
shè huì yú lùn
  • public opinion
  1. 尽管没有得到这个职位,但社会舆论一边倒地给予卡梅隆积极响应。

    Even though this position has not been , but one-sided public opinion to give Cameron a positive response .

  2. 从思想政治工作客体的思想具有多变性、选择性、差异性的特点来看,社会舆论引导与控制日趋复杂;

    From the perspective that the thinking of the object of the ideological and political work possesses the diversified , selective and differential characteristics , the leading and control of the public opinion becomes increasingly complicated ;

  3. 社会舆论对他毫不宽容。

    Public opinions showed him little charity .

  4. 而在此形势下,一亚洲PX大厂却因操作不当,面临重重社会舆论而迅速停产。

    Compounding these challenges , a major Asian PX facility has been immediately shut down in response to social concerns about its operation .

  5. 海报又称招贴画、宣传画,英文名字是poster。是一种以宣传鼓动、制造社会舆论和气氛为目的的绘画,一般带有醒目的、号召性的、激情的文字标题。

    Poster is a kind of drawing for the purpose of propagandizing as well as creating public opinions and atmosphere , generally with eye-catching , inspiring and passionate titles .

  6. 随着社会舆论的不断关注,在NFL中常见的脑震荡或其他脑损伤可能会承担一些责任。

    And concerns have been growing that the concussions and other head injuries that are common in the NFL might be to blame .

  7. 从立法、社会舆论导向方面进行详尽的规划和设计。

    Legislation , public opinion-oriented aspects of detailed planning and design .

  8. 1920年上海米荒中的社会舆论

    The Public Opinion of the Rice Shortage in Shanghai in 1920

  9. 最近几年,社会舆论普遍对制造业有怨言。

    In recent years the public has generally been hostile to business .

  10. 互联网的飞速发展使之逐渐成为社会舆论传播的新势力。

    Internet is gradually becoming the new forces of social opinion propagation .

  11. 社会舆论以及专家学者持有各种不同的观点。

    Social public opinion and the experts and scholars hold different views .

  12. 梁启超与中国社会舆论的近代转型

    Liang Qichao and Modern Transformation of Social Opinions in China

  13. 社会舆论及其调控研究

    Research into Social Public Opinion and Its Adjustment and Control

  14. 道德评价主要是通过社会舆论和内心信念来实现的。

    Moral appraisal is mainly composed of social consensus and personal intra-faith .

  15. 1915年中日二十一条交涉的社会舆论

    The Public Opinion about Twenty-one Treaties between China and Japan in 1915

  16. 论网络媒体对中国社会舆论格局的影响

    On the Influence of Network Media on Chinese Structure of Social Opinion

  17. 在公共场所里无理取闹应该受到社会舆论的谴责。

    To create troubles in public places should be condemned by social opinion .

  18. 例:对于离婚,社会舆论反应不一。

    Eg : Public opinions for divorce are differerent .

  19. 话语权掌握在谁手里,便决定了社会舆论的走向。

    Who control the speaking right decides the direction of the public opinions .

  20. 一方面,它具有一定的社会舆论监督意义;

    On the one hand , it has certain social supervision by public opinion .

  21. 也许快餐企业只有在社会舆论的逼迫下才会做出正确的选择。

    Perhaps fast-food companies only do the right thing when public opinion forces them to .

  22. 第三,社会舆论及制度环境干预。

    The third suggestion is the intervention in the public opinion environment and system environment .

  23. 而医疗,作为生命健康的保障,也逐渐成为社会舆论的焦点。

    As the support of life health , medical treatment has become the social focus .

  24. 时间困境与社会舆论权威&环境管理的权威结构制衡研究

    Time Dilemma and the Public Voice & Study on Authority Balance Mechanism of Environmental Management

  25. 中国历史上,社会舆论经历了三次大的转型。

    There existed three main periods of transformations about the social opinions in Chinese history .

  26. 除了有法律作保障之外,还有完善的市场和社会舆论监督机制。

    Additional to the protection of the law , there are market and press supervision mechanism .

  27. 从伦理学视角看,社会舆论乃是道德评价的重要手段。

    From ethical point of view , public opinion is the important method of moral appraisal .

  28. 重视媒体宣传报道,引导社会舆论关注农村基础教育。

    Making good use of media publicity to guide the public attention to the rural elementary education .

  29. 不讲信用的行为会受到闲话等社会舆论的指责,被认为是可耻的。

    Disloyal behavior will be accused of gossip and other pubic opinion is considered to be shameful .

  30. 它的主要功能是要塑造和引导社会舆论,就是通过作者对新闻事实、新闻话题的分析,议论和说理来发表意见。

    Its main function is to shape and lead social consensus through analyzing news facts and topics .