
  • 网络Mobile Government;m-government
  1. 基于ASP模式的移动政务办公系统研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of ASP Schema-based Mobile Government Office System

  2. 最后,提出了面向政府公共服务的移动政务建设的建议。

    Finally , the thesis gives suggestions of building proposals of mobile government for public service government .

  3. 采用JavaME开发手机存储管理系统JavaME技术在移动政务中的应用探讨

    Develop Database System on Cellphone with Java Me The Application of Java ME in M-government

  4. 本文通过对国内外公共管理中部分移动政务应用案例的介绍,为政府工作者提供启发和借鉴;

    This paper introduces different kinds of mobile government cases in China and around the world for the reference of public service practices .

  5. 鉴于移动政务在警务部门应用的较为广泛和典型,本文将以警务部门作为主要调研对象进行相关研究。

    Because of the mobile government applies in the police department are very normal and typical . This paper makes police department as the main research objectives .

  6. 移动政务虽为创新服务模式,且适用于公共服务,但从长远发展来看,有必要在其全面运用之前前瞻性地预测问题,为其实施做好准备。

    Though m-government is a kind of innovative mode , applying to public service , from the long-term development , it is important to find out the problems before full using .

  7. 移动政务的出现不仅仅是一次技术的革命,它更意味着政府如何通过移动性的应用和服务的提供来建构一种面向社会满足公民需求的公共服务基础性设施。

    Mobility is no longer a technological revolution . It is more about how businesses and governments can provide a better social infrastructure through mobile applications and services . It is an indispensable asset for the public sector in meeting the demands of citizens .

  8. 移动电子政务平台中安全Web服务的研究

    Research on Secure Web Service in Mobile E-Government Platform

  9. 移动电子政务(MobileGovernment),主要是指无线通讯及移动技术在政府工作中的应用,通过诸如手机、PDA、WI-FI、蓝牙、无线网络等技术为公众提供服务。

    The Mobile Government means application of wireless communication and mobile technology in government work , which can service for public by mobile phone , PDA , WI-FI , Bluetooth and wireless network .

  10. 但是在实际应用中,移动电子政务PKI的应用存在发证速度比较慢、只支持颁发文件证书等问题。

    But in practical use of PKI in mobile E-government , these exist some problems such as low speed of providing certificate , only supporting file certificate .

  11. 基于无线PKI-PMI实现安全的移动电子政务

    Security of Mobile E-government Based on Wireless PKI-PMI

  12. 针对移动电子政务的安全需求,探讨了将无线PKI-PMI应用于实现安全移动电子政务的方案。

    To fulfil the demands of e-government security , a solution is proposed based on wireless PKI-PMI to implement the secure mobile e-government .

  13. 移动电子政务在中国的应用研究

    The Research on Application of the Mobile E - Government in China

  14. 短信政务及其在移动电子政务中的应用

    The Short Message Service and Its Application in Mobile Government

  15. 移动电子政务数据同步问题研究

    Research on Data Synchronization of Mobile Electronic Government

  16. 在移动电子政务建设浪潮的推动下,我国启动了移动电子政务的建设进程。

    In the wave of mobile government push , China launched a mobile e-government construction process .

  17. 移动电子政务的作为电子政务发展的一个重要的分支,也迅速发展起来。

    Mobile E-government , as a branch of the development of E-government , is developing rapidly .

  18. 移动电子政务作为电子政务一个新的分支,为电子政务提供了强大的扩展能力和移动能力。

    As a subset of electro-management , mobile e-government provides great extension and mobility for processing administrative affairs .

  19. 移动电子政务源于普通的电子政务,它通过把电子政务和移动通信技术无缝地衔接在一起,突破了普通电子政务受地域限制的局限。

    Mobile E-government , which originates from ordinary E-government , overcomes the limitation of regional relativity which ordinary E-government has .

  20. 在此背景下,本研究从用户视角出发,探讨移动电子政务信息发布服务质量影响因素。

    In this context , from a user perspective , this study explores service quality factors of mobile government information dissemination .

  21. 然后,结合其应用现状分析了如何在公共危机管理中建设相应的移动电子政务。

    Then , combined with the status of the application Analysis of how to establish the mobile electronic government affairs in public crisis management .

  22. 移动电子政务可以极大地提高行政效率,减低行政成本、减轻公务员的工作负担。

    The movable e-government system improves the administrative efficiency to a great extent . It reduces the administration cost and relieved the workload of civil servants .

  23. 提取了系统设计、系统质量、信息质量、政府重视度作为移动电子政务信息发布服务质量影响因素的测评维度。

    And then extract system design , system quality , information quality and the degree of government attention as service quality factors of mobile government information dissemination .

  24. 目前,部分省级、地(市)级、区政府通过政府门户网站已提供移动电子政务系统供用户下载。

    At present , some provincial , prefectural ( city ) level , the district government has provided Mobile APP through the government portal for public download .

  25. 移动电子政务可以提高政府办事效率,增强政府信息服务能力,同时提升政府的公信度和加大对政府行为的监管力度。

    The Mobile Government can improve efficiency of government work and enhance the ability of information service supplied by government , also including improving public credit of government and strength of supervision .

  26. 对于移动电子政务实施策略的分析则主要关注业务定位、网络规划和技术实现方式、实施模式和具体应用、网络安全等方面的内容,并在此基础上探讨了浙江省移动电子政务应用的建设策略。

    When we analyzed the strategy in the building of M-E-Government in China , we pay our attention to the orientation , network programming , actual application system , network security , and so on .

  27. 移动电子政务是指政府部门利用无线信息通信技术,通过移动通信网和互联网的联合应用,实现政府管理及其服务的电子化和移动化。

    The motion electron government affairs refer to the government department to use the wireless information communication , by moving the communications network and the Internet union application , to realize government management and the service computerization and the automation .

  28. 随着网络防腐、微博议政等受到大众追捧,移动电子政务对公共危机的产生和发展都将产生一定的显性影响,适时将移动电子政务引入我国的公共危机管理是非常重要的。

    Network protection , Micro-blog politics etc. received a welcome to the public , such as the emergence and development of mobile electronic government affairs of public crisis will produce certain dominant influence , timely introducing mobile electronic government affairs public crisis management is urgently needed in our country .

  29. 论文详细描述了各个业务功能的设计实现,包括系统登录、功能菜单、施检登记、现场查验、移动执法、政务动态等。

    The paper described in detail the design and implementation of various business functions , including system log function menu , inspection facilities registration , on-site inspection , mobile law enforcement , government affairs dynamic . 5 .

  30. 移动Agent在电子政务入侵检测中的应用

    Application of Mobile-agent Based Distributed Intrusion Detection System in E-Government Affairs