
  • 网络modern socialism
  1. 实现现代社会主义的理论思考&以最发达资本主义国家作实证分析

    Theoretical Thoughts on Modern Socialism

  2. 现代社会主义具有光明前景,将成为一条通向未来理想社会的通道。

    The modern socialism has a great prospect , It will be a passageway to the future ideal socialism .

  3. 共享利益观:现代社会主义经济学的核心

    The View of Sharing Interests : the Core of Modern Socialist Economics

  4. 并且指出他的翻译理论与实践相辅相成。实现现代社会主义的理论思考&以最发达资本主义国家作实证分析

    The interaction of his translation practice and theoretical thoughts on translation is also analyzed in this chapter . Theoretical Thoughts on Modern Socialism

  5. 建设现代社会主义法治,离不开借鉴历史上已有的法律思想文化成果,特别是离不开研究中国法律的近代化进程。

    The socialist country ruled of law has a close relation with traditional cultural contest , esp with the modern development of Chinese law .

  6. 因此,把列宁晚年关于商品经济的理论称为现代社会主义市场经济的萌芽当并不为过。

    So , Lenin 's theory about commodity economy in his late years deserved to be called the seed of contemporary socialism market economy theory .

  7. 当代中国文化转型的目标是现代社会主义文化形态,它是以个体自我文化意识为前提和依据的。

    The aim of the transformation of Chinese culture is to establish the pattern of modern socialist culture which is based on the individual self-identified cultural consciousness .

  8. 因为,初级阶段论是建立在现代社会主义观念上的,是对社会主义与资本主义关系的正确把握,是以现代市场经济为背景和目标的。

    Because it is established on modern socialistic concept and the right mastery of relationship between socialism and capitalism with modern market economy as its background and aim .

  9. 这一歌剧原理,已经逐渐变成一种迫人的、可怕的要求,在现代社会主义运动当前,我们再也不能忽视这点。

    a principle of the opera that has gradually changed into a threatening and terrible demand which , in face of contemporary socialist movements , we can no longer ignore .

  10. 劳动价值论在马克思批判资本主义制度时才有其政治意义,置放于现代社会主义社会中,其政治意义自然消解。

    " Work value theory " has its " political significance " only when Marx criticized capitalist system , but its " political significance " has been disappeared naturally in the modern socialism society .

  11. 与以往的社会主义经济学的利益观不同,现代社会主义经济学所倡导的是全体人民共享经济繁荣成果,共享利益观是现代社会主义经济学的核心。

    Differing from the past socialist economics on the view of benefits , modern socialist economics advocate that all people share the economic prosperous achievement ; the view of sharing interests is the core of modern socialist economics .

  12. 第三种,建设范式&市场经济条件下的现代社会主义,指凭借现代市场经济所提供的基础和条件去追求和实现人类理想的社会主义新范式。

    The third kind , constructive paradigm & modern socialism under market economy , which refers to the new socialism paradigm that pursued to and realized the humankind ideal through the foundation and condition offered by modern economy .

  13. 本文从现代社会主义商业的战略高度,论述了商业公共关系意识所包含的哲学观念,科学管理思想及其现实意义。

    In this article , the author discusses the sense of philosophy , scientific management thought and its practical significance involved in the consciousness of commercial public relations from the high degree of strategy of modern socialist commerce .

  14. 建设现代农业是社会主义新农村建设的首要任务和重要基础。

    Building Modern agriculture is the primary task and an important foundation of new socialist countryside .

  15. 现代农业是社会主义新农村的重要标志之一,而现代农业是以农业机械化为重要基础的。

    Modem agriculture is one of the important symbols of new socialist countryside construction and it is basis on agricultural mechanization .

  16. 探讨传统孝文化的现代价值对于社会主义精神文明建设是十分有益的。

    Probing into the modern value of the traditional culture of filial piety is most beneficial to the socialist construction of spiritual civilization .

  17. 2007年一号文件强调指出,发展现代农业是社会主义新农村建设的首要任务。

    The NO.1 Document of 2007 emphasized that to develop modern agriculture is the chief mission in the construction of socialism new country .

  18. 在此基础上,有针对性提出了全面促进现代农业与社会主义新农村建设过程中完善农技服务体系的对策措施。

    On the basis , this paper targeted proposes the perfecting agricultural technology service system countermeasures to comprehensive promote modern agriculture and socialist new countryside .

  19. 现代林业:社会主义新农村建设的有益探索&浙江德清县以工业化模式发展效益林业的调查

    Modern Forestry : A Successful Experience about Constructing New Countryside of Socialism & A Survey Report of Deqing Developing Profitable Forestry according to Industrialization Model

  20. 因此运用现代经济学和社会主义市场经济理论作为分析的基础和框架,研究我国民营企业的环境特征和制度特征以探索和揭示其运行规律,这对于社会主义市场经济理论的研究是有意义的。

    Thus , employing the theory of modern economics and SME to reveal their running rule is beneficial to the study of the theory of SME .

  21. 深刻理解现代性与社会主义和谐社会构建之间的关系,对于坚持科学社会主义,推进现实社会主义具有重要的意义。

    A profound understanding of the relationship between modernity and the building of a harmonious socialist society is significant to adhering to the scientific socialism and promoting the realization of socialism .

  22. 该工程坚持围绕中心工作、整合涉农资源、培训农村群众、建立覆盖农村的数字学习网络的总体思路,旨在为发展现代农业和社会主义新农村提供智力支撑和人才保障。

    The project adheres to the general idea of integrating agriculture-related resources , training farmers and covering the establishment of the digital learning network in rural areas based on the central work .

  23. 这主要是包括后现代法学对社会主义法治的解构、现实主义法学对社会主义法治的机构,以及法律社会学对社会主义法治的解构。

    This is mainly include postmodern jurisprudence to socialism government by law of deconstruction . realism of law of rule of law of socialism institutions , the law and sociology of rule of law of deconstruction of socialism .

  24. 另外,对困扰构建以人为本企业文化的现代思潮&社会主义市场经济伦理的义利观纷争、拜金主义文化、浪漫主义文化、个人主义文化进行批判。

    In addition , the troubled constructing the people-oriented corporate culture of modern trend of thought of ethics of socialist market economy & the view of righteousness and benefit conflict , consumerism culture , romantic culture , individualism culture criticism .

  25. 而这一进程中所需要、所依靠的既不可能是传统重农抑商的价值观念,也不可能是现代的空想社会主义观念,而是一套建立在社会主义市场经济基础上的新价值伦理观念。

    And this progress impossibly in need , dependes on the concept of value of traditional " the heavy agriculture suppress a company ", and also an impossibly modern cloud-castle socialism idea , but a set of a lately worth ethics idea which establishes the socialism market economy .

  26. 该部分从我国古代刑法中的教唆犯着手,考察了我国古代、近代、革命根据地及新中国刑法中的教唆犯和外国古代、近现代刑法及社会主义国家刑法中的教唆犯。

    This section , beginning with the instigator in ancient China 's criminal law , examines the instigator in the ancient , modern , revolutionary base 's and new China 's criminal laws together with that in ancient , modern and some other socialist countries ' criminal laws .

  27. 李达是中国现代著名理论家、社会主义先驱者之一。

    Li Da was one of the contemporary socialist pioneers in China .

  28. 从学理上讲,现代广告应与社会主义核心价值体系相适应。

    Theoretically , modern advertising adapts itself to socialist nucleus value system .

  29. 我们的现代性和后社会主义中国的新社会主义

    " Our Modernity " and New Socialism for Post - Socialist China

  30. 现代科学技术是社会主义发展的第一生产力。

    Thirdly , modern science and technology is the first productive force .