
jiǎo jiā sù dù
  • angular acceleration
角加速度[jiǎo jiā sù dù]
  1. 减小P控制的比例系数可以降低倾摆角加速度,但跟踪性能变差。

    The tilting angular acceleration will reduce when the P controller has a lower scale factor , but the tilting angle is not so good .

  2. 建立了4自由度汽车振动模型,利用Matlab软件仿真得到汽车车身质心垂直加速度功率谱密度和俯仰角加速度功率谱密度。

    A four-degree-of-freedom vehicle vibration model was set up and the PSDs for vertical acceleration and pitching angular acceleration of vehicle body centroid were got through Matlab simulation .

  3. ABS系统车轮角加速度计算方法研究

    Study on Calculation Method of Angular Acceleration of Wheel in ABS System

  4. PID控制使用车身的垂直加速度作为输入变量,模糊控制作为PID控制的补充,以车身旋转角加速度和旋转角速度作为输入变量。

    PID control uses the vertical acceleration of vehicle as the input source , fuzzy-logic control uses the rotary acceleration and velocity as the input source .

  5. 着重介绍了在单轴测试转台系统中采用角加速度计作为反馈信号测量装置的控制系统结构,给出了利用FIR滤波器对角加速度信号进行处理的算法流程以及FIR滤波器的FPGA实现方法。

    A control system for single axis test table with angle accelerometer as feedback is presented , and a FIR filter for the signal of angle accelerometer and a FPGA realization are put forward .

  6. 关联度计算和极值分析表明,角加速度增量△j能较准确地量化各缸的作功状况。

    From relation degree calculation and extreme value analysis , it shows that the angle acceleration increment △ j can be used quantize the power distribution of each cylinder in considerable precision .

  7. 六维加速度传感器(six-axisaccelerometer)可以实现物体运动的六维加速度(包括三维线加速度和三维角加速度)的传感。

    The six-axis accelerometer can sense the six-axis acceleration ( including three-axis linear acceleration and three-axis angular acceleration ) of the motion of a measured object .

  8. 仿真结果表明,通过选择恰当的加权函数设计电液主动悬架H∞控制器能够有效降低车身垂直加速度和俯仰角加速度,改善汽车的行驶平顺性和乘坐舒适性。

    The simulation results show that the electrohydraulic active suspension system with the H_ ∞ linear output-feedback controller greatly reduces the vertical acceleration and longitudinal acceleration of the vehicle body and improves the ride and handling performance as appropriate weighted functions are selected .

  9. 在能够获得高频星敏感器测量的情况下,针对模型不确定问题,提出了一种基于Singer模型的新的滤波算法,把角加速度建模为一阶马尔科夫过程,从而避免了使用姿态动力学模型。

    When high-bandwidth star sensor measurements are available , according to the Singer tracking model , the full angular acceleration is modeled as a first order Markov process while the use of the attitude dynamics is totally avoided .

  10. 在滤波器中,姿态和姿态误差分别由姿态四元数和误差四元数表示,而姿态角加速度由一阶Markov过程描述,从而避免采用姿态动力学模型。

    In the filter , the attitude and attitude error are parameterized by a quaternion and an error quaternion respectively , while the angular acceleration is modeled as a first order Markov process , thus avoiding the use of the attitude dynamics model .

  11. 在时域范围内建立RBF神经网络非线性映射模型,另取一组仿真得到的车身质心垂直加速度和俯仰角加速度代入已训练好的网络识别路面不平度。

    The nonlinear mapping relations in the field of time are found by RBF neural networks . Another vehicle body centroid vertical acceleration and pitching angular acceleration which are calculated by simulation are used to identify road surface roughness by trained networks .

  12. 指出在角加速度存在的情况下,光功率的波动产生IFOG输出误差,通过仿真验证了所提出的观点。

    We verifies the opinion through our simulating that the fluctuation of optical power make output errors of the IFOG on the condition that the angular acceleration is being .

  13. 由于角加速度影响的存在,在研制适用于剧烈运动状态的IFOG时,要考虑到角加速度的影响。

    It is necessary to take into account the effects of angle acceleration and adopt compensation approaches in developing high-precision IFOG which can be applied in extremely dynamic environment .

  14. 目前以F-16、苏-27为代表的高性能战斗机,其所具有的持续高加速度(+Gz)、高加速度增长率、高角加速度的特点更易导致飞行中科里奥利错觉的发生,严重危害飞行安全。

    In high-performance aircraft the pilots are vulnerable to CI because of some of the aircrafts ' characteristics , which include high sustained + Gz ( HSG ) acceleration , high rate of onset and high angular acceleration etc .

  15. 最后用两个相同且彼此靠近的平面3-RRR机器人速度模拟机构,构造加速度模拟机构,求解动平台上确定点的加速度和角加速度。

    Finally , using the simulation mechanism of two planar 3-RRR robots , which are similar and close to each other , to construct the acceleration simulative mechanism and to solve the velocity and angular velocity of the definite point on the moving platform .

  16. 偏心负载对摆动气缸角加速度影响实验研究

    Effect on Angular Acceleration of Rotary Cylinder Due to Eccentric Load

  17. 用交替角加速度刺激获得前庭适应的实验研究

    The investigation of vestibular adaptation acquired by alternate angler acceleration stimulation

  18. 角加速度陀螺仪自动测试系统的设计

    Design of automatic test in g system for angular acceleration gyroscope

  19. 规划后的关节角加速度规律比较容易实现。

    The acceleration rules after planning are easy to be implemented .

  20. 暂态稳定分析中的角加速度同调识别法

    A Method of Angular Acceleration Coherency Recognition in Transient Stability Studies

  21. 基于角加速度的陀螺框架伺服系统干扰观测器

    Disturbance observer based on angular acceleration for gyro gimbal servo system

  22. 离心试验中摆动角加速度的模拟方法

    A simulation method of oscillating angular acceleration in the centrifugal test

  23. 一种改进的视线角加速度非线性估计与滤波方法研究

    A Modified Nonlinear Estimator of LOS-Angle Acceleration with LOS-Rate Measurement Only

  24. 角加速度对闭环光纤陀螺输出的影响

    Effects of Angular Acceleration on Close d - loop IFOG Output

  25. 用速度瞬心法求导杆机构导杆的角加速度

    Using Centre of Speed to Get the Angle Acceleration of Smooth Pole

  26. 角加速度等于,角速度的导数。

    And angular acceleration is the derivative of angular velocity .

  27. 流动电势用于角加速度传感器的研究

    Study on a Angle Acceleration Sensor Based on Streaming Potential

  28. 具有角加速度计实物参与的半实物仿真试验方法

    Method of Hardware in Loop Simulation Test on Angular Accelerometer

  29. 叶轮机械中转子角加速度对非定常流场的影响

    The effect of rotor-angular-acceleration on unsteady flow field in Turbomachinery

  30. 一种新型角加速度传感器的数学模型

    The Mathematical Models of a New Type Angular Acceleration Sensor