
  • 网络social variation;social variety;social variables
  1. 立法语言是自然语言的一种社会变体,也就从中承继来了模糊性这一属性。

    The legislative language is a social variation of the natural language , so it inherites the fuzzy nature as a essential attribute from the natural language .

  2. 语言的社会变体及其分类

    Social varieties of language and their classification

  3. 作为语言的一种社会变体,男女语言的差别也许是人类语言差别的最古老形式。

    As a social variant of language , gender diversity in language could be regarded as the oldest difference in human language .

  4. 隐语是共同语的一种社会变体,通行于特殊的社会群体,能够折射出特殊的社会群体心理。

    Argot is a language variety of common languages , prevailing in a special social group and reflecting the psychological emotion of it .

  5. 交际者的文化背景不同不是导致语用失误的唯一原因,一些社会变体和认知因素也同样会导致语用失误。

    In communication , cultural differences often produce pragmatic failure , but it may also result from the influence of social variables and cognitive factors .

  6. 作为语言的社会变体,男女语言的性别特点和差异研究越来越受到国内外语言研究者的关注。

    Gender language , as a social variant of language , with its characteristics , has attracted increasing attention from a great many linguists at home and abroad .

  7. 关于人类语言中的性别特点和差异的研究刚刚兴起,而事实上,作为一种语言的社会变体,男女语言的差别也许是人类语言差别最古老的形式了;

    On human characteristics and differences in language , gender studies have just emerged , but in fact , as a social variant of language , gender differences in language is perhaps the oldest form of human language differences .

  8. 导游语言研究的目的是要探讨并揭示导游语言这一社会语言变体的种种特点与规律。

    The purpose of studies is to explore and bring to light the characteristics and laws of languages for tour guides .

  9. 作为一种新的社会语言的变体,网络语言本质上是信息社会网络文化的出现所引起的传统语言变异的结果,对传统语言和社会文明的影响是不可忽视的。

    As a variant of new social language , web language , in essence , is the consequence of traditional language variation brought about by web culture in the information society .

  10. 本研究以社会语言学的变体理论及语言态度研究为指导,通过变语配对实验和问卷调查等手段,对80后一代对英汉语码混合语言现象的态度进行初步探讨。

    Based on the theory of language variety and the research of language attitudes in sociolinguistics , through a social psychological experiment and a sociolinguistic survey as the supplement , this thesis does a preliminary research on the language attitudes of the Post - ' 80 Generation towards Chinese-English Code-Mixing .

  11. 接着以音位为切入点,从音位变体,非音质音位等方面来考察,发现语音的社会性促成音位变体间的模糊界限;

    Phoneme has been made as a second cut-in point and observation has been made on allophones and non-tone phonemes , which has led to find that the social properties of phonetics has resulted in the fuzzy demarcation existing in allophones .

  12. 社会语言学中的语言变体问题,首先应考察语言和社会的关系,其中包括语言和社会的依存关系、语言的变异性和区分语言社会变体的标准及其分类。

    The thesis looks into the language varieties in sociolinguistics . The first section is about the relations between language and society . It discusses the dependent relations between language and society , the variability of language , the standard to differentiate social varieties and their classification .