
shè huì fā zhǎn shǐ
  • history of social development;history of social evolution
  1. 要让他们学社会发展史、历史唯物论等几门课程。

    We should have them study the history of social development , historical materialism and other subjects .

  2. 无商不活是社会发展史的经验。

    The experience in the history of social development tells us that there isn 't economic vigour without trade .

  3. 人类社会发展史就是一部个人解放的历史。

    The history of human social development is one of human emancipation .

  4. 欧洲文艺复兴运动是人类社会发展史上的一个重要时期。

    The European Renaissance is a key period in the human history .

  5. 济南商埠区的建立,在济南城市社会发展史上具有划时代的意义。

    The building of Jinan old commercial district is epoch-making in Jinan 's history .

  6. 一部人类社会发展史,就是一部人类创新史。

    The social development of human history is nothing but a history of innovation .

  7. 它填补了史籍记载的缺失和田野考古的不足,为人类社会发展史研究提供了珍贵的实物资料,在科学研究、发展旅游业、繁荣民族经济等方面具有重要价值。

    They are valuable for science research , development of tour and nationality economy .

  8. 社会发展史告诉我们,人是从类人猿进化而来的。

    The developmental history of the society tells us that man has evolved from apes .

  9. 文化工业的勃起是现代社会发展史上具有深远历史意义的事件。

    The inception of cultural industry is a great significant event in modern social history of development .

  10. 十月社会主义革命是人类社会发展史上开天辟地的一件伟大的历史事件。

    October socialist revolution in the history of human society is one of the greatest historical events .

  11. 宋朝在中国古代社会发展史上占有相当重要的地位。

    The Song Dynasty had its quite important status in the long history of China 's feudalistic society .

  12. 本文最后总结出了如下的研究结论:1.在人类社会发展史上,文化一直起着重要的作用。

    The principal conclusions are as follows : ● Culture plays an important role in human social development .

  13. 摘要在一定意义上,人类社会发展史也是一部技术进步史。

    On certain degree , the history of human society is the history of the development of technique .

  14. 可以说,人类社会发展史,就是一部艰难的灾害抗争史。

    Therefore , the history of the development of human society is a difficult history of disaster resistance .

  15. 政治乃永恒之物,一部人类社会发展史即一部政治史。政治,即对公共事务进行管理的过程。

    For human politics is eternal , hence the history of human society just is the history of politics .

  16. 森林在生态系统和整个人类社会发展史上的作用已举世公认。

    The effect of forest is known to all the world in ecological system and the developing history of human society .

  17. 成人恋爱时的情绪体验和其早期社会发展史的爱慕经验有关系。

    Expression of emotions in adult romantic relationships can be related back to a person 's attachment experiences during earlier social development .

  18. 新政权的思想塑造:新中国成立前后的学习社会发展史运动

    Ideological Remolding Under the New Political Power : The Campaign to Study the History of Social Development Around the Founding of New China

  19. 另一方面则是由于1840年以后中国的社会发展史不断向世人昭示,政治文化一直是现代化运动中具有全局影响的一个消极因素。

    On the other , it is political culture that has been a negative factor with overall influence in modernized movement all the time .

  20. 火的利用在人类的发展和社会发展史上占有重要的地位。

    The utilization of fire occupies an important place in the development of mankind and in the history of the development of human society .

  21. 在漫长的人类进化史和社会发展史中,迟至19世纪末、20世纪初,才出现管理概念。

    In the history of human evolution and society development , late to the end of19th century and the beginning of20th century , management arose .

  22. 中华民国在中国社会发展史上的地位&从宏观上兼评几部中华民国史通论著作

    The Place of the Republic of China in Chinese Social History & A Macroscopic Look at Several Works of History of the Republic of China

  23. 土地资源是人类生存与发展的基础,人与土地之间的相互依存、相互作用构成了整个人类社会发展史。

    Land resources is the foundation of human survival and development , Interdependence and interaction between people and land of the history of human society .

  24. 太平天国经略上海地区时期是中国社会发展史的一个重要阶段,很值得认真研究。

    The period of governance of Shanghai district under Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is an important page in the history of China social development , thus worth a study .

  25. 这个人就首先会因此受到全地球人民的特别尊敬而永载地球人类社会发展史的光辉一章的。

    The man then first will therefore have received the entire earth people 's special respect and forever carrying earth history of human society the brightness of chapter .

  26. 建国前后兴起的学习社会发展史运动,就是其中最重要的组成部分。

    The campaign to study the history of social development , flourishing around the founding of new China , was one of the most important component of the campaign .

  27. 事实上,集体化时代是中国社会发展史上一段个性突出、特色鲜明的时期,其影响力时至今日依然挥之不去。

    In fact , the collectivization period is a prominent and characteristic period in the Chinese social development history , and its influence is still lingering even to this day .

  28. 从人类社会发展史的角度看,农业是人类社会进步的起点,也是人类社会得以繁衍的基础。

    From the perspective of the history of human society , agriculture is not only the beginning of the progress of human society , but also the basis on which human society can multiply .

  29. 知识型人才的定义和假设、知识经济的定义和本质、知识在人类社会发展史上的角色,以及关于人的本质的思考构成了模型产生的意识基础。

    The abstractive basis consists of definitions and hypotheses of knowledgeable employees , discuss about inbeing of knowledge economy , influences of knowledge in human history and thoughts about intrinsic nature of human being .

  30. 国际关系史研究有其本身独特的重大价值,并非从属于世界或区域的政治史、政治经济史或社会发展史研究。

    Instead of being subordinated to studies of world or regional political history , political economic history , or social deve  ̄ lopment history , the study of IR history has its own unique value .