
  • 网络film techniques;Cinema Technology;Motion picture technology;Cinefex
  1. 高超的电影技术美妙地转变成3D图像,把观众带到古老的埃及。

    The cinematography beautifully translates into three dimensions , whisking audiences into the world of ancient Egypt .

  2. 目的综合应用快速成像方法,实践超快速对比增强4D血管造影电影技术。

    Objective To practise the ultra fast CE-MRA 4D cineangiography by using rapid imaging methods .

  3. IMAX电影技术在中国取得很大进展。

    IMAX makes big push into China .

  4. 暴雪的游戏不仅包含了界内最好的游戏内涵,还拥有目前最令人惊异的CGI电影技术,用于美化计算机游戏。

    Not only do Blizzard games contain some of the best gameplay around , they also have some of the most amazing CGI cinematics ever to grace a video game .

  5. 并于2005年正式发布了《DCI数字电影技术规范》,本项目就是依照该技术规范,进行了数字电影播放服务器的研究和开发工作。

    And officially released in 2005 , " DCI digital cinema technical specifications ", the project is in accordance with the technical specifications for digital cinema playback servers of the research and development .

  6. 但是在有声电影技术出现以后,一切都改变了。

    But that all changed with the introduction of sound on film technology .

  7. 星球大战带来了电影技术和革新。

    Star Wars introduced cinematic techniques and innovations .

  8. 他们也以实操的方式教中国的技术人员目前最新的电影技术。

    They also teach Chinese technicians the very latest movie techniques in a hands-on way .

  9. 电影技术美学的历史

    History and Theoretical Concepts of Film Technologic-aesthetics

  10. 电影技术推动着电影艺术不断发展,也为电影研究带来了新课题。

    Film technology promotes the film art development , but also brought new topic for movie research .

  11. GB/T15769-1995电影技术术语

    Terminology for film technology

  12. 第三章通过与传统电影技术相比较,简述数字电影技术在哪些方面占有优势,又在哪些方面有所局限。

    The third section presents the advantages of digital cinema technology and limitations by comparison with the traditional film technology .

  13. 数字电影技术在选择性冠状动脉造影中的应用及图像质量分析

    Application of digital cine mode ( DCM ) in selective coronary angiography ( SCA ) and analyses of the imaging quality

  14. 随着电影技术发展的时代不同,也造就了《画皮》的不同艺术作品的诞生。

    Along with the development of times film technology is different ; also make the skin of the birth of the different art works .

  15. 全片持续两个小时,把电影技术和精美色彩的运用推向了极致。

    It ran for nearly 2 hours pushing the technology to the limit with some of the most vivid colors ever put to the screen .

  16. 电影技术中,在一个装置上重显的一系列静止图象,因人眼有视觉暂留特性,这就给人以连续运动的主观印象。

    In filming , a succession of still images which gives the subjective impression of motion when used in a device which maintains persistence of vision .

  17. 他在电影技术、艺术方面有很多创新,不同电影有不同的风格,各式各样的风格在他的摄影镜头中运用的得心应手。

    In his film technology , artistic many innovative , different movies have different style , a variety of styles in his photography lens used in handy .

  18. 动画作为一种对科学技术高度依附的艺术形式,其诞生及发展与电影技术的普及存在密切关联。

    As a form of art , animation is highly dependent on scientific technology , its emergence and development is inextricably associated with the popularization of film technology .

  19. 由于该片中尝试使用了实验性素材与表现方式,为此该片还获得了纽约国际电影技术节的最佳实验电影奖。

    As the film try to use the experimental material and expression , this film also won the New York International Film Festival Best Experimental Film Technology Award .

  20. 不难看出,过低的市场集中度所表现出来的过度竞争,对中国电影技术创新的长期发展会带来一定的负面影响。

    It is obvious that low market concentration degree leads to excessive competition and this will make certain side effect on the long term development of Chinese film technology innovation .

  21. 随着电影技术的不断发展和观众对于电影音乐要求的不断提高,传统的配乐手法已经不能满足电影和作曲家的需要。

    With the continuous development of film technology and the audience forthe film musical requirements continue to increase , the traditional music practices cannot meet the needs of the film and composer .

  22. 如果你觉得这之间花了这么长的时间奇怪,我只能回答,电影技术花了这么长的时间才赶上了讲故事人的想象力。

    If you wonder why it 's taken so long , I can only answer that it 's taken this long for movie magic to catch up to the imaginations of the storytellers .

  23. 据电影技术公司称,这一投影机最早也要到2013年年末才能投放电影市场,但CinemaCon展会的一些参展者抢先一睹了它的风采。

    The projectors won 't be ready for the market until late 2013 , at the earliest , the film and technology companies say , but some CinemaCon attendees got a sneak peek .

  24. 在电影技术不断革新推动力的作用下,受大众的电影审美标准的提升,电影片头的样式、地位和意义都发生了质的变化。

    Under the film role of technical innovation impetus , film promotion of aesthetic standards of the public , style , position and significance of the films head qualitative changes have taken place .

  25. 夏洛克·福尔摩斯是第一个被搬上屏幕的侦探,而他的形象变化也见证着电影技术的进步,从默片或廉价电影到七彩斑斓的荧屏。

    Sherlock Holmes was the first detective to be transferred to the screen and his appearances chart the evolution of film itself , from silent tworeelers , or quickies , to the marvel of colour .

  26. 随着电影技术的发展和社会需求的变化,电影的奇观功能得到强化和突出,奇观作为吸引观众的法宝,成为一种引人注目的现象。

    With the development of film technology and the needs of society , the function of cinematic spectacle is strengthened . It is a remarkable phenomena that spectacle is becoming a magic weapon of attracting audience .

  27. 随着电影技术的不断进步及人类审美品位的变化,电影片头发展到今天不仅从形式上及审美标准上,更从其在电影中的地位上都得到很大的提高。

    With the advances in film technology and change of human aesthetic taste , films head on till today not only from the formal and aesthetic standards , more from its position in the film are greatly improved .

  28. 随着社会的进步,电影技术的发展,学生素质的不断提高,表演艺术教学与创作的内、外部环境也不断发生着改变。电影表演的教学方法必须不断适应这重重变化并适时做出相应的调整。

    With the progress of the society and continuous improvement of the quality of students , the external environment is constantly changing , so the teaching methods adopted in universities must be constantly adapted to these changes and make timely adjustments accordingly .

  29. 对于外文影片来讲,语境的理解辅助作用不仅仅体现在纯语言语境还有非语言语境,换句话说,是电影技术所营造的特殊氛围以及影片中所体现的西方文化背景。

    Therefore a thorough knowledge of context and its theories is necessary . The auxiliary function of context shows not only in pure language context but also in non-linguistic context . To be specific , non-linguistic context means the special setting and the cultural background embodied in the film .

  30. MRI动态电影扫描技术对颞下颌关节紊乱病的诊断价值

    The Value of MRI Dynamic Movie Scan Technique in Diagnosis of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction