
  • 网络Social fragmentation;social cleavages;Social Segmentalization
  1. 财富分配不均会引起社会分裂。

    Unequal distribution of wealth may cause division in society .

  2. 更主要的原因则存在于印度的社会分裂结构。

    But the primary reason was in the Indian social cleavage structures .

  3. 种族问题依然是造成我们社会分裂的一股强力。

    Race remains a potent and often divisive force in our society .

  4. 一些人认为私立学校教育是造成社会分裂的原因。

    Some people think that private education is a source ofsocial divisiveness .

  5. 东汉后期社会分裂原因略探

    Brief discussion on the cause of social split in the late period of Eastern Han Dynasty

  6. 高失业率及未充分就业浪费了人力资源,使贫穷问题恶化,有时候更会导致社会分裂。

    High unemployment and underemployment waste human resources , exacerbate poverty , and sometimes lead to social disintegration .

  7. 空袭针对的是一个复杂的背景情况,而且冲突已经将国际社会分裂了数年之久。

    The airstrikes come against a complicated backdrop and a conflict that has divided the international community for years .

  8. 在欧洲,这将意味着长期就业危机,它可能造成政治和社会分裂。

    In Europe that would mean a protracted jobs crisis , which would run the risk of political and social fracture .

  9. 这个特殊的公共权力之所以需要,是因为自从社会分裂为阶级以后,居民的自动的武装组织已经成为不可能了。

    This special public force is needed because a self-acting armed organization of the people has become impossible since their cleavage into classes .

  10. 艾滋病毒/艾滋病抵消了卫生收益,使预期寿命倒退并造成社会分裂,尤其是在南撒哈拉非洲。

    HIV / AIDS was cancelling out health gains , setting back life expectancy , and ripping societies apart , especially in sub-Saharan Africa .

  11. 现代性在西方资本主义发展中导致的社会分裂,使中国人对现代化的追求形成了一种乌托邦式的情结。

    Social disunity caused by modernity in western Capitalism 's developing , makes the Chinese to form a type of Utopia plot in hunting for modernization .

  12. 在左、右翼对峙多年的韩国,危险在于,社会分裂可能变得近乎不可调和。

    The danger in South Korea , where left and right have been at loggerheads for years , is that society could become almost irreconcilably divided .

  13. 在经济发展到一定阶段而必然使社会分裂为阶级时,国家就由于这种分裂而成为必要了。

    At a definite stage of economic development , which necessarily involved the cleavage of society into classes , the state became a necessity because of this cleavage .

  14. 先不提最近民调显示2012年的选举将难分高下,更令人担忧的是,华盛顿的僵局可能反映的是更重大的社会分裂。

    Never mind that polls currently suggest the 2012 race will be a close call . What is more worrying is that Washington 's gridlock may reflect bigger social splits .

  15. 社会主义是在对现代性积极作用的肯定中,对其导致的社会分裂的抑制和消解。

    On one hand socialism affirms the positive role of the modernity ; on the other hand it restrains and dissolves the social fission that may be brought about by modernity .

  16. 而保证未来有更多的少数民族学生进入顶尖学校的办法就是解决好导致社会分裂的两个密切相关的问题:学校的分化和家庭的破裂。

    The way to guarantee more minority students at the top universities in the future , conservatives argue , is to address the twin pillars of social disintegration : broken schools and broken families .

  17. 本文认为东汉后期社会分裂的主要原因是豪强地主田庄经济的恶性发展。

    In this essay , I hold that the main reason for the split of the late Eastern Han Dynasty was the strange development of the economy of the farms of the strong landlords .

  18. 南非官员分散来到各教堂和会堂,在这场相当于新一轮造势的活动当中,利用这位刚过世政治家的精神来修补该国长期存在的社会分裂状况。

    South African officials fanned out to different churches and synagogues , in what amounted to a fresh campaign to use the spirit of the late statesman to bridge the country 's lingering societal divides .

  19. 当前,我国经济的高速增长为人们带来了巨大的物质财富,然而,却面临着巨大的社会分裂,这一现象违背了人们的理想。

    Today the fast economy development has brought about great material wealth , but on the other hand it has also caused social disruption in our society especially in the cities , which is contrary to our ideal .

  20. 在党的支持下繁荣起来的新都市资本主义和现在已经衰落的从前的农村资本主义之间的冲突造成了严重的社会分裂,这种分裂的程度在无论贫富的任何其他国家中都不曾出现过。

    This conflict between the new urban capitalism , flourishing with party support , and the former rural capitalism , now languishing , has dug a social divide with no equivalent in other nations , rich or poor .

  21. 人们大量谈论“新信息时代”,但是却很少报道这个观点:因特网可能使其用户之间感情疏远而促进社会分裂。

    There has been much talk about the " new information age . " but much less widely reported has been the notion that the Internet may be responsible for furthering the fragmentation of society by alienating its individual users .

  22. 长期的社会分裂与时局动荡严重阻碍了教育的发展,官学教育举步维艰,与汉代大一统时期学校教育的昌盛相比,这一时期的官学教育显得若有若无,兴废不定。

    Long-term social division and turmoil seriously hampered the development of official education , compared to the prosperity of education in Han Dynasty , the education in Northern and Southern Dynasties which developed in a uncertain way was indistinct and disconnected .

  23. 边界扩大造成了黎巴嫩社会的分裂,对其政治、经济发展具有深远影响,成为现代黎巴嫩政治发展中的一个转折点。

    The extension of its borders created a divided society , which deeply influenced the development of its politics and economic .

  24. 这一时期,王室衰微,周天子没有力量继续维持统治秩序,各诸侯国以力相争,政出方伯,五霸迭兴,社会进入分裂动乱状态,这就给周边少数民族以发展的机会。

    The king of Zhou had not power to keep order , the society came into the split and disorder period .

  25. 后来尧舜等组成政府,确定亲属关系,社会开始分裂。

    Later Yao and Shun organized government and defined the relation of kin , since then , society started to break up .

  26. 这一快速城市化进程带来了严重的社会经济分裂,也增加了很多城市的犯罪和暴力事件。

    This rapid urbanization has brought with it immense social and economic disruption , and with it , increased crime and violence in many cities .

  27. 在很大程度上,有关人类思维和行为的研究仍然存在本质上认知的和本质上社会的分裂。

    There is still , in large measure , a schism between " fundamentally cognitive " and " fundamentally social " studies of human thought and action .

  28. 后者则强调文化的统一性,认为多元文化主义及多元文化教育会导致美国社会的分裂。

    The latter holds that conformity is necessary to the unity of a nation and that multiculturalism will finally lead to the disuniting of the United States .

  29. 首先,如果该社会的分裂结构是相互交叉重叠的,那么在独大型政党体制崩溃后,政治中的行动者可以建立新的政治联盟,新成新的稳定政党结构。

    If the cleavage structures are overlapped and crossed , the actors in the parties competition can form new alliances and bring new and steady party system .

  30. 其次,如果社会的分裂结构提供了在中央和地方形成不同政党结构的机制,将会减少独大型政党制度演变对政治体系稳定性带来的压力。

    If the social cleavage structures can provide a mechanism of producing different party systems in the central and local level , which will reduce the pressure of institutional evolvement on the stability of political system .