
  1. 这种价值选择上的困惑使社会整体价值观念和社会理想出现偏差,并对社会发展和进步产生了巨大的消极作用。

    This value selection of confusion make overall social value and social ideals deviation , and produced for social development and progress a great side effect .

  2. 随着现代经济文化技术的发展,时尚将成为社会整体的价值观念和生活模式,服装设计的理念呈现多元文化共存的格局,同时也将对服装产业产生深远的影响。

    Along with the development of economic technique and culture ," Fashion " will be the value concept and life style of whole society , fashion design idea will be a situation contained multiple cultures , and influence garment industry deeply .