
  • 网络social mentality;social attitude
  1. 法治心态则也属于社会心态中的一个种类。

    Mentality of law is a kind of social mentality .

  2. 试论社会心态调控的基本目标及其实现途径

    The Objectives and Its Approaches Of Social Mentality Adjustment

  3. 比如,一个MarvinMinsky的小社会心态

    say , one of Marvin Minsky 's little society of mind

  4. 但对中国社会心态做过广泛调查的哈佛大学(Harvard)教授怀默霆(MartinWhyte)说,这种关联不是直接的。

    But Martin Whyte , a professor at Harvard who has conducted extensive survey work on social attitudes in China , said the link was not straightforward .

  5. 但对中国社会心态做过广泛调查的哈佛大学(Harvard)教授怀默霆(MartinWhyte)说,这种关联不是直接的。

    But Martin Whyte , a professor at Harvard who has conducted extensive survey work on social attitudes in China , said the link was not straightforward . '

  6. 论研究社会心态问题的意义与方法

    On the Significance and Methods of the Study of Social Mentalities

  7. 不同语言、不同文化背景的职业委婉语各有特色,反映出东西方在社会心态和语言文化内涵方面的差异。

    The occupational euphemisms differ in different languages and cultural background .

  8. 道德价值建构与社会心态塑造的同向性探析

    A homologous analysis of moral value construction and public ideology establishment

  9. 论西北少数民族日常交往的社会心态

    On Social Psychology of Daily Interactions in Northwest Ethnic Minority

  10. 社会心态失衡的原因及防范措施

    Reasons and Corresponding Measures of the social Mentality Unbalance

  11. 让青年群体健康的社会心态有益于自身发展,服务于和谐社会。

    Let youth groups ' social mentality benefits their own development and harmonious society .

  12. 和平赎买与民族资产阶级的社会心态

    Peaceful Purchase and Social Mentalities of National Bourgeoisie

  13. 这些变革,最终影响了西南市民平和、宽容的社会心态的形成,在西南现代化进程中具有不可或缺的作用。

    These changes finally engendered a tolerant social mentality in citizens of the southwest .

  14. 农民社会心态与人民公社化运动

    The Social Psyche of the Peasants and the Campaign to the People 's Commune

  15. 转型时期的社会心态与法律信仰

    The Social Mentalities and the Beliefs of Law in the Period of Social Transition

  16. 浮躁的社会心态是欲望化、感官化盛行的原因。

    The impetuous desires of the community mentality is the reasons of prevalence of sensory .

  17. 中国人社会心态六十年变迁及发展趋势

    The Transition and Progressing of Social Minds from Chinese People in the Past 60 Years

  18. 因此,培养青年群体健康的社会心态需要社会培育和个体培育的共同努力。

    Therefore , the youth groups ' social mentality needs nurturing and individuals cultivate united .

  19. 大学生社会心态与高校思想政治教育实效性分析

    The Effectiveness of Ideological and Political Education and College Students ' Social Mind-set : An Analysis

  20. 转型期社会心态问题与构建和谐社会

    Social Mentality and Social Harmony Construction

  21. 社会心态是一种无形的精神力量,影响制约着人们的社会活动和行为选择。

    Social-psychology is an intangible spiritual force which influences the social activities and behaviors of mankind .

  22. 浅谈当前的消极社会心态

    The Present Passive Social Psychology

  23. 委婉语所折射的社会心态

    Social Psychology Reflected by Euphemism

  24. 在历史发展的合力机制中,社会心态所起的作用是不可代替的。

    As one of the resultant forces of history development , social mentality pays an irreplaceable role .

  25. 本文认为,社会心态调控的基本目标及其实现途径是社会心态研究的重要内容。

    The objectives and its approaches of social mentality adjustment are the important content of social mentality study .

  26. 和谐心理是一种对内协调和对外适应的健康社会心态。

    Harmonious psyche is a kind of sound social psychologies that internally being coordinate and externally being adaptive .

  27. 广西边境青年农民社会心态调适的目标与方法探讨

    On the Aim and Method of Adjusting the Social Psychological Attitude of the Young Peasants at Guangxi Frontier

  28. 解放战争时期知识分子社会心态转变的美国因素

    American Reason on the Change of Intellectuals ' Social Mental Conversion during the Period of the Liberation Wartime

  29. 第一章,是抗美援朝运动与中国民众的社会心态。

    The first chapter is about the Movement of Resisting U.S and Aiding North Korea and the Chinese social psyche .

  30. 社会心态是指个体或群体所具有的某种普遍性、代表性的心理特征和心理倾向。

    Social psychology refers to the psychological characteristics of a universal , representative and psychological tendency with the individual or group .