
  • 网络Mobile network technology
  1. IMS定义了一个完整的体系结构和框架,允许在基于IP的基础设施上对声音、视频、数据和移动网络技术进行聚合。

    IMS defines a complete architecture and framework that enables the convergence of voice , video , data and mobile network technology over an IP-based infrastructure .

  2. 不过,中国4G移动网络技术的推广给华为创造了新的业务机会。

    Still , China 's deployment of faster fourth-generation mobile network technology has created new business opportunities for Huawei .

  3. 该系统是传统的计算机技术、现代计算机网络技术、GPRS移动网络技术以及嵌入式DSP技术的结合。

    This system is the integration of traditional computer , modern Internet , GPRS and embedded DSP technology .

  4. 为了提高一线检疫人员正确快速鉴定有害生物和及时作出决策的能力,开发了基于Wap移动网络技术的进出境检疫性昆虫信息平台W-QPM。

    A mobile platform based on Wap named W-QPM was developed to improve quarantine officers ' professional ability for identification and decision-making on quarantine pests . W-QPM consists of 5 functional modules , including basic information for quarantine pests ; online query and identification ;

  5. 第三部分重点分析了德阳移动网络技术人员的素质现状和当前胜任力体系存在的问题。

    The third part analyzes the status in quo of competency system in De-Yang branch of China Mobile .

  6. 随着移动网络技术的深入发展,位置信息被看作为移动用户开发和提供丰富多样的增值服务必不可少的一个元素。

    With the development of mobile network technology , location information is considered as an essential component for the provision of diversified value-added services .

  7. 移动网络技术成为九十年代研究的热点,为了能在移动网络中开展分布式业务,技术界将中间件技术引入到移动网络中。

    Mobile Network technology has been the research focus since the 1990 's. The middleware technology is imported in order to develop the distributing transaction .

  8. 基于SIP/NMA的IP移动网络关键技术研究

    Key Technology Study on IP Mobile Network Based on SIP / NMA

  9. 随着Internet技术与移动通信网络技术的融合,移动互联网技术得到了飞速发展。

    With the integration of Internet technology and mobile communication network , the mobile Internet technology gets a rapid development .

  10. 基于IMS的固定移动网络融合技术的探讨

    Discussion of Fix Mobile Convergence Technology Based on IMS

  11. 随着3G移动通信网络技术的不断发展,智能通信终端产品逐渐涌现,手机与网络技术的结合使智能手机的出现成为目前手机领域发展的新趋势。

    As the development of 3G mobile communication network , smart communication terminal emerged gradually , mobile phone combine with the network skills turned Smartphone into the new trend of the development .

  12. 列车移动网络关键技术的研究

    Research on Key Technology of Train-based Mobile Network

  13. 由于基于位置服务的便利性,移动网络定位技术也成为了近来研究的热点。

    Since location-based services are so convenient that mobile network positioning technology has become a hot research point recently .

  14. 本文最后提出了应用设计开发中的一些不足之处,并对未来移动网络应用技术进行展望。

    This paper concludes with some shortcomings of application development , and the future outlook of mobile network application technology .

  15. 目前,城市公众文字信息发布系统大多利用移动通信网络技术来实现。

    Nowadays , the mobile communication network technology is generally used in the public text information distributing system in urban areas .

  16. 这家中国电信设备制造商希望,到2020年使一系列基于第五代移动网络的技术具备商业可行性。

    The Chinese telecoms equipment maker hopes to have a series of technologies based on fifth-generation mobile networks commercially viable by 2020 .

  17. 结合无线移动通信网络技术,从理论角度和实践角度证明了此无线移动通信网络测试和优化平台的可行性。

    Combining with wireless mobile communications network technology , article proves the feasibility of the platform from the theoretical and practical perspectives .

  18. 本文介绍了一种为社区医疗系统而设计的基于移动通讯网络技术的远程医疗心电监护系统终端。

    This paper introduces a terminal of ECG monitor system based on mobile communication network , which is designed for the community medical treatment system .

  19. 移动信息网络技术在土地管理中的应用有着极其的现实意义和深远影响,将会有广阔的发展空间。

    So mobile communication network technology , which is practiced to land management , will and shall create practical signification and influence , and have wider development .

  20. 在互联网迅速发展的影响下,移动通讯网络技术不断发展,智能手机推层出新,这些正改变着人们的生活方式。

    The increasing development of the mobile communication network technology benefited from the Internet development and the launching of intelligence mobile are changing the way people live .

  21. 近几年,随着移动通信网络技术的迅速发展,在以市场需求为导向,移动网络不断在扩容,网络规划一再调整。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of the mobile communication network and its market demanding , driven by the mobile network constantly expansion , the network plan has also to be changed repeatedly and accordingly .

  22. 移动IP网络组播技术的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Multicast Technology over IP-based Mobile Networks

  23. 从而,探索一种新型的adhoc网络路由协议,对移动adhoc网络技术的研究具有非常重要的意义。

    These routing protocols can not adapt to the Ad Hoc networks . Therefore , a new type of Ad Hoc routing protocol is of great significance in the research domain .

  24. 随着车辆的普及和移动adhoc网络技术的不断发展,作为智能交通系统重要组成部分的车辆网络逐渐成为移动adhoc网络中一个新兴的研究领域。

    With the prevalence of vehicles and the constant development of mobile ad hoc network ( MANET ) techniques , vehicular ad hoc network ( VANET ), as one of the most crucial parts of Intelligent Transport Systems ( ITS ), has gradually become a new research field in MANET .

  25. 移动计算机网络应用技术研究

    Study of Theory and Application Technology of Mobile Computer Networks

  26. 移动计算机网络通信技术分析

    Analysis of Mobile Computer Network Communication Technique

  27. 移动通信网络安全技术

    Security Technology for wireless Communications Network

  28. 互联网与移动通信网络的技术融合推动了传统通信增值业务的变革。

    The convergence of Internet and Telecommunication network push ahead the revolution of traditional telecommunication value-add services .

  29. 分析了移动计算机网络通信技术及其特点,并针对其寻址和可靠性方面的缺陷提出了可行的解决方法。

    The paper analyses the communication technique and characteristics of mobile computer network , and it brings forword the viable method to resolve the disfigurement of addressing and reliability .

  30. 移动通信与网络技术的高速发展及相互融合,使无线射频设备的研究环境发生了极大的变化和改善,也是无线射频设备广泛发展的前进动力。

    The development of mobile communication and network technology at a high speed as well as its merging , has brought great changes and improvement to the RF-wireless device environment , and also provided the forward momentum for the pervasive development of the RF-wireless devices .