
  • 网络Kampong Cham;kompong cham
  1. 这名13岁女孩来自磅湛省PonheaKreak县,于4月2日出现症状并于第二天住院。

    The13-year-old girl , from Ponhea Kreak district in Kampong Cham province , developed symptoms on2 April and was hospitalized the following day .

  2. 洪森首相有一个非常贤慧美丽的妻子叫文拉妮。文拉妮也是磅湛省人,祖籍中国海南。

    Premier Hun Sen has a very beautiful and virtuous wife named Bun Rany , who is also a native of Kamp ó ng Cham province with her ancestral home in Hainan , China .