
shì lì
  • Example;illustration;give a demonstration;give typical examples
示例 [shì lì]
  • [give typical examples] 举出或做出典型的例子

  • 示例说明

示例[shì lì]
  1. 最后,结合部队的实际情况给出了模型管理系统的应用示例。

    Finally , according to the actual circumstances we give a demonstration .

  2. 在主控制器的软件设计中,对组态表的建立进行了示例说明,并对程序模块化的设计思想进行了说明;

    In the software design for the master controller , we give a demonstration to establish the configuration table .

  3. 篇幅有限,示例从略。

    Space does not permit the citation of the examples .

  4. 示例:我很累,感觉自己不会再爱了。

    Example : I 'm very tired . I don 't think I can love again 。

  5. 示例:告诉你一个喜大普奔的消息,滨河路大塞车啊。人艰不拆

    Example : Here is the news for celebration : Binhe Road is completely jammed up .

  6. 示例:她都没请我,听说请的都是高富帅、白富美,我自己去了,不是说闹觉余?

    Example : She didn 't invite me . I hear that all those she invited are rich , pretty and posh .

  7. InformationCenter有很多私有场景示例配置文件。

    The Information Center has several private situation example configuration files .

  8. 一个简单的示例:基于Web的质数生成器

    A Simple Example : A Web-Based Prime Number Generator

  9. 类似地,实现示例GET

    Similarly , a sample GET

  10. 对于这个简单的示例而言,C版本同样简单。

    For this easy example , the C version is just as simple .

  11. 它还用示例XML账户信息填充操作型表。

    It also populates the operational table with sample XML account information .

  12. 对于此示例,该IP地址为10.1.37.169。

    For this example , the IP address is .

  13. 上面的示例中显示了具有单个Web服务的基本解决方案体系结构。

    The basic solution architecture , with a single Web service , is shown in the above example .

  14. 要运行示例站点,您至少需要在本地主机上运行一个基本的Web服务器。

    To run the example site , you need at least a basic Web server running on localhost .

  15. 单击Browse,选择示例项目,并单击Open。

    Click Browse , select the sample project and click Open .

  16. 自定义字典,修改HelloWorld示例

    Custom dictionary , modification of Hello World example

  17. ClientID必需的设置,因为该示例包含一个持久订户。

    Client ID Required setting because the example includes a durable subscriber .

  18. 因为“transform”关键字是可选的,所以后面的示例忽略它。

    Since the " transform " keyword is optional , it is omitted from here on .

  19. 下面的示例说明了如何使用CommunityEdition中的专家模式。

    The following example shows you how to use Expert mode in Community Edition .

  20. 首先,示例输出一个简单的string。

    First , the example outputs a simple string .

  21. 示例使用ID列作为连接键。

    The example uses the ID column as the join key .

  22. 案例管理示例EU损害索赔

    A case management example E U damage claim

  23. 对于这一示例,规则文件包含了不同的RationalProgrammingPatterns规则,包括一个用户编写规则。

    For this example , the rules file contains different Rational Programming Patterns rules , including a user-written rule .

  24. 这个示例使用PID提供者。

    This example uses the PID provider .

  25. 在我的示例中,为保持模型整洁,我仅仅将这些值列举为拥有一个数据类型code。

    In my example , to keep the model clean , I simply list these properties as having a data type code .

  26. 获取示例Java应用程序

    Get the sample Java application

  27. Grails(用来运行这些web应用程序示例)

    Grails ( to run the web application examples )

  28. 单击Install,以部署示例应用程序。

    Click Install to deploy the sample application .

  29. 对于此示例,我们考虑使用一个HTTP传入请求。

    For this example we consider an HTTP incoming request .

  30. 示例中的Header区包含页面标题和副标题。

    The example Header area contains the page title and subtitle .