
  • 网络social responsibility theory;social responsibility theory of the press
  1. 第二部分为企业社会责任理论分析。

    The second part is about the analysis of social responsibility theory .

  2. 对企业社会责任理论、契约理论和利益相关者理论进行回顾,并进行评价。

    Corporate social responsibility theory , contract theory and stakeholder theory were reviewed and evaluated .

  3. 企业社会责任理论及其暂行标准SA8000对我国外贸企业的可持续发展很有借鉴意义。

    CSR and its temporary standard SA8000 make sense for our international trade corporate sustainable development .

  4. 首先对企业社会责任理论、利益相关者理论以及公司特征理论进行了分析。

    First , analyzeCSR 、 stakeholder theory and the theory of firm characteristics .

  5. 摘要公司社会责任理论是伴随着国家干预经济的深入逐渐发展起来的。

    Corporate social responsibility theory evolved with the deepening of state intervention in the economy .

  6. 其次,公信力是从社会责任理论出发对大众传媒提出的必然要求。

    Second , credibility is starting from the theory of social responsibility of the mass media demands .

  7. 社会责任理论试图确立责任对传媒自由的意义,这是对自由的修正、确证与补充,是一种理论的革新。

    The theory of social responsibility tries to radicate the significance of responsibility of the mass media .

  8. 公司的社会责任理论是随着社会和公司的发展而产生的。

    With the growth of society and corporations , the theory of corporate social responsibilities develops accordingly .

  9. 近现代意义上的公共负担平等源自于福利国家主义下的财产权利的社会责任理论;

    Public burden is derived from the theory of social responsibility for property under the welfare nationalism .

  10. 期待利益落空理论和公司社会责任理论是公司僵局司法救济的理论基础。公司僵局纠纷的司法救济途径有司法强制解散和强制股权置换等。

    Frustration of purpose and social responsibility is the theoretical foundation of judicial assistance of corporation deadlock .

  11. 西方的企业社会责任理论能与中国企业的实际相结合吗?

    Can social responsibility theory of the western enterprises combine together with the reality of Chinese enterprises ' ?

  12. 论文从8个方面阐述了经济法与企业社会责任理论的一致性及互补性。

    Papers from the 8 aspects of economic law and corporate social responsibility theory of consistency and complementarity .

  13. 第三部分主要进行相关理论阐述,分别应用利益相关者理论、委托代理理论和社会责任理论,并从不同的角度去分析。

    The Stakeholder Theory , Principle-Agent Theory and Social Responsibility Theory are applied to analyze social responsibility respectively .

  14. 公司社会责任理论自诞生开始,就在理论界产生巨大争论。

    Corporate social responsibility theory was born to begin by oneself , produced enormous dispute on the theory circle .

  15. 以企业社会责任理论依据为基础对企业社会责任的内涵作出界定。

    Based on the theoretical basis of the corporate social responsibility to define the meaning of corporate social responsibility .

  16. 诞生于美国的报刊社会责任理论是现代西方资本主义新闻事业占主导地位的新闻理论。

    As the mainstream theory of media in modern West , Social Responsibility Theory of the Press originated in the USA.

  17. 20世纪60年代以后,随着利益相关者理论的出现并日渐成熟,推动了企业社会责任理论研究的发展。

    After the 1960s , stakeholder theory becomes more and more perfect , which enhances the development of CSR study .

  18. 除此之外,公司社会责任理论与主流的公司理论和公司法律制度也存在着冲突。

    In addition , the CSR theory also has conflict with the dominant corporation theory and the corporation law system .

  19. 公司社会责任理论是对股东利益最大化这一理论的修正和补充。

    The theory of corporate social responsibility is a constraint on conventional formula of profit maximization in the interest of shareholders .

  20. 公司社会责任理论肇始于20世纪初的美国。

    In the early 20th century , the theory of corporate social responsibility was born in the Unite States of America .

  21. 自二十世纪二三十年代公司社会责任理论创立以来,关于这一话题的讨论始终没有停歇。

    Since the creation of corporate social responsibility theory in the twentieth century , the discussion on this topic has never stopped .

  22. 伦理视角下的商法构造&公司社会责任理论基础初探

    The Construction of Commercial Law under the View of Ethic & A preliminary study on the basic theory of corporate social responsibility

  23. 同时,在企业社会责任理论梳理的基础上,根据理论综述确立调研方案。

    At the same time , based on the theory of corporate social responsibility , according to the theory of established research program .

  24. 本文的理论基础是社会责任理论、利益相关者理论、产权理论和社会契约理论。

    The mainly support theories of this paper are social responsibility theory , stakeholder theory , corporate contract theory and property rights theory .

  25. 本文针对当前愈演愈烈的食品安全问题,以企业社会责任理论为基础,为保障食品安全寻找一条路径。

    For the food security issues in growing , corporate social responsibility theory , to find a path for the protection of food safety .

  26. 公司社会责任理论认为公司并不是私人纯粹的盈利工具,公司也是一个承担公共职能的组织体。

    The CSR theory considers corporation is not only the personal tool to make money , but also an entity undertaking the public function .

  27. 企业社会责任理论与实践是公司治理模式的理论基础与实践指导,它代表了国际上方兴未艾的发展趋势。

    The theory & practice of corporate social responsibility in the developed countries are the fundamental factors influencing China 's establishing corporate governance model .

  28. 企业社会责任理论认为,企业是创造社会财富的基本主体,承担经济责任和社会责任是企业的应然选择。

    According to Theory of Corporation Social Responsibility , corporation is the subject to create social wealth that shall bear economic responsibility and social responsibility .

  29. 企业社会责任理论提出了利益相关者共同治理模式以实现企业自身与社会的共同发展,但缺乏可操作性。

    Theory of corporate social responsibility put up stakeholders shared governance model to achieve joint development between enterprises and society , but it lacks of operability .

  30. 西方公司社会责任理论的产生背景和当代西方主要国家的法律实践,对于我国公司的社会责任立法不无借鉴意义;

    This paper analyses the background of corporation social responsibility and the legislation in main west country , given some advice of corporation social responsibility in China .