
  • 网络idealistic;utopianism;Micawberism
  1. 一个空想主义(经常是不切实际的)的社会改革者。

    An idealistic ( but usually impractical ) social reformer .

  2. 自信满满、争强好胜的狮子座能将事事掌控在自己手中,但年中将受到空想主义个性的干扰,情绪会受到影响。

    Confident and ambitious Leo can hold everything in the hands , but idealistic personality will puzzle you in the midyear to affect your mood .

  3. 在现代读者听来,这种命令也许像是乌托邦式的空想主义。

    Such injunctions may strike the modern reader as utopian .

  4. 空想主义与现实主义&比较昔日人民公社与当今新农村建设

    Utopian and Realism-Comparison of the Past People 's Commune and the Present New Countryside

  5. 尽管这似乎带点空想主义色彩,但唐纳最新的项目也拥有类似的理想化目标。

    If that sounds a little kumbaya , Tate-Di Donna 's latest project has similar idealistic aims .

  6. 他们不会像空想主义者希望的那样,把联合国变成一个世界政府。

    They are not going to turn the UN into a world government , as some Utopians would like .

  7. 意识形态不再只是哲学的思辩,而成为政治野心分子和空想主义者的工具。

    Ideology is no longer a philosophical debate , but a tool employed by ambitious politicians and armchair idealists .

  8. 一些军事空想主义者认为,无人飞行器甚至有可能通过使用人工智能具备伦理道德的判断能力。

    It may even be possible , according to military visionaries , to give drones a form of ethical reasoning , using artificial intelligence .

  9. 这真是可惜尽管说指望上市公司的首席执行官与别人分享权力似乎是毫无希望的空想主义。

    That is a shame , even if it seems hopelessly idealistic to expect chief executives of public companies to share power with someone else .

  10. 他们通常会认为我们是某种空想主义者,认为我们过着远离电气的生活旨在揭露西方腐化的文明。

    Frequently they assumed that we were ideologues of some sort , that we were living without electricity to make a point about the dry rot of Western civilization .

  11. 其它的反对声音认为随着计算机的移动性能提升,这将有助于那些投资于研究多年的信息技术企业的发展,并使得没有大量专利权的谷歌在拓展IT业务时显得缺乏经验和空想主义。

    Others counter that as computing goes mobile , it favours information-technology firms that have invested in research for years and that Google was naive - or idealistic - to broaden its IT business without having a stack of patents .

  12. 文章首先从和谐社会的一般性理论和概念着手,界定了社会主义和谐社会的基本含义;其次梳理了中西方历史上以及空想社会主义和马克思主义者的和谐社会理论与实践。

    First , the article is the general theory of a harmonious society concept and defines the basic meaning of a socialist harmonious society ; then dealing with the history culture of the Chinese and the West , utopian socialism and the Marxist theory and practice of a harmonious society .