
  • 网络e-book;E-Book Readers;e-reader;kindle;eBook Reader
  1. 但Web与移动设备(可能是电子书阅读器、电话、网络或笔记本电脑)的结合就足以实施所有类型的交易,无论是大额还是小额交易。

    But the combination of the Web and mobile devices be it an eBook reader , phone , netbook , or laptop is sufficient infrastructure to effectuate all kinds of transactions , small and large .

  2. 2004年,索尼亚推出了一款电子书阅读器,比亚马逊(Amazon)的Kindle早三年,但最终因为价格高、选择少而落败。

    In 2004 Sony came out with an ebook reader three years before Amazon 's Kindle , but lost out because of higher prices and a narrower range .

  3. 分别对多个输出设备(如智能手机、电子书阅读器和替代Web浏览器)的内容进行样式化

    Style content separately for multiple output devices such as smart phones , e-book readers , and alternate web browsers

  4. 皮尤研究中心(PewResearch)在1月份发布的研究指出,美国约有50%的人拥有一部专门的电子书阅读器。

    About 50 % of the U.S. population owns a dedicated e-reader , according to a Pew Research study released last month .

  5. 总部设在波士顿的Eink公司处在此类设备制造周期的核心位置,绝大多数电子书阅读器的显示屏都是由他们生产的。

    At the centre of the manufacturing cycle for the devices is E Ink , the Boston-based producer of the majority of e-reader displays .

  6. 通过电子书阅读器Kindle,贝佐斯颠覆了现代的书籍模式。

    And with the Kindle , he essentially helped transform the modern-day book .

  7. 消息人士对《华尔街日报》透露,亚马逊可能会利用这家门店展示自家的电子设备,比如Kindle系列电子书阅读器、Fire智能手机和Fire电视机顶盒等等。

    Sources told the Journal that Amazon might use the space to showcase its own devices like the Kindle e-readers , Fire smartphone or Fire TV set-top box .

  8. 仅去年12月份一个月,公司便卖出400万台Kindle,而据巴克莱银行(BarclaysCapital)预测,明年,亚马逊电子书阅读器的销量将达到2100万台。

    Last December alone , the company sold upwards of four million kindles , and Barclays Capital predicts Amazon could sell 21 million of its e-readers next year .

  9. Kindle电子书阅读器的成功也鼓舞了亚马逊,预计其安卓平板也将在数周内上市。

    Amazon , buoyed by the success of its Kindle e-reader , is expected to launch an Android tablet within weeks .

  10. 而上周Forrester发布的调查数据则显示消费者普遍认为电子书阅读器的价格偏贵。

    Another study released last week by Forrester discovered that consumers find e-book readers much too expensive .

  11. 最便宜的Kindle,一种亚马逊公司生产的电子书阅读器,售价为79美元,相比较,2007年发布的第一代则是399美元。

    The cheapest ane , an e-reader from Amazon , sells for $ 79 , against $ 399 for the first version launched in2007 .

  12. 上周,美国图书销售商巴诺书店开始在英国销售其nook电子书阅读器,最低售价为79英镑。

    Last week , US bookseller Barnes & Noble started selling its nook eReaders in the UK , priced from 79 .

  13. 目前,X-Ray功能仅用于Touch产品,但亚马逊一位高管称,公司这么做的目的,是为了将电子书阅读器与其他产品区分开来&但最终,这项功能也将被应用于其他型号的产品。

    For now , X-ray is only available on the touch one Amazon executive said the company did so to differentiate the e-reader from the rest of the line but eventually , it will make its way to other models .

  14. 亚马逊(Amazon)发布了新款Paperwhite电子书阅读器,并从本周开始接受预订,预计于9月30日出货。

    Amazon ( AMZN ) announced a new paperwhite e-reader , available for preorder this week and expected to ship by Sept. 30 .

  15. 这也是黑莓和富士康&iPad、iPhone和Kindle电子书阅读器的台湾代工厂商成为合作伙伴后推出的首批产品之一。

    It was also one of the first products to emerge from a partnership with Foxconn , the Taiwanese manufacturer responsible for churning out iPads , iPhones , and Kindle e-readers .

  16. 这可能有助于说明,为什么亚马逊周一在100多个国家推出了国际漫游版电子书阅读器kindle,而中国却不在其列。

    This could help explain why China is not on the list of 100 countries where Amazon plans to launch the Kindle , its e-reader , on Monday .

  17. 用户可以在任何能运行Alexa的设备上使用Alexa新的新冠病毒功能,如智能手机、平板、Kindle电子书阅读器等。

    Users can take advantage of Alexa 's new COVID-19 features on any device Alexa runs on , including smartphones , tablets , Kindles , and more .

  18. 分析人士表示,亚马逊(amazon)的kindle、索尼(sony)的reader等现有版本的电子书阅读器(均使用元太显示屏)的销量可能在2010年达到1000万台,是2009年预计销量的两倍。

    Sales of existing versions of e-books such as the Amazon Kindle or the Sony Reader both of which rely on PVI screens could reach 10m units in 2010 , double the expected figure in 2009 , say analysts .

  19. 格勒诺贝尔管理学院计划用ipad开发更多的应用,以更直观的方式运用其电子书阅读器功能,实现在线课程、远程学习功能,通过电子书店发布学术期刊。

    Grenoble plans to use the iPad to develop applications , make more intuitive use of its e-book reader capabilities , give access to online classes and distance learning and to provide access to faculty publications via the E-book store .

  20. 受到海德思想的触动,佐佐文木雄的背包里只带有着一个MacBookAir,Wi-Fi手机,Kindle电子书阅读器,一本书和一个充电宝,还有袜子和内裤。

    Motivated by Hyde 's ideas , Fumio has a backpack in which he carries a MacBook Air , Wi-Fi cell phone , Kindle e-reader , a book and a battery charger , as well as socks and some underwear .

  21. 其中重点介绍了电子书阅读器软件的显示、交互功能,以及Necessitas技术和JNI技术在项目平台移植时的使用方法。

    Great emphasis is laid on the display and interactive features , as well as the way of using Necessitas and JNI on platform transplantation .

  22. 因此,和其它学院的同行一样,达顿的高级行政管理人员认为DX(其它电子书阅读器亦可)可以产生积极的环境影响,并减轻学生后背与银行账户的压力。

    So Darden 's senior administrators , like their counterparts elsewhere , believe the DX ( and potentially other e-readers ) could have a positive environmental impact and reduce the strain on students ' backs and bank balances .

  23. 现在,最大的网上书店亚马逊公司(Amazon.com)也加入了竞争行列,推出了一款售价400美元的“Kindle”电子书阅读器,该公司希望通过大大改善用户的购书体验来占领市场。

    Now , the biggest name in online book sales , Amazon . com , is entering the fray with a $ 400 electronic book reader called Kindle that aims to succeed by offering a much better shopping experience .

  24. 本电子集团索尼(Sony)宣布,将推出一款价格399美元的无线触摸屏电子书阅读器,以求夺回它在新兴的电子书市场控制权争夺战中被亚马逊(Amazon.com)抢走的份额。

    Sony opens new chapter in fight for dominance of electronic books Sony has unveiled its bid to reclaim ground lost to Amazon.com in the battle for control of the emerging electronic book market with a wireless , touch-screen reader priced at $ 399 .

  25. 它怒斥微软这家软件巨头违法,因为微软向生产使用安卓(谷歌的手机开源操作系统)移动设备的厂商收取专利使用费是反竞争行为(例如BarnesNoble的电子书阅读器Nook)。

    The software giant , it thundered , was guilty of anti-competitive behaviour in demanding royalties from makers of mobile devices ( such as the Nook , Barnes Noble 's e-reader ) that used Android , Google 's open-source mobile operating system .

  26. 上网本领域的先驱企业华硕(asus)今年2月就着手准备打入电子书阅读器市场,它计划最早在今年年底生产出第一款自有品牌的电子书阅读器。

    ASUS , the netbook pioneer , began preparations to enter the e-reader market in February , and plans to have its first , own-branded model ready by the end of this year at the earliest .

  27. 今年10月,在法兰克福书展上,德国电子图书分销商txtr推出了一款售价仅为9.90欧元的电子书阅读器。

    And at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October , txtr , a German ebook distributor , unveiled an eReader that costs just 9.90 .

  28. 消息人士对《华尔街日报》透露,亚马逊可能会利用这家门店展示自家的电子设备,比如Kindle系列电子书阅读器、Fire智能手机和Fire电视机顶盒等等。如果纽约的实体店获得了成功,这个模式可能会被推广到美国其他城市。

    Sources told the Journal that Amazon might use the space to showcase its own devices like the Kindle e-readers , Fire smartphone or Fire TV set-top box . If the New York store works out , it could serve as a model for a rollout to other U.S. cities , the Journal 's sources said .

  29. 调查机构IDC的TomMainelli表示,2011年第四季度美国市场新推出的七百万的电子书阅读器中,Barnes&Noble占有五分之一,而Kindle的生产商亚马逊囊括了四分之三。

    In the fourth quarter of 2011 , according to Tom Mainelli of IDC , a research firm , Barnes & Noble accounted for one-fifth of the 7m e-readers shipped in America - against a mighty three-quarters for Amazon , maker of the Kindle ( see chart ) .

  30. 这款手机的创新之处在于它的电子墨水屏,这种技术广泛应用于电子书阅读器上,比如亚马逊(Amazon.comInc.)的Kindle,该技术可以使图像一直停留在屏幕上,只有在屏幕图像发生变化的时候才会耗电。

    The innovation lies in the use of the e-paper display , a technology most widely seen on e-book readers such as Amazon.com Inc. 's Kindle , which allows an image to be displayed at all times , but only uses power when the picture changes .