
  1. 商人GaryVaynerchuk用他在酒方面的知识创造了成功的酒水电视图书馆,一个展示酒水的每日视频博客。

    Businessman Gary Vaynerchuk used his knowledge of wine to create the successful Wine Library TV , a daily video blog show about wine .

  2. 以广州市广播电视大学图书馆为例,本文介绍了一种基于TPI的多媒体教学资源库系统及其设计系统的功能架构,并讨论了系统的实现过程。

    Taking the library of Guangzhou Radio and TV University as the case , the article introduced a system of multi-media teaching resource warehouse based on TPI and the function structure of its design system , and discussed the achievement process of the system .

  3. 数字电视&图书馆服务拓展新平台

    Digital TV-New platform for extension of library services

  4. 论文还就电话、互联网、数字电视对图书馆服务的影响进行了比较分析。

    It comparatively analyses the influence to library services by telephone , Internet and digital TV .

  5. 数字电视对数字图书馆建设的影响

    The Influence of Digital Television on Digital Library Construction

  6. 电视制作进入图书馆,更新了人们的传统观念,是图书馆工作的一个创新。

    The application of television production to libraries is updating people 's traditional ideas and is an innovation in library work .

  7. 电视制作和图书馆似乎是毫不相干,但现代信息技术和计算机应用技术的普及,使它们之间找到了交叉点。

    Television production and library seems to have no concerned with , but the popularization of new technology of information and computer application connects them .

  8. 电视制作在高校图书馆的应用

    Application of Television Production in Academic Libraries

  9. 论文在介绍数字电视相关知识的基础上,提出将数字电视作为延伸图书馆服务的新平台。

    Based on the introduction of the digital TV and its relative information , this paper proposes to extend the fresh terrace of library services by the digital TV .