
bàng chèng
  • platform scale;platfom balance;platform scale (balance);weighing machine
磅秤 [bàng chèng]
  • [platform scale (balance);weighing machine] 见台秤

磅秤[bàng chèng]
  1. 描述了一个具有信息管理功能的机电一体化多秤称重系统,它赋予机械磅秤数字化、电算化、信息传输与信息管理等新功能。

    This article describes a mechanism-electricity unification multiple weighing system with information management function , which gives mechanical platform scale a series of new functions such as digitalization , electric-computing , information transmission and management .

  2. 他用浴室磅秤称体重。

    He weighed himself on the bathroom scales .

  3. 第二是说明分压式线性传感器及其测试系统在柴油机水力测功器磅秤读数P(公斤)测量上的应用。

    The second is the application of this sensor which is used for measuring the parame - ter P ( kq ) of Diesel .

  4. 1911年,三家生产会计机、磅秤和计时器的小型公司于合并成立了一间新公司,13年后改名为国际商业机器公司(IBM),赚钱一直是这家公司的主要目标。

    Making money has always been the main aim of the company formed in 1911 by the merger of three small producers of mechanical accounting machines , scales and time recorders , and renamed International Business Machines 13 years later .

  5. 商店磅秤重量是错的,因此欺骗了顾客

    Weight on shop scales which be wrong and so cheat customer

  6. 停止遵从磅秤,开始测量你身体的成分吧!

    Stop worshipping the scale and start measuring your body composition !

  7. 加在磅秤上以达到必需重量的重物。

    A weight added to the scale to reach a required weight .

  8. 请把信放在那边磅秤上。要七毛五。

    Please put it on the scale there . Seventy five cents .

  9. 请一件一件地摆到磅秤上来。

    Put them on the scale one at a time .

  10. 像磅秤一样,控制只是测量工具。

    Like the scale , the controls are only a measuring tool .

  11. 地勤人员:请将它们放到磅秤上。

    Attendant F : Place them on the scales please .

  12. 现在可以买到能用声音报出体重的浴室磅秤了。

    It is now possible to get speaking bathroom scales .

  13. 需要时再挪准磅秤使之平衡。

    Adjust scale if necessary so it is balanced .

  14. 女士们总是在磅秤上称自己的体重。

    The ladies always weigh themselves on the scales .

  15. 请把箱子放在磅秤上。

    Put your cases on the scales , please .

  16. 好的,请把行李摆在磅秤上。

    All right , put them on the scale .

  17. 请站到磅秤上,我要看看你的体重。

    Get on the scales and I will see how much you weight .

  18. 修理磅秤耗资不菲,不过集市组织方想出了一个绝妙的主意。

    Repairs were expensive ; but the fair organiser had a brilliant idea .

  19. 不错,是在这儿办。请您把您的行李放在磅秤上过磅。

    Yes , it is . Please put your luggage on this scale .

  20. 为了她的生日,他给她买了最新款的浴室磅秤。

    For her birthday , he bought her a brand new bathroom scale .

  21. 把皮箱放到磅秤上。这是你的行李标签和存根。

    Put the suitcase on the scales . Here 's your luggage tag and receipt .

  22. 请你把它放在磅秤上!

    Please put it on the scale !

  23. 是的,可以。请您把行李放到磅秤上。

    Yes , that 's OK . Would you put your luggage on the scale ?

  24. 几年后,磅秤似乎变得越来越不可靠。

    A few years later , the scales seemed to become less and less reliable .

  25. 他在磅秤上量体重。

    He weighed himself on the scale .

  26. 磅秤显示不出热量相等的两种食品间的差别,比如一罐汽水

    The scales make no distinction between the similar numbers of calories of a can of soda

  27. 请把你的行李放到磅秤上,你有几个包?

    Put your baggage on the scales , please . How many bags do you have ?

  28. 梅布尔,你要我拿磅秤来,好让你称称她吗?

    You want me to get the scales , mabel , so you can weigh her ?

  29. 这些磅秤已经检验盖印了吗?

    Have these scales been sealed ?

  30. 蒂姆:好吧,这里有些毛巾,一块踏垫和一个浴室磅秤。

    Tim : Okay , here are some towels , a bathmat and a bathroom scale .