
  • 网络Power Line Carrier Communication;Power Line Communication;PLC;PLCC
  1. 论述数字化技术在电力线载波通信中的应用,介绍了所研制的电力线载波数字终端及其试验运行情况,认为APLC加数字终端是电力线载波实现数字通信行之有效的解决方案。

    This paper deals with application of digital technology in PLC communication , introduces a PLC data terminal researched by us and its experimental running . We think that the scheme of APLC plus data terminal is a effective solution to realize PLC digital communication .

  2. 着重阐述了电力线载波通信发展的历史以及数字通信技术在电力线载波通信上的应用。

    The developing history of PLC communication and the application of digital communication technique on the PLC communication are described .

  3. 基于DSP的电力线载波通信信号处理研究与实现

    Research and Realization on Signal Processing of DSP-based Power Line Carrier Communication

  4. 低压电力线载波通信模块的FPGA实现

    FPGA Implementation of Low-voltage Power Line Carrier Communication Model Block

  5. 高压电力线载波通信自适应OFDM调制技术研究

    Study on Self-Adaptive OFDM Technology of High-voltage Power Line Carrier Communication

  6. 基于OFDM的电力线载波通信技术的研究

    The Research of Power Line Carrier Communication Technology Based on OFDM

  7. 电力线载波通信电磁辐射和OFDM调制技术的研究

    Research of Power Line Carrier Communication Electromagnetic Radiation and OFDM Modulation Technology

  8. 基于电力线载波通信的CPU卡预付费电能表的设计

    The Design of CPU Card Prepayment Watt-hour Meter Base on Power Line Carrier Communication

  9. 马钢港务原料厂PLC通讯故障排除方法分析一种电力线载波通信系统的设计

    Analysis of Handling Methods of PLC Communication Failures of the Raw Material Plant on the Port Design of a PLC Communication System

  10. 基于GPRS和低压电力线载波通信的智能远程抄表系统的设计

    Design of Intelligent and Remote Meter Reading System Based on GPRS and Low-voltage Power Line Carrier Communication

  11. ATC系统中采用电力线载波通信技术的研究

    The Application of Power-line Carrier Communication Technology in ATC

  12. 本文在充分研究了各种电力线载波通信技术的基础上,提出了改进的OFDM调制技术,使信息传输的安全性和可靠性有了很大的提高。

    Based on the studies of present power line carrier communication techniques , a modified OFDM is presented in this thesis .

  13. 近来,电力线载波通信(PLC)作为一种廉价的通信方式引起了人们的关注,并且正处于快速的发展之中。

    Recently , Powerline Communication ( PLC ) as one of the lowest cost manner for signal transmission , attracts increasing attention , and is developing with high speed .

  14. Echelon公司的电力线载波通信技术

    Power Line Carrier Communication Technology of Echelon

  15. 论文首先介绍了正交频分复用(OFDM)技术的基本理论及其实现过程,分析了将正交频分复用技术应用于电力线载波通信的可行性和优点。

    The thesis first introduces the basic theory and the realization aspects of OFDM , and then demonstrates the feasibility and advantage of using OFDM in PLC .

  16. 因此,在已有的研究基础上提出一种改进的子信道利用方法来实现OFDM技术在电力线载波通信中的应用,通过建立Matlab仿真模型实现基于改进方法的通信。

    An improved method is brought forward based on currently research in order to apply OFDM to power line carrier communication and it has been simulated by establishing Matlab model .

  17. 结果表明硬件嵌入式仿真平台可以很好地仿真OFDM系统,采用改进的TCM编码调制方法可以有效地降低PAPR值,能够获得一定的性能改善,OFDM技术在低压电力线载波通信中具有广阔的应用前景。

    The result provides that proper code can reduce PAPR of OFDM system , and OFDM technique has a capacious prospect used in low voltage distribution power-line network .

  18. 通信设备主要包括EPON通讯设备(OLT、ONU)及电力线载波通信机。

    The communications equipment , including EPON communications equipment ( OLT , ONU ) and power line carrier communication equipment .

  19. 正交频分复用(OFDM)用于低压电力线载波通信能够有效解决噪声、多径和频率选择性衰落等问题。

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ) is proposed as a new and efficient method for resolving such problems as noise , multi-path propagation and frequency selective fading in power line communication ( PLC ) .

  20. 本文论述了电力线载波通信的发展及现状,针对如何在高压电力线中提升通信速率和可靠性的问题,提出了数字单边带与TCM两种实现方案。

    The paper discusses the development and application of power line carrier communication technology . Aiming at enhancing the high speed and reliability of the communication on high voltage power line , two schemes : digital single sideband and TCM are proposed .

  21. 针对国内外道路照明管理系统的发展现状,本文提出了一种基于ARM平台和低压电力线载波通信技术的道路照明管理系统,详细阐述了在该系统中作为现场控制设备的照明区域控制器的设计。

    A road lighting management system using ARM and low voltage power-line carrier communication technology was presented in this thesis . The design of the Cluster Lighting Controller , which is used as a field control equipment in the system was studied in detail .

  22. 针对USB总线设备方便、灵活、高效、低价的特点,提出将电力线载波通信模块加接USB接口,可方便地实现家电控制自动化和网络化。

    Based on the convenience and efficiency of the USB interface bus , a new solution is brought forward to combine the Power Line Carrier Communication Module with USB interface , it is easy to fulfill the automatic and network control for familial electric devices .

  23. 近年来,通过配电网实现通信,又称低压电力线载波通信(PLC)越来越引起人们的广泛关注。电力线载波通信的许多优点为电力市场以及相关业务的发展提供了广阔的应用前景。

    The usage of electrical power distribution networks as a media for communications , called Powerline Communications ( PLC ), has become more and more attractive in recent years . It has a number of advantages that attract great interest for the development of electrical market and business opportunities .

  24. 主要讨论了影响低压电力线载波通信的主要因素,提出了在电力线载波通信中干扰问题的两种解决方法:扩频通信技术和OFDM技术,并展望了低压电力线载波通信在未来的发展前景。

    In this article we discuss the important factors of influencing the low-voltage power line carrier communication , and offer the two methods which are extended frequency communication technique and OFDM technique about electric power line communication . We finally forecast the intending prospect of the low-voltage power line communication .

  25. 低压电力线载波通信(Low-PowerLineCarrierCommunication)是利用现有的低压配电线路(220V或380V交流供电线路)作为通信介质,实现数据、话音、图像等综合业务的通信技术,具有广阔应用的前景。

    Low-voltage power line carrier communication uses existing low-voltage distribution lines ( 220V or 380V AC power lines ) as a communication medium and implements the communications technology of data , voice , image and other integrated business and it is a hot technology having a broad application prospect .

  26. 介绍了一种基于CEBUS总线的火灾预警系统,该系统基于CEBUS总线,并采用扩频电力线载波通信技术,实现了对多点现场的自动监测控制,实现了对火灾现场的集中控制和自动灭火。

    The system based on the CEBUS main line and using the wide frequency power line carrier communication technology to realize the multi - spots scene automatic monitor control , has realized the fire scene common control and the automatic fire fighting .

  27. 电力线载波通信是用电力线路作为通信媒介进行数据传输。

    Power line carrier communication means transmitting data via power line .

  28. 高速低压电力线载波通信中的正交频分复用技术

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing for fast low voltage power line communication

  29. 电力线载波通信中的自适应阻抗匹配系统模型

    An Adaptive Impedance Matching System Model for Power Line Communication System

  30. 家庭自动化中电力线载波通信系统的设计

    The design of power line carrier communication system for home automation