
kōng xiǎng
  • fantasy;daydream;fancy;idle dream;chimera
空想 [kōng xiǎng]
  • [fantasy;idle dream] 不从实际出发的想法

  • [daydream] 无根据地设想

空想[kōng xiǎng]
  1. 我叫你监督解剖室,不是去制定一些空想的规定。

    I told you to supervise autopsies , not to set up a lot of fancy rules .

  2. 按劳分配缺乏博爱精神,差别原则多有空想成分。

    Labor-based distribution lacks fraternity while capital-based distribution has more fancy .

  3. 她还年轻并且耽于空想。

    She 's still young and idealistic .

  4. 他在虚幻的空想中虚度了光阴。

    He idled the time away in dreamy thought .

  5. 她对这场改革嗤之以鼻,认为只是无实际行动的集体空想而已。

    She dismisses the reform process as an exercise in collective navel gazing .

  6. 我喜欢空想。

    I am inclined to daydream .

  7. 别空想了,还是从实际出发吧。

    Stop daydreaming and be realistic .

  8. 比尔坐着空想,他母亲要他面对现实,去做课外作业。

    Bill was sitting and daydreaming so his mother told him to come down to earth and to do his homework .

  9. 我们应该抛掉改造世界的空想计划。

    We should throw the ideal plan for reforming the world .

  10. 没有人要杀他&那纯属空想。

    Nobody was trying to kill him & that was pure imagination .

  11. 她是空想者和实干者的结合。

    She was a fusion of the dreamer and doer .

  12. 她怀有回归自然,'过自耕自食生活那一套不切实际的空想。'

    She has these airy-fairy notions about going about to nature and growing all her own food .

  13. 我退休后想在西班牙买一栋别墅,但就我有限的财力而言,这只是一种空想。

    I would like to buy a villa in Spain when I retire , but with my limited resources it is only a pipe dream .

  14. 别再相信他了,他是个一直住在空中楼阁里的空想家

    Don 't trust him any more . He is always living as a daydreamer .

  15. 他的乌托邦不是空想的联邦,而是对那些已经存在的联邦实际改进

    His utopia is not as chimeric commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists .

  16. 市场部经理坚信她计划提升公司销售额150%的方案不是空想。

    The marketing2 manager is very confident and insists that her plan to increase company sales by 150 % is not a pipe dream .

  17. 不过,几乎所有专攻欧盟(eu)事务的政治和法律专家都认为,建立财政联盟只是一种空想。

    Yet , almost all political and legal experts who specialise in the European Union believe a fiscal union is Utopian .

  18. n.海市蜃楼;空想我看见一个幻影,使得前头的公路好似被水淹没一般。

    mirage I saw a mirage that made highway ahead seem to be flooded with water .

  19. 虽然该理论的拥护者打造出一种越来越具巴洛克风格的空想,但这个核心或曰堡垒(theCitadel)却牢不可破。

    This core , the Citadel , remains impregnable while its adherents fashion an increasingly baroque fantasy .

  20. 萨尔瓦多·达利(SalvadorDalí)1946年的油画《圣安东尼的诱惑》(TheTemptationofSt.Anthony,右上)描绘了一个建在动物背上的大都市,那是真正的空想风景。

    A truly quixotic landscape is seen in Salvador Dal í' s 1946 painting The Temptation of St. Anthony ( top right ), which depicts a metropolis set upon the backs of animals .

  21. 萨尔瓦多·达利(SalvadorDalí)1946年的油画《圣安东尼的诱惑》(TheTemptationofSt.Anthony,右上)描绘了一个建在动物背上的大都市,那是真正的空想风景。

    A truly quixotic landscape is seen in Salvador Dal í " s 1946 painting " The Temptation of St. Anthony " ( top right ) , which depicts a metropolis set upon the backs of animals .

  22. 近日,伊利诺伊州州长帕特奎恩(PatQuinn)宣称,选民们是时候与现实来一次约会了,因为过去35年间,太多的州长和议员沉迷于对预算的空想之中。

    This week , for example , Pat Quinn , the Illinois governor , declared that it was time for a rendezvous with reality for voters , since over the past 35 years , too many governors and members of the General Assembly have clung to budget fantasies .

  23. 完全公正的社会只是一个空想。

    The idea of a perfectly fair society is just make-believe .

  24. 最近十年关于空想社会主义者圣西门的研究综述

    Roundup of Recent 10-Year Researches on Saint Simon , Utopian Socialist

  25. 大多数来自于受害者的解释是被当作空想。

    Most interpret the information from the victims as chimerical thinking .

  26. 墨子思想之人民性具有功利性、现实性和空想性特征。

    Mo-tse 's Thoughts feature utilitarianism , reality character and escapism .

  27. 他并不是一味喜欢空想的人,他是个艺术家。

    He was not the yearner , he was the artist .

  28. 空想社会主义是社会主义观的初级形态。

    Utopian socialism is the elementary form of the socialist view .

  29. 接触实际使他不再倾向于无益的空想。

    Contact with realities indisposed him to any more idle speculations .

  30. 少空想,多做事:针对女性树立自信心的六条建议

    Think Less , Act More : 6 Confidence Boosters for Women