
  • 网络social situation;social context;social conditions
  1. 社会情境作为一个社会心理学概念,指影响个体心理活动的社会微观环境。

    Social context as a social psychology concept , refers to the social micro-environment effecting individual psychological activities .

  2. 涂尔干认为在劳动分工明晰化的社会情境中职业伦理的发展是必然的趋势。

    However , Durkheim regarded ' professional ethic ' as an inevitable trend under the social context of clear labor division .

  3. 行动研究法(actionresearch)是由社会情境(包括教育情境)的参与者为提高对所从事的社会的或教育实践的理性认识,为加深对实践活动及其依赖的背景的理解所进行的反思研究。

    The Action Research is the counter-study carried by participant of the social scene ( incl. educational scene ) to improve the logical understanding of social or educational practice and to deepen the understanding of practice and its background .

  4. 儿童在向社会情境中的道德情绪判断与归因

    Children 's Judgment and Attribution of Moral Emotion in Prosocial Contexts

  5. 首先进行同情情境实验,随后进行亲社会情境实验。

    Sympathy situations is the first , second is prosocial situation .

  6. 言语行为的表现形式在不同的文化以及社会情境中有所不同。

    Different speech acts are performed differently in different culture .

  7. 转型社会情境中的民间法话语

    On the paradox in the law discourse in civil society

  8. 形成这种矛盾的原因只能从古希腊特定的社会情境中去寻找。

    The reasons for this contradiction could be found just in the particular social situation .

  9. 少部分不考虑社会情境因素的研究结论缺乏实际意义。

    Without taking social situation into consideration small part of the researches lack practical significance .

  10. 儿童对亲社会情境和犯过情境存在不同的情绪判断与归因模式;

    Under conditions of pro-and anti-social situation , children had different emotion judgment and attribution patterns .

  11. 一般社会情境中风险认知的实验研究

    Risk perception in general social situation

  12. 而有能力的儿童在不同的情境中会展示不同的行为,所以行为只能放在特定的社会情境中来评价。

    Social competent children show different behavior in different situation , so behavior can only be appraised in certain situation .

  13. 我国新闻宣传所面临的社会情境;

    The social situation that our news dissemination is in and the scientific principle and demand of " Three-Approach " .

  14. 再次,从个体、外部、具体的社会情境论述了事件发生的机制。

    Once again , from the individual , the external , specific social situation this paper discusses the mechanism of events .

  15. 设计者运用它,可以识别特定的社会情境,并呈现到当前的学习情境中。

    It emphases putting learners in the authentic social life context and letting the learning occurs in specific context of social frames .

  16. 既然这一制度存在问题,那么它也应该根据新的社会情境进行调整,以使之更加合理化。

    Because this system has the problems , it should be be adjusted to make them more perfect under the new social context .

  17. 优化思想政治教育情境的创设路径,一是构建良性社会情境,引导社会认知。

    Optimization path creation of ideological and political education situation , one is to build benign social situation , guide the social cognition .

  18. 第二部分主要从科学知识形成的社会情境、研究方法和对科学特征的表述三个方面,对二者所持的不同科学知识观进行了比较。

    The second part mainly compares the social situations in which scientific knowledge forms , the research methods and the attitude to scientific knowledge .

  19. 社会情境中的历史个体&以战国到汉初为例反思士人精神明清之际的明宗藩及清初对宗藩后裔的政策

    The Individual in the Social Situations ; The Suzerain-vassal during Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Policies on Their Descendants in Early Qing Dynasty

  20. 这一过程反映出莲池会的功能变迁既有一定的历史延续性,也实现了传统的再造,使之在新的社会情境下扮演新的角色。

    This transformation has a certain historical continuity and fulfills the recreation of the tradition , playing a new role in the new social context .

  21. 文章从语言本身,语言的社会情境,语言的使用者三个方面论述了语用差异产生的原因。

    This part gives a detailed analysis on the causes of pragmatic differences from the three perspectives : language , the language speakers and the language itself .

  22. 消费者行为是在一定情境或背景下产生的,其中,社会情境中的广告心理效应是最重要的情境性影响因素。

    Consumer behavior is generated from a certain context or background , and the advertisement psychological effect of social context is the most important contextual influential factors .

  23. 其基本理论命题是:民族冲突形成并不是单一因素所致,而是基于个体层面、群体层面和社会情境层面的多水平变量相互作用的结果。

    The basic theoretical proposition of the project is that ethnic conflict is derived from the interaction of multi-variables including individual , intergroup , and social factors .

  24. 接受性合作是国际心理学领域出现的一个新概念,它是指在一系列宽泛的社会情境下婴儿所表现出的对父母的一种热切,愿意的合作态度。

    Receptive cooperation is a new concept in the field of international psychology . Broadly speaking , it is a kind of willingness and eagerness stance for infant toward parents .

  25. 有关同伴关系的文献表明,被拒绝的儿童倾向于在社会情境中选择追求不适当的社会目标,低接纳性儿童在他们所追求的目标上更不亲社会和友好。

    The research on peer relationships indicated that rejected children were inclined to pursue inappropriate goals in social situation , low acceptance children are less prosocial and friendly on their goals .

  26. 本文运用临床访谈法研究了小学儿童在亲社会情境中道德情绪判断及归因状况。

    Using the approach of clinical conversation as to the story 's context , this paper analyses the primary school children 's judgement and attribution of moral emotion in prosocial context .

  27. 这个模式适用的社会情境有很多,比如午餐时的闲聊,零售店里的商业交易,课堂上的师生讨论。

    This mode is well-suited to many social contexts , such as casual conversations over lunch , business transactions in a grocery store , discussions between students and teachers in a classroom .

  28. 笔者认为,任何制度安排、政策变迁都是由具体的行为者在一定的社会情境中实施的,与其发生作用的环境之间有着复杂的互动关系。

    The author thinks that , any system arrangement and policy transition is implemented by material actors in some social circumstance and has complicated mutual relations with the circumstance in which it functions .

  29. 首先,我们应将文件连续体理论的产生和形成过程作充分的了解,到它所处的具体社会情境去体会新理论的创新之处。

    First of all , we should have a full understanding about the document continuum theory , and adept to its specific social context in which to experience a new theory of innovation .

  30. 影响儿童权威认知的因素主要有权威特征认知、命令类型、社会情境、问题发生领域、文化因素和儿童的人格特点等。

    Factors influencing children 's cognition of authority are cognition of authority 's attributes , types of command , social context , domains where problems emerge , cultural factors and children 's personalities , etc.