  • reef;skerry
  • 在海里或江里的岩石或珊瑚虫遗骸堆积成的岩状物:~石。暗~。珊瑚~。触~。


(礁石) reef:

  • 触礁

    strike a reef; run up on a rock;

  • 珊瑚礁

    coral reef;

  • 那艘船撞到暗礁沉没了。

    The ship was wrecked on the hidden reef.

  1. 这个岛周围都是珊瑚礁。

    The island is encircled by a coral reef .

  2. 未遭破坏的珊瑚礁环绕着海湾。

    An unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay .

  3. 石油污染可能破坏珊瑚礁脆弱的生态环境。

    Oil pollution could damage the fragile ecology of the coral reefs .

  4. 海上溢油对海洋里的珊瑚礁有着毁灭性影响。

    Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean .

  5. 珊瑚礁是由许多相同的微生物不断堆积而成。

    A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny , identical organisms .

  6. 在百慕大,萨姆的父亲带他到附近的珊瑚礁去游玩。

    In Bermuda , Sam 's father took him on an excursion to a coral barrier .

  7. 西沙群岛是由珊瑚礁构成的。

    The Xisha Islands are formed of coral reefs .

  8. 这座新的人工空客珊瑚礁将吸引众多探险者和有经验的潜水者,成为水肺式潜泳者的天堂。

    Drawing in adventure seekers and experienced divers , this new artificial Airbus reef will be a scuba diver 's paradise .

  9. 该群岛包围由珊瑚礁封闭的浅水清澈泻湖

    The Islands are by shallow crystal clear lagoons enclosed by coral reefs .

  10. 塞巴斯蒂安·弗斯�珊瑚礁研究员和生态学家

    Sebastian Ferse , coral reef researcher and ecologist

  11. 浮潜是惊人,每天看礁鲨,鹦鹉鱼和魟鱼

    Snorkelling was amazing , daily seeing reef sharks , parrot fish and sting rays .

  12. 通过捕杀海鸟,老鼠剥夺了珊瑚礁依靠营养丰富的海鸟粪便作为肥料使其生长的自由。

    By killing4 seabirds , the rats deprive a reef of nutrient-rich seabird droppings that naturally fertilise it .

  13. 科学家们发现,在有大批老鼠出没的岛屿周围,其珊瑚礁的健康状况急剧下降。

    And rats , scientists found , dramatically reduce the health of a coral reef surrounding an infested3 island .

  14. 这是澳大利亚研究人员对世界上最大的珊瑚礁系统健康状况发出的严厉警告。

    That 's the stark warning from Australian researchers about the health of the world 's largest reef system .

  15. 目前结果显示,珊瑚礁正在迅速恢复生机,当地社区赖以生存的鱼类也逐渐回归。

    The results so far show a rapid recovery and a return of the fish that local communities depend on .

  16. 多年来,人们曾多次试着让珊瑚礁恢复生机,但结果却成败参半。

    Over the years , there have been many attempts to revive coral reefs , some more successful than others .

  17. 在这个群岛上工作的研究人员发现,没有老鼠的岛屿周围的珊瑚礁要健康得多,鱼的数量也多,而且体积也明显更大。

    The researchers working on the archipelago found that rat-free islands ' reefs were much healthier , with more and significantly larger fish .

  18. 虽然每个项目的规模都相对较小,而且所有的珊瑚礁都受到了气温上升的威胁,但科学家表示,为了拯救尽可能多的珊瑚礁,一切努力都值得一试。

    Although each project is on a relatively1 small scale , and all reefs are threatened by rising temperatures , scientists say it is worth trying everything to save as many as possible .

  19. 由于珊瑚礁受到气候变化的威胁,所以科学家们现提倡在世界各地的岛屿上消灭老鼠,以保护海洋中最多样化的生态系统。

    With coral reefs under threat from climate change , the scientists are now advocating rat eradication5 on islands around the world to protect some of the most diverse ecosystems6 in the ocean .

  20. 珊瑚礁中Mn~(2+)的ESR信号及其古气候指示意义

    Mn ~ ( 2 + ) ESR signals of coral reefs and it 's implications for PALEOCLIMATE

  21. LIDAR技术在海岛礁、滩涂测绘中的应用

    Primary Study on the Application of LIDAR Technology in Surveying and Mapping of Island and Tidal Flat

  22. 研究小组正通过DNA测序,以及计算突变率和模式的方法,来找出珊瑚礁寄居者们是如何存活下来、甚至大量繁衍生息的。

    A research team is investigating how the coral colonies are able to survive - and even thrive - by sequencing their DNA as well as calculating mutation rates and patterns .

  23. N是该生态系中浮游植物的限制因子,P限制状况只有在珊瑚礁生长带较深的海域出现,Si呈相对富足状态。

    N is the restrictive factor for plant plankton in this ecosystem , P is restrictive only in the deeper waters with coral reef growth zones , Si is relatively abundant .

  24. 浅缓坡位于浪基面至风暴浪基面之间,岩性组合为A、B类风暴岩,A、B类瘤状灰岩、生物礁灰岩及粘结岩;

    The shallow ramp which is between the wave base and the storm wave base , has type A , B tempestites , pattern A , B nodular limestone , reef limestone and bindstone deposits ;

  25. 与TST有关的海侵型丘礁滩组合圈闭、浊积扇岩性圈闭、河口湾-浅滩-潮控三角洲砂体岩性圈闭;

    Bioherm reef complex trap , lithologic trap of turbidite fan and estuary-shoal-delta within TST ;

  26. Barbados岛珊瑚礁高精度铀系年龄及讨论

    The conventional island high precision dating and discussion of coral reefs from Barbados with U series method

  27. 此处是斐济一处珊瑚礁的浅滩,艳丽的软珊瑚舞动在红色、粉红色与黄色之中,而成群的拟花?(fairybasslet)则闪耀着橘色和紫色的光辉。

    Here in the shallows of a Fijian reef , brilliant soft corals wave in reds , pinks , and yellows as schools of fairy basslets flash orange and violet hues .

  28. Kais组生物礁是盆地的主要储层和产层。

    The reefs of the Kais Formation are the main producing reservoirs .

  29. 埋藏在6000m以下的地震反射异常体是礁体还是火成岩体?

    What are the anomalous seismic reflection bodies at depths of over 6000 m ? Are they reefs or igneous rock ?

  30. 它们多呈似层状和层状,单个礁体厚4~8m,累计总厚为20~25m。

    They are mostly bed-like or bedded in shape . Every single reef is 4 to 8 m thick , with a cumulative thickness of 20 to 25 m.