
  1. 论马克思对西方传统自然观的批判与超越

    On Marx 's Criticism and Surpass of Traditional Natural View

  2. 西方传统自然观的演变与影响

    The concept of nature in the Western tradition

  3. 实践唯物主义自然观有自身理论的实践逻辑,它不同于传统自然观的理论逻辑。

    Practical materialism natural view owns its theoretic logic which is different from that of traditional theory .

  4. 传统自然观和经济发展观的偏执是使人与自然走向对立的思想根源。

    This antagonism has its ideological roots in mans bigotries as shown in his traditional concept of nature and that of economical development .

  5. 生态自然观是对传统自然观变革的产物,构成了生态文明观的基本内容之一,也是当代自然观的主要表现形式之一。

    It composes of one of the basic content of ecological civilization view . The view of ecological nature is one of the main forms of modern nature views .

  6. 实践唯物主义自然观包括人与自然关系的理论和对传统自然观的评析的理论,而主要是对人与自然关系的理论。

    The Practical Materialism Viewpoint of Nature includes the theories on the relationship between human and nature as well as the critical of traditional viewpoint of nature , emphasizing particularly on the former .

  7. 本文从传统自然观的缺陷入手,分析了从传统自然观向环境哲学迈进的三种价值审视,并就可持续发展观作了论述。

    This article starts form the blemish of the traditional nature view , analyzing the traditional nature view and environment philosophy . Three kinds of the value examines , keep on developing the view made the treatise .

  8. 本文旨在通过对人类自然观演进的历史梳理,指出在传统自然观下,人与自然的关系一直处于矛盾和对立的状态。

    This paper points out that the relationship between human and nature has been in a contradictory and opposite state in a traditional natural viewpoint by going back through the history of the viewpoint about human and nature .

  9. 第四章安乐死问题的哲学思考,安乐死问题归根结底是一个哲学问题,它涉及到哲学对当代医学的反思和对传统自然观、生命价值观的批判。

    In the Fourth chapter , discussed the issue of euthanasia in a philosophical perspective , the issue of euthanasia in the final analysis is a philosophical issue , it involves philosophical reflection on contemporary medicine and the traditional view of nature , life and values criticism .

  10. 阐述了中国传统自然观经过了长期的演化,与自然的关系达成了理论上的统一,终于形成了特有的历史人文景观,包括了地域文化特色和地方地理特貌的景观类别。

    This paper expatiates on what Chinese traditional natural epistemology reached the unity in theory with the natural relation through the long-term evolution in Chinese traditional natural view , it formed peculiar historical humane landscapes , including the region cultural characteristics and landscape classifications of the local geographical special looks .

  11. 前言:我国传统的自然观与人格化是统一的。

    Chinese traditional ideology on nature is intergrated with personification with the center of " virtue " and " harmony " .

  12. 严峻的生态环境问题迫使人们反思传统的自然观,重新审视人与自然的关系。

    Serious ecological problems forced people to reflect on the traditional concept of natural , and re-examine the relationship between man and nature .

  13. 中国山水画传统的自然观既与天人合一相应,又与笔墨表现相承接。

    The outlook on nature of traditional Chinese landscape painting works in concert with the combination of nature and humanity and continues from the expression of stroke .

  14. 中国传统的自然观重整体轻部分,重政治伦理轻自然;

    In Chinese traditional natural view , people attach importance to the whole as well political ethics , and make light of the part as well nature ;

  15. 禅与中国园林具有共同的文化和思想基础,它们通过不同的表达方式诠释了中国的传统自然美学观。

    Zen and Chinese classical gardens have the same foundation of culture and thought , and they annotated Chinese natural aesthetics in different means of artistic expressions .

  16. 文章通过对中西传统文化自然观的分析,从而得出了不同自然观下园林艺术表现形式的差异。

    Based on the analysis of traditional Chinese and Western 's view of culture and nature , the difference of manifestation of garden art under different view of the natural could be explored .

  17. 第二章分析中国古代的人文生态观,中国传统的自然观和建筑环境观产生的渊源,以及中国传统建筑环境中表现出的生态文化观;

    Chapter 2 analyses Chinese ancient humanistic and ecological outlook , the origin of the Chinese traditional nature outlook and built environment , and the ecological culture concept embodied in Chinese traditional built environment .

  18. 佛教依正不二论与道家、儒家等中国传统的自然观&天人合一,有着某种共通点,都把人与自然看作一个整体。

    There is some common ground between the Buddhist idea of " Yizhengbuer ", Taoism , Confucianism and other traditional Chinese view of nature , the harmony between the heaven and human . They all regarded man and nature as a whole .

  19. 从城镇空间结构基本概念入手,结合中国传统的自然观,研究城镇空间与自然景观之间的依赖关系,提出了山水化城镇空间结构。

    Starting from the basic concept of spatial structure of towns , the paper proposed the mountains and waters spatial structure of towns based on combining ideas about nature of Chinese tradition , studying the dependence of spatial structure of towns and natural scenery .

  20. 本文分为六章,第一章提出当今所面临的严重生态问题以及导致这种问题出现的思想根源,然后说明中国传统文化中自然观的启示;

    The article comprises six chapters . Chapter 1 points out the serious ecological problems we face today and the ideaistic origin of it , and expounds the inspirations of the natural outlook of the Chinese traditional culture .

  21. 生态农业和农业可持续发展思想的产生在一定程度上是对传统人与自然观、农业观以及现代农业负面效应反思的结果。

    This text draws the following conclusions : To a certain extent , the agriculture sustainable development theory and ecological agriculture are the results of reviewing of traditional man and natural view , agriculture view and modern agriculture negative effects .

  22. 而休谟也把三条正义规则称为自然法则,在对传统自然法正义观批判的基础上以一种自然主义的方式及道德情感为基础的人为的正义理论。

    Hume regards these three rules of Justice as the law of Nature , on the base of the criticism of the law of Nature in tradition that constitutes his " artificial " theory of Justice by the way of naturalism .

  23. 中国传统哲学中的自然观对苏州传统园林设计的影响,造就和形成了苏州传统园林设计中人天同源、和谐一致的设计精华。

    The influence of natural view in Chinese traditional philosophy on the classical garden design has brought up and formed its soul in design .

  24. 人天同源和谐一致&中国传统哲学中的自然观对苏州传统园林设计的影响

    Mankind and Nature Originate from the Same Source and Should Exist in Harmony & The influence of the natural view of " mankind and nature originating from the same source " in the Chinese traditional philosophy on the design of Suzhou classical gardens

  25. 日本有着传统的纤维工艺基础,日本传统纤维&织物艺术中的自然观起源于日本传统的自然观。

    Japan has a base of traditional fiber technology , traditional Japanese Fiber & Fabric Art in the natural view originated in Japan , the traditional view of nature .