
shānɡ pǐn shè huì
  • commodity society
  1. 第四、刻画了都市商品社会女性惶恐不安、虚荣而又自甘堕落的心理弱势。

    Portray women 's fear , vanity and self-degeneration in urban commodity society .

  2. 消费主义俨然成为现代商品社会人们顶礼膜拜的价值理念。

    Consumptionism has become a value concept by the modern man of commodity society .

  3. 商品社会使用价值与市场价格规律论

    On the Social Use Value of Commodities and the Market Price Law

  4. 美国高度发展的商品社会造就出生产-消费型的生态环境。

    The commercial society crests a kind of ecological environment that is production-consumption oriented .

  5. 商品社会的自由及其限制

    Freedom and its Restriction of Merchandise Society

  6. 对于商品社会背景下的受众来说,形式上的美和精神上的美同等重要。

    For commodity audience and social context , formal beauty and spiritual beauty are equally important .

  7. 作为人类商品社会中的一种特殊的产品,程序代码生产难度大却复制容易;

    As a special product of mankind commodity society , programme code is difficult-produced and easy-duplicated ;

  8. 所以,现代商品社会中,广告是生产所不可缺少的一个环节。

    Therefore , in today 's consumer society , advertising is an indispensable link in production .

  9. 在商品社会,竞技体育无疑具有商品性,商品必须要具有效用。

    There is no doubt that athletic sports have the commercial quality and utility in the commercial society .

  10. 笔者认为,物质奖励在校园内的泛化是当今商品社会消费主义泛滥的一种折射。

    The writer believes that material rewards reflects back the flooding of the consumerism in commodity society at present .

  11. 消费文化作为商品社会的一种文化形态,开始影响到社会发展的方方面面。

    As a cultural form of the commodity society , the consumption culture began to affect the social development .

  12. 内在的压力,则来自我们长久以来的历史包袱在商品社会中的种种不适应性。

    Inherent pressure , the historical burden with a long time which is inadaptable with the modern commercial society .

  13. 另一方面则是生活在商品社会中必须付出的一种代价。

    On the other hand is the kind of price one must pay by living in a commodity society .

  14. 当其他价值比精神价值重要时,有些人认为它不在适合我们这个商品社会了。

    Some people think it no longer suitable in our commodity society while oters value the importance of the spirit .

  15. 在技术和商品社会里,人可能变成了技术和物质的奴隶。

    In a society of technology and commodity , people are prone to becoming the slaves of technology and material .

  16. 商标作为一种应用语言,是当今商品社会中广泛使用的交流媒介。

    Trademarks , being a manifestation of language in action , is a widely used medium of communication in the commercial society .

  17. 商品社会、景观社会、符号社会&西方社会批判理论的一种变迁

    Society of the Commodity , Society of the Spectacle and Society of the Signs & A Variance of the Western Social Critique Theory

  18. 商品社会充斥大量广告,广告中正确巧妙地使用仿拟辞格可以收到好的效果。

    There are abundant advertisements in the commodity society and using parodies cleverly and correctly in English and Chinese advertisements may bear good results .

  19. 他也没有削弱自己对商品社会成果的鄙视:更便宜的棉花、更快捷的铁路对他来说毫无价值;

    Nor did he soften much in his disdain for the fruits of commercial society : cheaper cotton and swifter railways meant nothing to him ;

  20. 然而,在西方现代主义思潮与商品社会的冲击下,中国油画的写实主义刹时迷失了精神家园。

    However , under the assault from Western modernist trends and a commodity driven society , Chinese realism has for a moment lost its spiritual direction .

  21. 在经济迅速发展的商品社会中,广告业随着商品交换而产生,并随着信息化的普及而发生着变化。

    Rapid economic development of commercial society , the advertising industry with the exchange of commodities produced , and with the popularity of information technology and changing .

  22. 在这个矫柔造作,浮躁的商品社会中,我们的青春,就象是被鲜花包裹的锐利的武器,样子美好,隐藏的确实要人命的险恶。

    In this artificial , commodity crazy community , our youth are like sharp weapons covered in beautiful flowers , who look pretty but are hiding something dangerous .

  23. 如何在纷繁复杂的商品社会中把握自己的道德取向,正确处理收视率和社会责任的关系,这是电视媒体必须下功夫去研究解决的问题。

    How to uphold their moral pursuit while properly handling the relationship between viewing rate and social responsibility is an issue that TV media must deal with seriously .

  24. 由于旅游在现代商品社会中表现出来的经济意义,对旅游业经营管理的研究更多地成为了我国旅游研究的中心。

    Because of tourism 's economic significance showed in the modern commodity society , the study of tourism puts a great deal of emphasis on operating an administrating of it .

  25. 进入新世纪以后,“海子神话”的主要倾向转向“心灵赤子”论,以此反抗商品社会中消费文化的压迫。

    In the new century , the main tendency shifts to that of the man with pure soul as an expression against the oppression of consumer culture in the society .

  26. 而诚信就是一切信用形式的共同基础,是商品社会的社会契约之一,是市场经济有序发展的前提。

    And credit is the common base of all credit forms , is one of the covenants in commodity society , is the precondition for regular development of market economy .

  27. 随着社会本身的进步与发展,对品牌忠诚的定义也随着商品社会的进步历经了三个不同的阶段:行为论、态度论以及行为-态度复合论。

    With the progress and development of society itself , the definition of Brand Loyalty has experienced three different phases : behavioral theory , attitudinal theory and behavioral & attitudinal theory .

  28. 个人主义在商品社会中的极端发展,对社会的和谐与进步构成威胁,必须寻求另一种价值观来取得平衡。

    As a result , the rise of individualism in the community has become a serious threat to social harmony and progress . A different set of values are needed as a counterbalance .

  29. 商品社会使用价值,在量上最终表现为某一商品的社会需求量与生产供给量的比率,在不同的条件下具有不同的值。

    In the view of quantity , it is ultimately represented by the ratio between some commodity 's amount of social demand and its amount of productive supply , and varies under different conditions .

  30. 文变染乎世情,20世纪中国特定的话语环境使中国新诗大众化运动具有了不同于文艺大众化方针和商品社会中流行的大众文化的特质。

    The special language environment in the 20th century makes Chinese NPPM different from either " the principles of literature and art PM ", or the " popular culture " in the commercialized society .