
jué sè bàn yǎn
  • role play;cosplay;role-playing/acting
  1. 角色扮演可以使学生练习语言,说错了也没关系。

    Role-play allows students to practise language in a safe situation .

  2. 角色扮演有助于提高沟通技巧。

    Role-play is helpful in developing communication skills .

  3. 小组成员必须通过角色扮演互相交流。

    Group members have to communicate with each other through role-play .

  4. 事先和朋友通过角色扮演排练一下面试。

    Rehearse and role-play the interview with a friend beforehand .

  5. 剧本杀Jubensha–Scriptmurder剧本杀是一项凶案角色扮演游戏,在城市年轻人群中十分流行。

    A jubensha is a role-playing murder mystery activity that has become highly popular among young urban Chinese .

  6. 在果敢自信训练班上,角色扮演是个重要内容。

    Role playing is an important element in assertiveness training .

  7. 把角色扮演(Roleplays)引入英语专业口语教学之中兼论英语专业对话课教学

    Using Role-plays in Oral English Teaching for English Majors & Comments on English Conversation Teaching

  8. 文章的中心是如何起步开发你自己的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(原文:MassiveMultiplayerOnlineRolePlayingGames)(MMORPG)(译者注:俗称:网络游戏,网游)。

    This article will focus on the first steps in building your own Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games ( MMORPG ) .

  9. RPG教学游戏是以角色扮演为中心开展游戏活动的。

    RPG educational game is role-playing centered in the game activities .

  10. 一个skype账户售价12美元,甚至在线角色扮演游戏《魔兽世界》(worldofwarcraft)的一个账户,也可以卖到10美元。

    A Skype account cost $ 12 and even an account for the world of Warcraft online role-playing game could be sold for $ 10 .

  11. 在本文中,我们将为角色扮演游戏构建一个清单管理系统及提示脚本,同时处理PHP脚本的交互操作。

    In this article , we build an inventory-management system and note-taking scripts for your role-playing games , while working on the interactivity of your PHP scripts .

  12. 角色扮演(Role-play)是大学英语视听说课堂上经常使用的一种交际活动。

    Role-play is a communicative activity often used in Audio , Visual and Oral classes .

  13. Pal是经典的角色扮演的地城冒险职业,其在魔兽中也有著独特的特征。

    The paladin is an iconic class from fantasy role-playing , and one which Warcraft has been able to put its own stamp all over .

  14. 她在YouTube上搜索音乐视频,在GaiaOnline(一个角色扮演网站,玩家流行不停更换矫揉造作的卡通人物身份)上逗留。

    She searches for music videos on YouTube and logs onto Gaia Online , a role-playing site where members fashion alternate identities as cutesy cartoon characters .

  15. 本文从言后行为、社会心理和系统功能语言学语境理论视角探讨了L2角色扮演的原理与效用。

    This paper explores the principles of L2 role-play and investigates its experimental effects from a perspective of perlocutionary acts , socio-psychology and systemic functional theory of context .

  16. 在鸟节区你可以看到有角色扮演的男男女女,特别是在SCAPE那一带。

    There 're a lot of cosplay boys and girls if you walk around Orchard area , especially near SCAPE .

  17. 紧接着提出了CSCL中学习者间交互的基本模式如竞争、协同、伙伴和角色扮演等。

    After raises the interaction basic modes among learners in CSCL , such as competition , collaboration , partnership and role playing .

  18. 文章通过对角色扮演在HRM教学中的运用及成效的阐述,分析了将角色扮演等体验式教学法应用于HRM教学的可行性和有效性。

    By expounding the utilization and result of role play in the HRM teaching , this article discusses the feasibility and validity of experience teaching method in the HRM teaching .

  19. 此角色扮演物件是符合所谓应用编程驱使元件(application-drivencomponent)的,因此,此系统也能够符合专业化利益的使用者的需求。

    The role-setting object is an application-driven component , which can provide customization benefits for user to match users demands . These integrated technologies are sufficient in distance learning ( virtual university ) environment .

  20. 发表在《传播学报》的一项研究发现:事实上,沉迷网上角色扮演类游戏(简称RPG)的女玩家比男玩家挥霍更多的时间在这个虚幻世界中。

    A study in the Journal of Communication found that women who engage in a role-playing game online actually spend more time in the alternate reality than the guy players do .

  21. 随着互联网的发展和游戏技术手段的成熟,越来越多的在校学生成为大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)玩家。

    With the development of the Internet and gaming technology , more and more college students become massively multiplayer online role-playing game ( MMORPG ) players .

  22. 本文论述了MMORPG(大型网络角色扮演游戏)中登陆服务器、逻辑服务器以及客户端的逻辑处理的实现。

    This paper discusses the implementation of Login Server , Game Server and logic process of Client in MORPG ( Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games ) .

  23. 包括动画人物,车辆,Megazords和角色扮演与金刚战士电视首映星期六早上系列1月,2010年在ABC童装不结盟项目;

    Including action figures , vehicles , Megazords and role-play items aligned with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV series premiering Saturday mornings January , 2010 on ABC Kids ;

  24. 在网络游戏发展如火如荼的中国市场,免费大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)在各类网游模式中异军突起,引起了业内的注目。

    In the ever-developing market of online game in China , free Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game ( MMORPG ) is becoming an eye-catching model of online games .

  25. 但是,年龄稍长的中国玩家还喜欢能产生更多收入的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG),这是很多东南亚玩家不太接触的领域。

    However , older Chinese gamers still embrace higher revenue generating MMORPGs [ massively multiplayer online role-playing games ] , a segment that many Southeast Asian gamers shy away from .

  26. 手机游戏的网络化成为今后发展的主流趋势,MMORPG(大型多人在线角色扮演游戏)是手机网络游戏的主要发展方向。

    Cell phone network game has become a trend in the future development . MMORPG ( Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game ) is the main direction of cell phone network games .

  27. 在论坛上,中国的游戏玩家也表示,在史克威尔艾尼克斯公司颇受欢迎的角色扮演游戏《最终幻想XV》的全球发布会上,他们会获得该游戏。

    At the conference , Chinese gamers were also told that they would have access to Square Enix 's popular role-playing video game Final Fantasy XV upon its global release .

  28. 尤其是涉及引入REITs模式以及西部信托在REITs运作中角色扮演、如何进行风险控制上进行了详细的论述,对于其它企业也具有一定的参考价值。

    Particularly it has discussed in details in relation to the introduction of REITs and the operation of the Western Trust & Investment Company role-playing on how to conduct risk control . It must have reference value for other enterprises .

  29. 针对这种情况,本文借鉴了MBA案例教学的方法,从案例概况、案例分析、工具箱、参考原件、问题讨论、角色扮演六个方面,阐述了其在应用写作中的具体运用。

    In view of this situation , this paper uses MBA case-teaching method for reference and states its detailed application in Applied Writing Course from the following six aspects : case outline , case analysis , toolbox , case original reference , problem discus-sion and role play .

  30. 后来到了角色扮演时间,Lasse加入了这个汇报团队,扮演了一个拒绝加入站立会议的成员角色。

    When it came time for the role playing Lasse join this reporters group and played the role of a Team Member who refused to standup .