
  1. 科研仪器设备社会化协作运行机制研究

    Research on mechanism of social coordination of scientific research instruments

  2. 本文还就土地国有化和建立社会化协作经济的方法、步骤等提出了具体的设想。

    This thesis also concretely supposes the measures , steps of realizing the land nationalization and establishing sacial & izational cooperative economy .

  3. 支持链接方法的技术是快速发展的,已经有很多资产管理存储库支持库中资产间的任意点对点关系,并提供社会化协作的基本元素。

    Technologies to support a linking approach are rapidly evolving . Already many asset management repositories support any-to-any relationships between assets in the repository and provide basic elements of social collaboration .

  4. 阐述了重庆市的农村经济要发展壮大,必须实现产业化经营,走区域生产专业化和社会化协作规模经营的路子。

    To develop the rural economy of Chongqing , industrialized operation must be realized and the road of appropriate scale of industrialized and socialized cooperative operation of regional production must be chosen .

  5. 其目的是通过适当的制度安排,在发挥家庭生产方式的利益激励作用的同时,实现社会化协作分工所带来的高效率。

    The purpose of industrialized operation is to try to highlight the stimulating function of interest of household production and achieve high efficiency brought by socialized cooperative division of labor through adequate systematic arrangements .

  6. 产业集群是产业发展的一种内在规律,是市场配置资源、合理运用产业要素的客观要求,它构建起很高的社会化协作体系,强力提升区域竞争力。

    Industrial cluster is an inherent law of industrial development . It is the objective requirement of market allocates resources and rational use of the industrial elements . It built up a high social collaboration system and strongly improving regional competitiveness . Industrial clusters based smal businesses .

  7. 通过对中外建筑设计机构经营模式和生产体制的比较研究,提出以下改革建议:逐步放开对建筑设计事务所的限制,提高建筑设计行业的社会化协作程度;

    Through comparative research on management mode and production system between Chinese and foreign architecture firms , the following suggestion can be given to Chinese government and firms : · By gradually taking off the limitation on architectural design firms , increase the cooperativeness within the design market ;

  8. 本文通过信用征集应用系统这样一个社会化信息协作应用项目验证了SCA编程模型在此类项目中的可行性。

    In this paper , credit collection applications such a society of information application projects in collaboration proved SCA programming model in the feasibility of such projects .

  9. 中小企业在满足人们多样化和个性化的需求、实现社会化专业协作、进行科学技术创新、培养企业家、促进国民经济发展以及保持社会稳定方面都具有相当重要的作用。

    SMEs have a very important role to satisfy the diversified and personalized needs , realize the socialization professional collaboration , carry out the scientific and technical innovation , bring up the entrepreneurs and promote the national economic development and maintain social stability .

  10. 改革开放以来,中小企业对国民经济的贡献率不断提高,尤其是在满足多样化和个性化需求、实现社会化专业协作、进行科技创新、增加就业等方面发挥着日益突出的作用。

    Since the reform and opening-up to the outside world , small and medium-sized enterprises are playing an increasingly important role in our national economy , especially in satisfying diversified and individual demands , realizing socialized profession cooperation , processing science and technology innovation , and increasing employment opportunities .

  11. 为形成规范、有序的开放性国防科技工业发展格局,建立国防科技工业社会化大协作体系,国家出台了一系列政策引导和鼓励民营企业进入国防科技工业。

    In order to form the standard , orderly and opening developing arrangement and build socialized large-scale cooperation of the system in science technology industry of national defense , our country issued series policies to guide and encourage the private enterprise to get into science technology industry of national defense .

  12. 信息网络还可以在世界范围内合理配置资源,发挥社会化分工和协作蕴涵的生产力。

    Information net may rationally allocate resources in the world .

  13. 这种多元化的经济联合体,有利于发展专业化、社会化的生产协作,促使生产要素的优化组合以及资源的合理配置,从而形成有效的经济规模。

    The diversified economical combination is conducive to the development of professional and social production cooperation , the optimized combination of production factors and the rational collocate of resources , so as to form an effective economical scale .

  14. 我国中小企业在扩大就业、满足多样化社会需求、实现社会专业化协作等方面都具有重要的地位和贡献。

    In China , SME has a great important degree and contribution on offering more and more jobs , satisfying various social needs and so on .