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  1. 关于规范社会用字问题的思考

    Consideration on Standardizing the Use of Chinese Characters in the Society

  2. 关于净化和规范社会用字的思考&从牌匾、橱窗用字谈起

    The Thought on the Purification and Standardization of the Using of the Chinese Characters in the Society

  3. 当前城市社会用字中的不规范现象及其成因和对策

    Irregularity and Confusion in the Public Use of Chinese Characters in Cities : Its Causes and Solutions

  4. 浅析当前社会用字取向繁化的原因关于新乡地区推普工作与社会用字情况的调研分析

    A Brief Analysis of the Turn of Social Word Use from Simplicity to Complexity in Current Society

  5. 加强管理,规范社会用字。

    Third , we should strengthen management , standardize the use of Chinese characters in the society .

  6. 与此同时,对社会用字情况进行了调查研究,并对其使用混乱现象作了简要的剖析。

    According to an investigation into the status of the use of Chinese characters in the society the paper criticizes the confusion caused by casual and informal use of Chinese characters .

  7. 规范社会用字提高城市品位&郴州城区公共场所不规范用字现象调查

    To Raise the Taste of our City by Standardizing the Use of Chinese Characters & An Investigation of the Phenomena of the Un-standard Use of Chinese Characters in the Public Places in Chenzhou City

  8. 社会规范用字存在的问题及解决对策

    The standardization of characters : problems and solutions