
  • 网络A change in attitude;attitude change
  1. 工作态度的改变不是一朝一夕的事情。

    Changing your attitude about work won 't necessarily happen overnight .

  2. 教育、训练、意识和观察带来态度的改变。

    Education , training , awareness and observation lead to changed attitudes .

  3. 态度的改变是否意味着事业或生意的更成功?

    Will a change in your attitude mean a more successful career or business ?

  4. 他坚持不懈的努力已经引起了人们对他的态度的改变。

    His unremitting efforts have finally led to changes in people 's attitudes towards him .

  5. 学习态度的改变及分析

    Transformation and Analysis of Learning Attitude

  6. 2012年秋,特纳给理德尔写电子邮件描述他态度的改变。

    In an email to Mr. Leedle in fall 2012 , Mr. Turner described his change in attitude .

  7. 如今,人们已认识到,卫生宣传和公众态度的改变对预防水媒疾病蔓延至关重要。

    Hygiene awareness and changes in public attitudes are now recognized as essential in preventing the spread of water-borne diseases .

  8. 他思想的自我转变,主要是受制于他禅学趣向的转移以及生命态度的改变和政治环境的恶化。

    The self-change of his thoughts were mainly restricted by the change of his interest on Buddhism and the deteriorate of political circumstances .

  9. 性别不平衡,加上中产阶级对婚姻态度的改变,意味着许多男人将永远找不到妻子。

    The gender imbalance , coupled with changing attitudes towards marriage among the country 's middle class , means many men will never find wives .

  10. 此种态度的改变是由于今年年初国家法规定成年人有权生育相匹配的。

    The change in attitude follows the launch of a State regulation earlier in the year to safeguard the rights of adult students to have children .

  11. 相反,在我看来,这种对总统服装的不关注,实际上表明了我们对白宫本身的态度的改变。

    Rather , it seems to me , what this non-interest in the presidential wardrobe indicates is actually a change in our attitude to the office itself .

  12. 随着我国在事实婚上立法态度的改变,非婚同居更是表现出婚姻之外男女结合方式的不同选择。

    For the changes in China 's legislation about de facto marriage , non-marital cohabitation appears to be another choice to a man and a woman except lawful marriage .

  13. 有一天,亚瑟决定打电话给史帝夫,史帝夫似乎没有兴趣和他讲话,对于史帝夫态度的改变,亚瑟感到受伤害。

    One day Yaser decided to call Steve . Steve didn 't seem very interested in talking to him . Yaser was hurt by Steve 's change of attitude .

  14. 为了将教育的主要重点从教师转向学生,笔者认为对那些好学生的反应我们应该谨慎对待,某种学习态度的改变也许会对学习效果产生影响。

    It is suggested that their responses should be treated with a cautious approach to changing certain attitudes to learning , in order to shift the major emphasis from the teacher to the learner .

  15. 在回顾了美国二十世纪的发展史和重新理解统计数据后,本文认为美国的高离婚率是由人们对婚姻和家庭的态度的改变而引起的。

    After reviewing the history of the 20th century and reinterpreting the statistics , this thesis attributes the factors that cause the high divorce rate to American people 's changing attitudes towards marriage and family .

  16. 印度社会精英对英国统治态度的改变是20世纪上半期印度群众性民族运动兴起的一个关键性政治变量。

    The change in the attitude of Indian social elite toward the British reign is a key political variable for the rise of Indian massive nationalist movement during the early half of the 20 ~ ( th ) century .

  17. 其中种族隔离制度的废除,可以看作是人性向善的方面的转变,对周遭事物的态度的改变,其中最重要的是重新认识自己和别人的关系。

    The apartheid was abolished , which can be regarded as a overall political trend of human nature for kindness . The change of attitude to the surroundings is mostly decided by the recognition of the relationship between oneself and others .

  18. 虽然有些企业认识到评估的重要性,但不知道如何进行培训评估,仅仅对培训课程中所授予的知识和技能进行考核,没有深入到工作行为、态度的改变上,没有发挥培训评估真正的作用。

    Although some enterprises have turned focus on training evaluation , they mainly pay attention to the appraisal of employees ' knowledge and skills rather than their behavior and attitude by which training evaluation is impossible to make real contribution to the enterprise .

  19. 在假设人员态度的改变方式遵守少数服从多数的规则下,通过计算机模拟给出了二维四方格子两种影响领域(5邻居、9邻居)在周期性边界条件下的舆论传播行为。

    Supposing that the change of people 's attitudes complies with the rule that the minority is subordinated to the majority , we present the propagation behavior of public opinion in the two kinds of affected areas on two-dimension square lattice under periodic boundary condition by computer simulation .

  20. 但学期结束后,史蒂夫显得比较冷淡了。这两位先前的同班同学在学校不再经常见面。有一天,亚瑟决定给史蒂夫打个电话,可史蒂夫对与其交谈似乎不太感兴趣。史蒂夫态度的改变让亚瑟感到受了伤害。

    with Yaser.He even invited Yaser to eat lunch with him.But after the semester1 ) was over , Steve seemed more distant.The two former classmates didn 't see each other very much at school.One day Yaser decided to call Steve.Steve didn 't seem very interested in talking to him.Yaser was hurt by Steve 's change of attitude .

  21. 上级态度的明显改变将影响到整个体制。

    An obvious change of attitude at the top will permeate through the system .

  22. 这种态度上的改变对欧洲航空协会(AEA)的技术采购小组帮助很大。

    Such a change in attitude , he said , is being supported by the Technical Procurement Group of the Airlines of Europe Association ( AEA ) and is proving helpful .

  23. 此课程让许多参与者有了外在、行为以及态度的正面改变。

    Many experience a positive change in outlook , behaviour and attitude .

  24. 早就该布这种态度上的改变了。

    This change in attitude is long overdue .

  25. 本研究通过父母效能成长团体在父母培训中的运用,来探讨其对家长在亲子沟通和教养态度上的改变,进而达到改善亲子关系促进青少年健康成长的目的。

    This research takes group guidance for effective parenting to discuss the parents ' changes on child-parent communication and rearing attitude , in order to obtain the goal of promoting youth growth in accordance with child-parent relationship improvement .

  26. 看来态度有普遍的改变。

    There seems to be a widespread change of attitude .

  27. 拥有良好态度的关键在于改变的意愿。

    The key to having a good attitude is the willingness to change .

  28. 学习态度的形成、改变和测量;

    How does learning attitude build up , change and how to measure it ;

  29. 持乐观态度的人们觉得改变了很多,他们会告诉你所有和以前不同之处;

    A great deal , say optimists , who point to all the things that are different ;

  30. 父母效能团体辅导可以促进小学高年级学生家长在教养态度上的正向改变,并全面提高其亲子关系水平。

    Group guidance for effective parenting can make a positive change on rearing attitude and improve the child-parent relationship .