
  • 网络reef flat
  1. 礁坪区流刺网的渔获率和CPUE为170.3尾·(1000m)-1、23.1kg·(1000m)-1,均高于礁缘浅水区和礁缘深海区。

    Both catch rate and CPUE of gillnetting in reef flat were higher than shallows and depths of reef margin , with 170.3 ind ·( 1000m ) ~ ( - 1 ) and 23.1kg ·( 1000m ) ~ ( - 1 ) .

  2. 外礁坪消耗大量波能,广泛覆盖生物碎屑,珊瑚生长稀疏。

    The inner coral reef flat is wide and plane , and corals grow well .

  3. 西南部发育较差,礁坪宽20~475m,珊瑚生长带宽50~215m。

    The coral reefs are poorly developed along the southwest coast , the reef flats are 20 to 475m wide , and the coral growing zones are 50 to 215m wide ;

  4. 珊瑚礁坪波浪的衰减特性分析

    Characteristics of wave attenuation on the coral reef

  5. 热带风暴过程中珊瑚礁坪示踪砂运移的现场实验研究

    A field experiment of tracer sand movement on coral reef coast during a tropical storm

  6. 由北向南展示出礁坪相到礁核相再到礁前斜坡相的侧向演变。

    It has evolved late_rally , showing reef flat , core and front from north to south .

  7. 根据实测海浪资料,讨论波浪在礁坪上传播的衰减特性和波浪能量的转移。

    Based on the measured wave data , the attenuation characteristics and the energy transfer of waves on the coral reef are discussed .

  8. 海南岛西北岸礁坪堆积物的粒度参数与分布特征粒度与粒度分布测定法的近况

    The accumulational materials on the reef flats along the northwestern Bank of Hainan island : features of their grain size parameter and distribution

  9. 岛屿北部、东部沿岸珊瑚岸礁相当发育,礁坪宽400~1025m,珊瑚生长带宽200~660m;

    The coral reefs are well developed along the north and east coasts of the island , the reef flats are 400 to 1025m wide , and the coral growing zones are 200 to 660m wide ;

  10. 珊瑚礁海岸海滩和礁坪是海岸作用最活跃的部分,也是近几十年来与海岸发育、海岸侵蚀联系最密切的部分。

    The beach and reef flat on the coral reef coast are the most active areas of the coastal geological process and most closely related to coastal development and erosion in the past tens of years .

  11. 珊瑚礁海岸发育不完全的海滩和平缓的礁坪都处于海岸作用最活跃的位置。

    The incomplete beach and reef flat is situated on the active zone of coastal process .

  12. 鹿区可划分为五个沉积相带:礁前带、礁沐生专带、礁坪带、海岸带和礁后泻湖带。

    Physiographic-lily , it could be divided into five fades zones : the reel front , growing reef , reef flat , beach and lagoon ;

  13. 本区岸礁的生态分带为:(1)内礁坪光滩带;

    Obviously , the corals in the west coast grow better than in the eat The coral reef in the area is ecologically zoned into : ( 1 ) the bare flat in the inner reef flat ;