
  • 网络social production
  1. 由此提出GDP不是最佳的社会生产总量指标,而NDP是比GDP能更好的反映社会生产总量的指标。

    It is said that GDP is not the best index of gross social production and that NDP , is a better index than GDP to reflect the gross social production .

  2. OMD试图主动介入社会生产的诸多层面,并寻求在各种新的领域与节点中发挥设计的作用及探讨设计的意义,以多重身份致力于当代设计研究、实践与推广。

    Thus initiatively OMD involves itself in many social production scopes , intending to give full rein to designing in every new field and node , meanwhile exploring the meaning of design .

  3. PLC控制系统广泛应用于社会生产各个行业,其安全可靠程度直接影响生产过程,因此讨论其抗干扰技术就显得极其重要。

    The PLC control system is widely applied in social product each profession , its security reliable degree direct influence production process . Therefore discusses its antijamming technology to appear extremely important .

  4. 动态联盟(VirtualEnterpriseAlliance,VEA)是21世纪信息社会生产的主流组织形式,选择和确定联盟伙伴是建立动态联盟的关键环节之一。

    Virtual Enterprise Alliance ( VEA ) is main procreative organization form of information society in 21 century , choosing and deciding partners in VEA is one of the key links to set up virtual enterprise alliance .

  5. 社会生产方式是价值观的最深层基础。

    Mode of production is the most deep - seated foundation .

  6. 社会生产&物质生产与精神生产的有机统一

    Social Production : An Organic Unification of Material Production and Mental Production

  7. 社会生产方式与生育文化变迁研究

    Research on the Social Production Mode and the Vicissitudes of Birth Culture

  8. 收入分配是人类社会生产中一个十分重要的环节。

    Income distribution is a very important part of human social production .

  9. 生产关系是社会生产中各要素之间的关系。

    Production-relations are the relation between each key element in social production .

  10. 我们将在社会生产过程中因其稀缺性而占主导地位的生产要素称之为核心生产要素。

    We think of the leading production factor as core productive factor .

  11. 试论科技工作和经营管理在社会生产中的作用

    On the Function in Technology and Management at Social Production

  12. 物流是国民经济的基础,它联结社会生产各个部分使之成为一个有机整体。

    Logistics has known as the base of national economy .

  13. 社会生产怎样走可持续性发展的道路?

    How does social production take the road to a sustainable development ?

  14. 文化生产是社会生产的特殊形式。

    Culture production is the special form of social production .

  15. 社会生产系统的技术强制增长及其实现

    The Forced Growth of Social Production System by Technology and the Realization

  16. 计算机技术,特别是计算机管理技术的飞速发展,已经对社会生产、管理方式产生了巨大深远的影响。

    The fast-growing computer technology has profound influence over social production and management .

  17. 人是社会生产的承载者和主体,社会发展也促进了人类本性的不断改变和人的全面发展。

    It can promote all-round development for human and continuous change for human .

  18. 没有农业,人们就不能生存,社会生产就不能继续下去。

    Without agriculture , people cannot exist , neither can social production proceed .

  19. 作为历史唯物主义基础的社会生产是全面的,是一个多重矛盾的统一体。

    All-round social production based on historical materialism is a unity in multiple contradiction .

  20. 在这种形式下,企业为了适应极度复杂的全球性社会生产的需要,不断探索新型的生产与经营的组织管理模式。

    Under such situation , enterprises need to explore new productive and managerial models .

  21. 现在,信息技术已渗透到人类社会生产、生活中的每一个方面。

    Now , information technology has infiltrated in the material production and daily life .

  22. 这种相对独立的城市气候环境,对人类的社会生产和生活的影响愈益直接而突出。

    The urban climate environment impacts on social production and life directly and obviously .

  23. 神灵观念在白傣中普遍存在,并深刻地影响其社会生产与日常生活。

    Spirit-worship is very popular with them and greatly influences their life and production .

  24. 当代社会生产关系的新趋势

    New Tendency of Contemporary Social Production Relations

  25. 体育活动的发展受不同历史时期的社会生产发展状况的制约。

    Leisure sports development is restricted by social production development conditions in different historical periods .

  26. 地图在社会生产中有着极其重要的意义。

    The map is important in society .

  27. 计算机系统越来越成为社会生产能力的枢纽和重要支柱。

    Computer systems become the more and more important hub and pillar to society production capacity .

  28. 交流伺服系统广泛应用在社会生产和日常生活的各个方面。

    AC servo system is widely used in various aspects of social production and daily life .

  29. 作为重要社会生产资料,特种设备在各行业的生产过程中所起的作用也越来越大。

    Being important society production materials , special equipment plays an important role in each trade .

  30. 其次,两种生产是统一的社会生产过程中的两个不可分割的方面,二者互相依赖,互相制约,互相作用。

    Secondly , the two productions are the two inseparable process of the unified social production .