
  1. 随着社会主义市场机制的建立,我国的经济体制正在经历着由传统的计划经济向社会主义市场经济的转变。

    As China is establishing the socialist market mechanism , its original economic system is undergoing a transformation from traditional planning into socialist market-orientation .

  2. 在社会主义市场机制中,企业购并应该由主体根据自身利益作出选择,政府不宜介入;

    Corporation Merger and Acqusition should be made with selection by the main body according as itself benefit in socialistic market mechanism , the government is not suitable to intervene .

  3. 建立现代企业制度是社会主义市场机制改革的目标,其精髓就是让企业成为自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束的市场主体。

    Establishing modern enterprise system is one of the important goals of socialism market mechanism reform , whose core is to make enterprises the market body of self management , self handling gain and loss , self discipline , self development .

  4. 在我国,目前社会主义市场机制还不完善,还处在由农业化为主向工业化为主过渡的时期,人们的物质资料还不够丰富,闲暇时间少。

    In our country , the socialist market mechanism is still not perfect at present and now is in the transition period from agriculture to industry , during which people 's material goods is not abundant enough and there is little leisure time .

  5. 其次,对我国道路客运经营行政许可方式进行分析与总结,找出适合社会主义市场机制的道路客运经营许可方式&道路旅客运输服务质量招投标制;

    Secondly , the paper analyzes and summarizes the way of road passenger transportation operation administration entry of our country , finding out the way of road passenger transportation operation administration entry which is suitable for socialist market mechanism-road passenger transportation service quality bidding ;

  6. 完整的会计人才市场可以使人力资本集聚,会计资源合理配置。对于建立社会主义市场调节机制,加强社会咨询和服务体系尤为重要。

    An integrated accounting talents market can gather the manpower capital , appropriately distribute the resources .

  7. 社会主义的市场机制的主要构成要素就是:一。建立技术市场,强化知识产权意识;

    Socialist market mechanism is the main constituent elements : 1.To establish the technology market , of Intellectual Property ; 2 .

  8. 社会主义市场经济机制的建立,为金融业提供了巨大的发展空间和发展机遇,同时也使之面临前所未有的金融风险。

    The setup of socialist market-oriented economy not only provides great developing space and opportunities for the financial sector , but also makes it faced with great risks .

  9. 宏观调控机制三者的统一体。国有企业市场主体重构既是社会主义市场经济机制正常运行的前提,同时也是我国经济体制改革成功的关键。

    The market 's subject reconstruction is not only the premise for the proper running of socialist economic mechanism , but also the keypoint for the success of economic system reform .

  10. 以生产力发展为根本动力,通过社会主义市场经济机制,实现工业化和经济的社会化、市场化、实现人与自然的协调发展是中国特色社会主义现代化的基本规律。

    Take the productivity development as the basic motive , pass the socialism market economy mechanism , achieve industrialization , economy socialization , the reliance on market economy and coordination development of person and nature is the basic modernization law of the Chinese and characteristic socialism .

  11. 随着金融经济体制改革的不断深化和社会主义市场经济机制的日趋发育成熟与完善,中国的金融市场必将进一步扩大和活跃,房地产典当作为新的融资方式也将向前发展。

    With constant promotion of the financial economic system reform and the reaching maturity and perfecting of socialist market economy mechanism , financial market of China will expand and be active further , real estate pawn will develop forward even for the new financing way to regard as .

  12. 浅析社会主义市场经济信用机制系统

    On the Credit Mechanism System under Socialist Market Economy

  13. 论社会主义劳动力市场运行机制体系

    On the Operational Mechanisms of Socialist Labour Market

  14. 研究社会主义市场经济运行机制,把握分析信用机制系统,总括规范其组成要素和子系统。

    The moving mechanism was studied of socialist market economy to analyse the credit mechanism system , to sum up and norm its elements and subsystems .

  15. 随着我国经济管理体制改革的逐步深入,社会主义市场经济运行机制的建立,我国的房地产市场日益发展壮大。

    Along with the gradual deepening of the reform about economic management system and the establishment of the socialist market economy , China 's real estate market has become increasingly strong .

  16. 实行排污权交易,将企业经济效益同污染防治工作直接挂钩,可变企业被动防治污染为主动防治,变政府直接管理环境为间接管理,更符合社会主义市场经济运行机制。

    To implement pollution discharge right exchange to attach enterprise 's economic benefits directly to pollution prevention can change passive pollution prevention work to impassive , change government 's direct environmental management to indirect to fit operation system of socialist market economy .

  17. 传统社会主义理论坚决排斥市场机制的时代因素

    Age Factors for Traditional Socialism Theory Rejecting Market Mechanism

  18. 西方市场社会主义是以实现社会主义与市场机制相结合为目标的一种理论思潮。

    Western market socialism is a theoretical ideological trend to realize the organic unity of socialism and market .

  19. 第二,必须坚持社会主义市场经济的改革方向,既要进一步发挥市场机制在资源配置中的基础性调节作用,又要注重市场经济的社会主义性质,把市场机制的长处和社会主义的优点结合起来。

    While relying on market mechanism to play more effectively the important role in regulation of resource allocation , we should simultaneity pay attention to the socialism nature of market economy , banding together the strongpoint of market economy and the virtues of socialism .