- 网络Social Application;Social Apps

Some social apps were popular among the children even though they supposedly require users to be at least 13 .
Kik raised funds from venture capitalists including Union Square Ventures , which backed Twitter , and SV Angel , an investor in many social apps including Pinterest , last November .
See developing standards in social applications at the Open Social project .
In a scant few days , social media app secret went from a viral hit to a bona fide phenomenon .
She has been sharing these steps of her journey to motherhood on her Instagram account .
Last year Facebook launched its Safety Check feature , which allows users of the social networking service to tell friends they 're safe after disasters and to check on others .
Which perhaps explains why I immediately thought of Judge 's parody of life in techland as I read the real-life news last week that the social app Secret was shutting down after only 16 months .
But that doesn 't mean you should pull out your phone and browse Instagram while the other person is talking .
The chunkybracelet , with precious gems and Ayers snakeskin sends the user notificationsfrom SMS and social apps .
Wal-Mart launches its latest weapon today in the battle to win online shoppers & shopycat , a social app that makes gift selections for friends , family or anyone connected through Facebook based on their interests and profile .
Google Capital , one of Alphabet 's two venture capital arms , quietly added Snapchat to its list of investments as part of a brand refresh and website redesign on Friday .
Polygram is a new social app that can use AI to capture your facial expressions and automatically translate them into a range of emoji faces .
Timi Studio uses WeChat , China 's leading mobile social communications platform with over 400 million active monthly users , and QQ Mobile , which has over 848 million monthly active users , to cross-promote new games with Chinese gamers .
What drives people nuts , though , is when they 're walking down the street and the people in front of them decide to stop short because they need to check their latest Snapchat notifications .
Find yourself checking your social media feeds or reading the internet ?
Other popular social apps are valued around $ 20 to $ 50 per user .
Even though it requires a rather nuanced approach , simplicity seems to be a crucial success factor for social applications .
While their interest is in protecting only European internet users , the fact that many social applications are developed in the US will give their actions far wider significance .
On her official LINE account , Kitagawa responded to the live broadcast , " Just now , I coincidentally found out I topped the ranking . I was surprised ! Thank you ! "
Social dating app Momo and search engine Qihoo , both of which are listed in New York , said last year they would seek to go private , possibly in preparation for relisting elsewhere .
With the popularity of location-based services , and the widespread use of mobile social application based on location services , more and more mobile users begin to worry about their location privacy is exposed .
Next up are a raft of social apps that will let customers connect with each other and to Wal-Mart staff , as well as find products or ideas when they are physically in a Wal-Mart store .
The 13 Reasons Why producer previously took to the social media app to tell her followers she would be stepping away from the spotlight for a while in order to work on improving her mental health .
In an article that went viral on WeChat , one of the most popular messaging applications in China , Chinese school uniforms were ruthlessly lambasted . It said , " the ugliness of Chinese school uniforms could claim the global crown . "
Figure 1 shows a social network application called " Friend Bridge ," which provides the service to extend a user 's social network .
With the popularity of online social networks ( OSN ), the P2P application built onthe social network is emerging .
Suppose you have a social bookmarking application , and you want to allow third-party developers to add and retrieve bookmarks from the application using SOAP .
Google ( GOOG ) launched its Flipboard competitor , currents , yesterday for Android devices , iPad , and iPhones .
At the offices of path , a mobile social networking application built for the iPhone , the conference room is named after Sir Jonathan , whose portrait hangs over the doorway .
The Activity Streams format is emerging as the social web application 's answer to RSS : simple and easy to develop for , but powerful in a wide range of contexts .