
shà shí
  • in a twinkling;in a split second;in a jiffy;sec
霎时 [shà shí]
  • [in a split second;in a twinkling;in a very short time] 极短的时间,片刻

  • 霎时,人们眼前似乎出现了陈毅同志那叱咤风云的形象。--《黄桥烧饼》

  1. 霎时狂风大作。

    A violent wind suddenly sprang up .

  2. 霎时之间,我觉得一切都变得那么不真实。

    For a moment , everything seemed so unreal to me .

  3. 芙蓉姐姐,今夏霎时红遍中国。

    Suddenly this summer , Sister Lotus is all over china .

  4. 这便是我用一光年的时间祈求而来的霎时的邂逅。

    This moment has taken me a thousand years for praying .

  5. 偌大一个院子,霎时就被这纷乱的人群踩踏成了一片烂泥滩。

    Such a large courtyard was suddenly tramped into a muddy land .

  6. 他对直穿过小路拐弯处,霎时就无影无踪了。

    He cut sharply across the curve of the trail and was gone .

  7. 霎时我怒火冲天,正要破口大骂时,我听到了开门的声音。

    I came very close to swearing when I heard the door open .

  8. 或许再稍微长一霎时!

    Or so very little longer !

  9. 他两眼血红,霎时变成了一个暴怒的魔鬼(杰克伦敦)

    His eyes turned bloodshot , and he was metamorphosed into a raging fiend ( Jack London )

  10. 这时候叶子与花也有一丝的颤动,像闪电般,霎时传过荷塘的那边去了。

    And leaves and blossoms trembled slightly , while in a flash the scent was carried away .

  11. 霎时,那光亮的圈子断了,有什么东西亲呢地拧了彼得一下。

    For a moment the circle of light was broken , and something gave Peter a loving little pinch .

  12. 他向舱外探了探头,霎时弄得满脸是水。

    He poked his head out of the cabin door for a moment , and got his face thoroughly wet .

  13. 霎时,喜悦之情如灰被风一般地吹走了,剩下的是什么?

    In a moment , happy situation is blown by wind popularly like ash , what is those who remain ?

  14. 霎时,潮头奔腾西去,可是余波还在漫天卷地涌来,江面上依旧风号浪吼。

    Instantly , die , but current pentium debunked still pouring in volume and surface waves roar , on the wind .

  15. 冷战结束后,美国与俄罗斯在南亚次大陆的先后抽身,两极对峙的基础霎时化为乌有。

    After the cold war , the antagonistic basis of the two superpowers disappeared abruptly with departure of Russia after America in south Asia subcontinent .

  16. 霎时,乔治便在房门口出现,带着颇不以为然的神情四下张望。听取别人的评论&不要对自己写的东西颇为满意,然后就不管它了。

    In a second George stood framed in the door , and he looked disapprovingly about . Get a critique - don 't fall in love with your writing and leave it there .

  17. 小乔恩就是俗语说的嘴里含了银匙生的,而且那张嘴生得又巧又大。霎时,乔治便在房门口出现,带着颇不以为然的神情四下张望。

    Little Jon had been born with a silver spoon in a mouth which was rather curly and large . In a second George stood framed in the door , and he looked disapprovingly about .

  18. 霎时出姑娘骄傲的心歌,包含着少女挑衅的眼神,我要用这把感情的钥匙,打开那姑娘心灵的房门,占有那少女的心!

    Leaves the girl arrogant heart song instantly , is containing the look which the young girl provokes , I must use this the sentimental key , opens that girl mind the door , holds that young girl 's heart !
