
  • 网络electromagnetic picture of world
  1. 电磁世界图景是物理学诞生以来屈指可数的重大观念体系之一,曾影响以洛伦兹和爱因斯坦为代表的两代理论物理学家。

    Electromagnetic picture of the world was considered as one of the most major concept system since the birth of physics , which has influenced theoretical physicists of two generations represented by Lorentz and Einstein .

  2. 更何况像电磁世界图景这样重大的观念体系,即使整体不成立,也还包含了电子、场和以太这些重要的概念。

    Moreover , electromagnetic picture of the world is one of the most major concept system . Even if the whole may be not set up , some important concepts such as electronic , field and ether were accepted .