
shè qū wén huà
  • community culture
  1. Linux对发展中国家自主软件开发的意义,以及Linux社区文化的未来走向等。

    The significance of Linux to the free development of software in the developing countries and the tendency of the Linux community culture .

  2. 成都市城乡社区文化活动建设调查报告

    A Survey Report On Chengdu Urban and Rural Community Culture Activity

  3. 论小康社会与都市社区文化建设

    On Well-to-DO Society and Cultural Construction of Communities in the City

  4. 二是社区文化对增强城市功能具有促进作用;

    Second , community culture can increase the function of cities .

  5. 关于建设石油特色社区文化的思考

    On a Consideration of Building Community Culture with an Oil Characteristics

  6. 社区文化:社区矫正的门槛与酵母

    Communal Culture : the Threshold and Yeast of Communal Correction

  7. 三峡库区外迁移民的社区文化冲突及对策

    On Emigrants from Three Gorges Area : Conflicts and Solutions

  8. 论民族学校与社区文化互动关系的建构

    On the construction of cultural interactive relationship between ethnic schools and communities

  9. 城市社区文化可持续发展研究

    A Research on the Sustainable Development of City Community Culture

  10. 刍议社区文化与社区警务之关系

    An Elementary Discussion on Relationship between Community Culture and Community Police Affairs

  11. 发展社区文化的基础是发展社区图书馆

    The foundation to develop community culture is to develop the community library

  12. 青少年健康成长与社区文化环境建设的思考

    Reflection on Healthy Growth of Youth and Environmental Construction of Community Culture

  13. 北京社区文化建设的调查与分析

    Research and Analysis of the Community Culture Construction in Beijing

  14. 试论社区文化建设中伦理关怀的主要对象

    On the Major Object of Ethical Care in the Community Culture Construction

  15. 为社区文化建设提供良好的保障。

    Provide the construction of community culture with good guarantees .

  16. 合唱艺术与社区文化品位的建构

    Art of Chorus and Construction of Cultural Position in Community

  17. 挖掘具有地域特色的农村社区文化资源。

    To develop community cultural resources with the local characteristics .

  18. 乡土社区文化&中国现代社区文化建设之根

    Local Community Culture & The Root of Modern Community Culture of China

  19. 公共图书馆如何参与社区文化建设的思考

    Thoughts on How Public Library Should Participate in the Construction of Community Culture

  20. 论城市社区文化的功能与发展

    On the Functions and Development of Urban Community Culture

  21. 良好的社区文化氛围也必定会提高社区组织的效能。

    Sound community culture atmosphere will surely improve the efficiency of community organization .

  22. 社区文化:社区建设的重要资源

    Community culture : the Important Resource of Community Construction

  23. 充实和丰富社区文化,增强社区文化建设的吸引力;

    Enrich community culture and enhance the attraction of construction of community culture ;

  24. 武夷山社区文化变迁探析

    Investigations of Reasons of Community Culture Changes in the Area of Wuyi Mountain

  25. 汶川特大地震灾后社区文化重建统筹优选模式初探

    Survey of Statistical Optimal Mode for Cultural Reconstruction of Communities in Wenchuan Post-earthquake

  26. 当前城镇社区文化建设难点与对策的思考

    Rubs and countermeasures of cultural construction in town community

  27. 基于平衡计分卡的社区文化活动中心绩效评估研究

    The Performance Evaluation Study of Community Cultural Center Based on Balanced Score Card

  28. 培育社团组织,提高社区文化建设水平

    Fostering Consortium to Improve the Cultural Level in Communities

  29. 和谐社区文化建设论纲

    The Outline of the Harmonious Community Culture Construction

  30. 社区文化与大学校园文化的融合共建

    Co-construction Between University Campus Culture and Community Culture