
  • 网络Propagator;disseminule;propagule;diaspore;Propa
  1. 在141种植物中,44种以种子作为传播体,97种以果实作为传播体;

    Of the 141 species studied , 44 species dispersed by seeds and 97 species by fruits .

  2. 而肉果类植物以灌木为主要的生活型,海拔对于不同生活型肉果类植物传播体大小也没有明显的影响。

    However , the main life form of fleshy fruit plant is shrub , and Altitude has no significant effect to the sexual diaspore mass among different life forms .

  3. 蒙古族歌曲既是民族文化的传播体,也是蒙古族文化的承载体,又是民族地区特色文化的重要部分。

    Mongolian songs not only a disseminule of the culture of nations , but also the container of mongolian culture and the most important part of minority areas ' characteric culture .

  4. 电子图书是以数字代码形式将图、文、声、像等信息存储在磁、光、电介质上,通过计算机或电子设备使用并可复制发行的大众传播体。

    Electronic book ( E-book ) is a type of mass media which is stored in the magnetic , optical or electronic media in the form of digital code then used , copied and published by computer or electronic facilities .

  5. 上海图片库隶属于上海三亚文化传播事业体,是一家从事专业图片销售的网站。

    ImageShanghai is an affiliation of Shanghai Sanya Cultural , Communication & Exhibition Co. , Ltd * ImageShanghai specializes in marketing professional stock images online .

  6. 利用基因组核苷酸全序列测定、电镜观察、血清学测定、传播介体传毒试验等方法对山东省田间发生的玉米病毒病进行了病原鉴定。

    Identification on pathogens of maize viral diseases in Shandong province was conducted by whole genomic sequencing , electron microscope observation , serological analysis and vector transmitting test .

  7. 虽然有些结果相互矛盾,但是研究还是显示安全套是阻断性传播病源体的有效的物理屏障,不管它有多小,他们说。

    Despite some inconsistencies in the evidence , studies show that condoms are an effective physical barrier against passage of even the smallest sexually transmitted pathogens , they write .

  8. 地面军事目标如坦克、装甲车辆行进时会产生地震波:在地层中传播的体波和在地表面传播的瑞雷波。

    When military targets such as tanks , armored cars move on the ground , seismic waves can be generated : body wave propagating through the deeper parts of the Earth and Rayleigh wave propagating along the surface .

  9. 峰值质点振动速度及其主频与爆破规模与爆心距密切相关,爆破地震波的衰减受传播介质体本身的物理几何特性影响很大。

    The conclusion could be reached that the PPV and its main frequency had close relation with charge and distance between blasting center and monitoring position , and attenuation of the blasting seismic waves related mainly with the geometry characteristics of propagation media mass .

  10. 冲突产生的原因主要有内外两方面:内因是行政文化传播主客体间利益日益分化;外因是符号系统有障碍,媒介接触受控制,反馈机制不健全。

    Causes include two aspects of inside and outside , internal cause is the benefits of the administrative subject and object are gradually differentiating , external causes are the symbol system has barrier , the medium access are controlled , the feedback mechanism is not sound .

  11. 准饱和土是天然土体中比较常见的一种形式,与饱和土相同,其内可传播三种体波:剪切波、快压缩波(P1波)和慢压缩波(P2波)。

    Nearly saturated soil is one of the usual kinds of natural soils , there are three waves : shear wave , fast compressional wave ( P_1 wave ) and slow compressional wave ( P_2 wave ) that can propagate in it .

  12. 血流脉搏波在动脉内传播的在体实验研究

    The In-Vivo Experimental Investigations of propagations of blood Pulse Waves in Arteries

  13. 网络教育传播的主客体关系及其模式

    The Relations between Deliverer and Accepter in Network Education Dissemination and Its Pattern

  14. 目的:研究全沟硬蜱经期传播莱姆病螺旋体的能力。

    Objective : To determine whether I.persulcatus can transmit Lyme spirochetes Borrelia garinii trans-stadially .

  15. 二棘血蜱在传播莱姆病螺旋体上可能起重要作用。

    Haemaphysalis bispinosa may play a important role in transmission cycle of Lyme disease .

  16. 初始应力对应力波传播及块体运动规律影响研究

    Study on effects of initial stress on stress wave propagation and block movement law

  17. 1991年5~6月,我们在四川省南川县对传播莱姆病螺旋体的媒介昆虫进行了调查。

    We have investigated The vector of Lyme disease spirochetes in Nanchuan County of Sichuan province .

  18. 目的:60Co-γ射线对多种微生物均有杀灭作用,其中包括经血液传播的病毒体。

    Objectives : 60Co - γ radiation method can kill many kinds of micro-organisms , which include blood-transmitted viruses .

  19. 传播速度比体波慢,有时候车辆会随着瑞利波上下移动。

    They are slower than body waves , and sometimes cars might appear to be moving up and down with these waves .

  20. 这种多元化、多层次的受众需求与媒介提供的多种可能结合在一起,形成一种类似蜂房结构的多种小众化传播构成的结合体,就是我们这里所说的Group。

    This media diversity , matching the increasingly diversified and multi-layered audience needs , generates a new communication model , based on niche communication network that takes a cellular structure , which we referred as " Group " .

  21. 通常假设地球对地震波传播为各向同性体。

    The earth is considered as isotropic to wave propagation .

  22. 空气是传播声音的介体。

    Air is the medium of the sound .

  23. 传染病时空传播的多智能体仿真研究

    Multi-Agent System Simulation of Epidemic Spatio-temporal Transmission

  24. 莱姆病系由硬蜱传播包柔螺旋体所引起的一种全身性疾病,可累及眼部多个部位而致视力丧失。

    Lyme disease is a tick-borne systemic borreliosis involving various parts of the body and the eyes .

  25. 植冠种子库是植物繁殖对策的一个方面,具有延缓繁殖体传播、使繁殖体免受捕食、调节萌发时间、将种子降落在适宜位置等生态功能。

    Canopy seed bank functions the protection of seeds from predator , and the adjustment of seed germination time .

  26. 车内噪声主要来源于空气传播噪声及结构体辐射噪声,通过采用选择运行及传递函数方法进行声源识别,查明了各声源的辐射噪声通过空气向车内的传播情况。

    Contributions of different noise sources to interior noise of the coach were got from the air-borne noise by the acoustic source decomposition and transfer function analysis .

  27. 通过雷达、闪电等观测资料的分析,给出这个雹暴的超单体结构,在雹暴移动方向右前方不断产生代谢传播以及雹暴单体生命史特征。

    According to analyses of the data from radar and lightning counter , the supercell structure , the supersession propagation on the right flank and life characteristics of this hailstorm are presented .

  28. 提出了在道路结构动力响应计算中,利用面波来模拟水平向传播波,利用体波来模拟竖直向传播波。

    Based on the propagation characteristics of R wave , the horizontal propagation wave is simulated by using R wave , the vertical propagation wave is also simulated by using body wave in calculating dynamic response of pavement structures .

  29. 网络教育传播中的主客体关系发生间接性转化、学生主体价值的强化以及教师主体客体化等三方面的转变,这些转变也影响着教育传播模式的变化。

    This paper discusses how the indirect changes of the relationship between deliverer and accepter , the strengthening of the accepters ' value and the change of roles between teacher and student affects the change of pattern of dissemination in network education .

  30. 传染病模型在隐性知识传播中的应用传染病时空传播的多智能体仿真研究

    Study of Epidemic Model with Tacit Knowledge Transfer ; Multi-Agent System Simulation of Epidemic Spatio-temporal Transmission