect .

  13. 文章从电磁耦合现象及磁电效应出发,简要介绍了单相磁电多铁性体(铁电磁体)的最新研究进展。

    Beginning with the manifestation of electromagnetic coupling and magnetoelectric effect , recent advances in single-phase magnetoelectric multiferroic ( ferroelectromagnet ) was introduced .

  14. 外电场对层状复合材料磁电效应的影响外加电场作用下光折变晶体的各向异性自衍射

    Impact of the external electric field on the magnetoelectric effects of layered magnetoelectric composites Anisotropic Self diffraction in Photorefractive Crystals with an External Electric Field

  15. 在把握当前传感器集成化和智能化发展趋势的前提下,提出了基于磁电效应的非接触式绝对角度传感器系统设计方案。

    Under the premise of grasping the current development trend of integration and intelligent , this paper proposing a non-contact absolute angle sensor based on magnetoelectricity effect .

  16. 针对目前电阻应变片传感器、光纤传感器、振弦传感器在结构测试方面存在的问题,本文进行了钢结构材料应力磁电效应实验研究。

    In allusion to the problem of the electric resistance sensor , the optical sensor and the vibrating wire sensor . In this paper we make a research on the stress-magneto-electric effects for steel structure material .

  17. 用载流子连续方程研究了一个侧面设置高复合区的双注入P~+πN~+器件的压磁电效应,给出了伏安特性与压力和磁场强度的函数关系。

    In this paper a pressure-magnetoelectric effect of the double injected P + π N + device with high recombination centres On one of the lateral surface is studied based onthe two-dimentional continued equation of the carriers .

  18. 磁致伸缩材料与压电材料分别能够实现磁-机与机-电转换,它们以一定方式复合而成的材料能够产生磁致伸缩相或压电相都不具备的新性能磁电效应。

    Magnetostrictive and piezoelectric materials can realize the magneto-mechanical and electro-mechanical conversion , respectively . The composites of magnetostrictive and piezoelectric material produce new effects such as magnetoelectric effect which is not existed in magnetostrictive or piezoelectric phase .

  19. 目前研究最为广泛的多铁性材料是指同时拥有极化有序和磁有序的材料。因而,这两种有序之间的耦合作用(磁电效应)是研究的热点。

    The multiferroics researched recently are the materials with both FE order and magnetic order structures , and the coupling effects between these two order structures ( Magnetoelectric ( ME ) effect ) triggered a lot of excitement .

  20. 主要研究工作如下:1.应用有限元方法对压电问题的分析能力以及磁致伸缩-压电类比关系,分析采用基底复合结构的磁电效应。

    The main work is as follows : 1 . The finite element analysis model of magnetostrictive effect is established in a way analogy to that of piezoelectric effect for the finite element analysis of the magnetoelectric effect of the magnetoelectric composite with elastic substrate .

  21. 二次磁电耦合效应和DM相互作用对六角锰氧化物畴壁的影响。

    Effect of the quadratic magnetoelectric coupling and Dzyaloshinski-Moriya ( DM ) interaction on domain walls in hexagonal manganites .

  22. 一般,只有当磁性铁电体的磁尼尔温度TN接近其铁电居里温度T(FE)时,铁电序参量和磁序参量才有磁电耦合效应。

    In general , the magnetoelectric coupling between ferroelectric order parameter and magnetic order parameter takes place when the magnetic Neel temperature ( Tn ) is close to the ferroelectric Curie temperature ( T_ ( fe )) .

  23. 此外,BFO中的铁电序和铁磁序的相互作用将产生磁电耦合效应。

    Moreover , interaction between the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic orders will lead to the effect of magnetoelectric ( ME ) coupling .

  24. 非晶丝微磁化线圈磁电阻抗效应研究

    Study on Magnetic Impedance Effect in Amorphous Wire Micro Magnetization Coil

  25. 磁电耦合效应对磁性铁电体的影响

    Effect of the Magnetoelectric Coupling on Magnetic Ferroelectrics

  26. 在电场对磁性调控的研究中,测量磁场的大小扮演着非常重要的作用,研究磁场对电场调控效应的影响有助于深入理解磁电耦合效应的微观机制。

    Study the influence of the magnetic field help us to understand the micro-mechanisms of the magnetoelectric couping interaction .

  27. 磁电耦合效应是指材料中电场和磁场的耦合。

    Magnetoelectric effect ( ME ) is defined as the coupling between the electric and magnetic fields in matter .

  28. 实验上观察到介电常数在磁相变温度处的突变异常也就成为本征磁电耦合效应存在的标志。

    The dielectric anomaly at the magnetic transition temperature observed in experiment is indicative of the inherent magnetoelectric coupling in magnetic ferroelectrics .

  29. 研究这种结构的一个关键问题就是利用磁电耦合效应实现电场对磁性的调控。

    One of the key issues in the study of M / FEheterostructures by using the magnetoelectric couping interaction is the electric-fieldcontrol of magnetism .

  30. 压磁-压电复合材料是一种新型的多功能材料,兼具压电性和压磁性,磁电耦合效应远高于单相材料。

    Piezoelectric and piezomagnetic composites are a new type of functional material , which has far bigger magnetoelectric effect than a single phase material .