
  • 网络Cellflix;Movie
  1. 一定程度上,手机电影这种新颖的艺术表现形式展现了青年亚文化现象在当今社会的一个侧影。

    To some extent , this new art forms of Mobile movie showed a silhouette of the subculture of youth phenomenon in society today . Secondly , the paper studies text analysis of the mobile movie of the five sessions .

  2. 其次,通过对本文所研究的五届手机电影参赛作品的文本分析,可以看出手机电影在创作上力求主题简洁明了,不在于对宏大场面的叙述,而是倾向于微观世界的描述。

    We can see that in the creation of Mobile movie , every title would be brief and precise . The text analysis of the mobile movie is not subject to the grand occasion of the narrative , but tends to the microscopic description .

  3. 短片电影频道,通过第一届VMS手机电影节,宣扬各种形式和类型的短片电影制作艺术。

    The Short Film Channel celebrates the art of short filmmaking in all its forms and genres through the very first Mobile film festival on VMS .

  4. 然后透过现象看本质,探讨手机电影的诞生背景。

    Then , research cellflixes ' background of its birth through the phenomenon to essence .

  5. 手机电影的问世,意味着电影创作工具的改变,而这种改变又促成了创作主体、创作内容的革新。

    The advent of mobile phone film is means the changes in film-making tools , and this change has contributed to the writer , creative content of the innovation .

  6. 同时手机电影的出现还意味着一个新产业的诞生,在这一影像艺术的背后是一场备受关注的产业盛宴。

    At the same time the emergence of mobile film also means the birth of a new industry . It is a major concerned industry feast behind this image art .

  7. 以青年为创作及接受主体的手机电影,其独特的叙事风格、表现形态及传播方式彰显了亚文化的典型特征,以及青年群体通过媒介达成身份认同的可能空间。

    Phone movies based on the youth for creation and acceptance subject , with its unique narrative style , manifestation and the mode of transmission highly reveals typical subculture , and a possible space of identity of youth groups through the medium .

  8. 其次,分别从手机电影的创作特性、媒介特性、传播特性三个方面研究了手机电影创作主体多样化、视角平民化、移动接收、媒体个人化、交互传播、传播速度快等的新媒介特征。

    Secondly , new media features are discussed in three aspects : creation feature , medium feature , and spread feature . Those new features include authorship diversification , perspective pain folk , mobile reception , media personalization , interactive communication , high transmission speed and so on .

  9. 眼下,LG的目标是早期采用者和喜欢用手机看电影或玩游戏的人。

    For now LG is targeting early adopters and people who like watching movies or playing games on their phones .

  10. 手机与电影的结合是个美丽的约会。

    The combination of cell phone and film is a wonderful dating .

  11. 在北京,我也可以用手机支付电影票、外卖和网购的商品。

    In Beijing , I can also pay by phone for movie tickets , takeout food and to shop for goods for delivery .

  12. 朱辉龙表示,为智能手机制作电影不同于制作大银幕电影,因为智能手机在观看视频20分钟后就会非常烫手。

    Producing films for smartphone screens required a different approach , with smartphones running videos getting very hot after 20 mins , said Mr Zhu .

  13. 为手机创作&电影形态的又一次嬗变电气一二次设备变更后投运策略分析

    A New Playing Pattern of Movie Operation Mode Analysis After Alteration of Electric First and Secondary Equipment

  14. 作为经常旅行的人和一个两岁孩子的父母,我们有时会幻想当我们坐上飞机后,在没有手机、朋友或者电影让我们分心的情况下,能够完成很多工作。

    As constant travelers and parents of a 2-year-old , we sometimes fantasize about how much work we can do when one of us gets on a plane , undistracted by phones , friends , or movies .

  15. 很多人喜欢睡前躺在床上拿iPad或手机上网、看电影或者玩游戏。最近有研究显示,这种行为会影响睡眠质量。

    Using tablet computers like Apple 's iPad and Samsung 's Galaxy Note just before bed can lead to a poor night 's sleep , according to research .

  16. 沃达丰(Vodafone)推出了一项服务,让城市用户可以通过语音和手机按键来购买电影票等商品。

    Vodafone has introduced a service allowing urban consumers to make purchases such as film tickets , using voice and the keypads of their phones .

  17. 看看2003年那部叫《手机》的中国电影吧。

    Consider the case of the movie Cellphone ( 2003 ) .

  18. 在他发布的照片中,我们能看到观众们弯着背看着闪亮的手机屏幕,而电影投放在他们前方的银幕上。

    In a photo posted in his description , audience members can be seen hunched over bright mobile phone screens as the film is projected on the screen before them .

  19. 从那之后,乔布斯就一发不可收拾,除了领衔全球个人电脑革命之外,也顺便颠覆了其他电子消费品领域,例如智能手机、音乐、电影等,苹果也在2011年的时候成为了最具价值的公开上市公司。

    From there , Jobs was influential in the personal computer revolution , as well as in other consumer electronics including smartphones , music and movies , and Apple eventually became the world 's most valuable publicly traded company in 2011 .