
  • 网络social work methods;Method of Social Work
  1. 一般来说,社区居家养老的社会工作方法主要是在老年人小组工作、老年人个案工作、老年人社区工作等工作方法的基础上的结合。

    Main methods of social work service in community-based elderly care are usually broken into three categories , that is , case work , group work and community work .

  2. 青少年犯罪社区矫正的社会工作方法探讨

    The research of social work methods to Juvenile community corrections

  3. 寓成长于游戏&历奇:一种青少年社会工作方法初探

    Grow up Through Game : Discuss One Model of Social Work for Youth

  4. 城中村研究视野下的社会工作方法介入

    Social Work Methods Intervention for Villages-in-city Study

  5. 社区组织与社区发展&甘肃城市社区社会工作方法的应用

    Community Organization and Its Development & Applying social work methods to the city communities of Gansu

  6. 新背景下中国企业社会工作方法的合理选择

    Corporate Social Responsibility in China

  7. 小组社会工作方法运用于行为不良学生教育过程研究&以某工读学校的夏令营为例

    The Educational Process Applied with Group Social Work Method on the Misdeed Students : Take a Reform School 's Summer Camp as an Example

  8. 从而使社会工作方法更好地应用到社区当中,使社区工作更好地开展下去,促进社会和谐。

    So that social work better application method to the community in the center , make community work better in go down , and promote social harmony .

  9. 本文在社区矫正实践经验的基础上,就社会工作方法介入青少年犯罪社区矫正的意义、程序、原则等做积极的探讨。

    The correct practice in the community , on the basis of social work methods in the juvenile community corrections significance , procedures and principles to actively explored .

  10. 另外,根据个案在不同阶段的实际情况分别采用了相应的社会工作方法和助人技术去为案主增能。

    In addition , according to clients ' actual situation , we empowered them by means of using the method and techniques of social work respectively in various stages .

  11. 文章归纳出学校在工读学生自我同一性培养方面的重要作用,并总结出社会工作方法介入工读教育的优势。

    It deduced that schools play an important role in the cultivation of self-identity of reform students , and concluded the advantage using social work methods in reform education .

  12. 但目前个案社会工作方法的运用还存在不少限制,整个社会还必须为社区矫正工作中个案社会工作方法的运用创造更多的条件。

    But at present we still have much limitation in taking the methods of case social work . More conditions are needed in society to advance the specialization of social work in the community corrections .

  13. 在论证基础上,立足社会工作方法,就专业社会工作如何介入老年人养老需求进行了分析;为社会工作本上化研究提供新的方向。

    Based on the argument , the paper analyzes the approaches of professional social work intervention to the elderly needs from social work methods , and provides a new direction for the localized research of social work .

  14. 本文通过定量研究与定性研究相结合的方式,对城市独生子女家庭教育进行分析与研究,并提出社会工作方法介入城市独生子女家庭教育的建议。

    In this paper , for analyzing and researching on the one-child family education , using the methods of quantitative research and qualitative research , and give recommendations that how to intervene only child family education of the social work methods .

  15. 笔者和实习的同学试着接触这名儿童,希望运用专业的社会工作方法,通过个案工作和小组工作,逐步同流浪儿童A建立信任,帮助流浪儿童找寻适合自己的归宿。

    My classmate in the center and I try to contact the child , hope use the professional social work methods , through the case work , and gradually build trust with A , to help A to find the suitable destination .

  16. 为此,应在妇联工作中引入社会工作方法,加强基层组织建设,正确处理妇联与政府的关系、妇联与民间妇女组织的关系,挖掘女性组织的潜能。

    Therefore , we should introduce social methods into the work of women union , enhance local organization construction , handle the relationships appropriately between women union and the government , women union and non-governmental women organizations , and develop , women 's potentials .

  17. 主要对现在空巢老人养老得不到保障的现实推动下,以及社会工作方法的特殊性,研究在社会工作视角下对城市空巢老人如何养老有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    Mainly under the impetus of the now empty nesters pension cannot be guaranteed reality , as well as the particularity of the social work methods , research in the social work perspective on how urban empty nesters endowment has important theoretical and practical significance .

  18. 专业社会工作实务方法在人民调解中的运用

    The Application of Professional Social Work Practice Methods in the People 's Mediation

  19. 试论社会工作直接方法在计划生育基层工作中的重要作用

    The Important Role of Direct Method of Social Work in FP Work at Grassroot Level

  20. 危机介入与社会工作的方法和技巧相结合,有利于缓解婚姻暴力的紧张和冲突。

    The combination of crisis intervention and social work contributes to relieving the tensions and conflicts of demestic violence .

  21. 其中,把社会小组工作方法引入到大学生思想政治教育工作中,就是其中的典范。

    Among them , the social group work method into ideological and political education work , is one of the model .

  22. 从理论上讲,社会团体工作方法的应用,可以拓展和丰富大学生思想政治教育的方法和内容。

    Theoretically , social organizations working methods , can expand the application of college ideological and political education with abundant of methods and content .

  23. 第一,通过对有关文献的学习,提出社区工作概念。它是以社区为对象的社会工作介入方法。

    The major innovations of the thesis are as follows : First , it advances a concept of community work after a study on the relevant literature .

  24. 社会小组工作方法与大学生思想政治教育的理念契合、内容交叉、目标一致,为二者的结合提供了必要和可能。

    Social group work method and the concept of ideological and political education , content and goal is consistent , offers a combination of both necessary and possible .

  25. 本文包括三章:第一章:大学生思想政治教育对社会小组工作方法借鉴和运用的概要。

    This paper includes three chapters : Chapter one : College students ' ideological and political education of social group work method and using for reference of profile .

  26. 在本文中,提出了邻里义工的概念。本文从社会工作实务方法,结合义工的工作手法去探索介入社区邻里关系的重建,介入邻里互助。

    This article will be from the social work practice methods , which combines with Interventional community volunteer work practices to explore neighborhood redevelopment , involved in neighborhood assistance .

  27. 社会团体工作方法可以使大学生思想政治教育摆脱枯燥的说教模式,体现人文关怀,注重学生的个体发展。

    Social groups working method can make college students ' ideological and political education from boring sermons mode , embodied humanistic care , pay attention to students ' individual development .

  28. 最后,将社会工作专业方法引入社区家庭教育指导服务中,是对于传统家庭教育指导的一种创新,它促进了我国家庭教育指导服务的进一步发展。

    Finally , involving social work service into community-based family education guidance activities , is an improvement of traditional family education guidance , it promote the further development of family education guidance service in our country .

  29. 在社区工作中合理地应用专业社会工作的方法解决社区中的具体问题,也逐渐由先前的理论转化为现如今带有针对性的实践开展起来。

    In the community work reasonably professional social work of the application method to solve the community of specific problems , and also gradually from the former theory into the practice of with pertinence now carried out .

  30. 把社会小组工作方法借鉴并运用于大学生思想政治教育中,有利于更新大学生思想政治教育理念,创新大学生思想政治教育的模式和方法,促进大学生的全面发展。

    Social group work methods and use for reference in the ideological and political education , to update the ideological and political education idea , the innovation of ideological and political education mode and method , help to promote the all-round development of college students .