
  • 网络commercial banking;commercial bank management;Commercial Banking Management
  1. 因此,如何正确的认识和使用EVA管理指标自然而然也就成了我国商业银行管理体系中的一门必修课。

    Therefore , a proper understanding and use of EVA management indicators will become a natural system of commercial bank management as a required course .

  2. 利率市场化改革对商业银行管理的效应分析

    Analysis on Effect of Interest Rate Marketization Reform on Commercial Bank Management

  3. 加快构建完备的商业银行管理会计体系&访中国工商银行计划财务部总经理潘功胜博士

    Establishing the Sound Accounting System of Management for Commercial Banks

  4. 以科学发展观指导国有商业银行管理

    Guide the Management of State-owned Business Bank with the Scientific Development View

  5. 防范风险是银行经营的永恒主题,现代商业银行管理中要坚持效益、质量、规模协调发展;

    Risk prevention constitutes the perpetual topic for banking management .

  6. 风险管理是现代商业银行管理的核心之一。

    Risk management is one of the cores of a modern commercial bank .

  7. 关于我国商业银行管理信息系统建设的战略思考

    Strategic thought on a management information system to be set up by china 's commercial banks

  8. 关于商业银行管理人员人格特质与工作匹配、工作投入研究。

    The relationship between personality traits , job matching and job involvement of commercial bank managers .

  9. 这三个命题的提出及其论证有助于走出商业银行管理学研究的一些误区。

    It is believed that the presentation and demonstration of these opinions will be helpful to the research of commercial banks management .

  10. 高效的财务控制体系是商业银行管理工作的关键组成部分,也是商业银行财务管理体系安全、健康运行的基础。

    As the key part of financial management of commercial banks , a effective financial control system is the foundation supporting the healthy and safe operation of commercial banks .

  11. 理论探讨主要是从理论上把握和分析中小企业贷款信用风险的内涵、成因、评估体系以及商业银行管理这种信用风险的信用衍生工具法;

    Theory is mainly theoretical analysis of the SME loan 's credit risk , its meaning , causes , evaluation systems , as well as commercial banks manage credit risk via credit derivatives ;

  12. 流动性一直以来就是商业银行管理关注的主题之一,与盈利性和安全性并称为商业银行经营管理的三性原则。

    Liquidity has always been one of the themes of commercial banks management . Modern commercial banks has to consider the equilibrium among safety , liquidity and profitability as the basic aim in daily operations .

  13. 最后,对基于SOA的商业银行额度管理系统的研究和开发工作进行了总结,并阐述了下一步对该系统进行扩充和需要完善的一些工作。

    Finally , the thesis sums up the researches and development of accounts management system in commercial bank based on SOA and discusses how to improve the system in future .

  14. 伴随我国加入WTO,国外资本迅速涌入国内,新世纪下我国金融业正在大规模的进行体制改革,国内商业银行信贷管理的信息化要求越来越强烈。

    With the joining of WTO and the inrush of foreign capitals , the system reformation of finance business is carrying out massively , so credit management information system is required by more and more commercial banks .

  15. 压力测试关注资产组合收益的厚尾特征分布,能度量在极端情况下资产组合损失,弥补了传统风险管理工具VaR的缺点,因而成为商业银行风险管理的重要工具。

    Emphasizing on the fat tail distribution of the asset portfolio , stress test can evaluate the loss of the asset portfolio in the extreme circumstances which makes up the disadvantage of VaR , the traditional risk management tool .

  16. 国有商业银行风险管理现状及对策研究

    On the Risk Administration Situation and Strategies of State-owned Commerce Bank

  17. 商业银行风险管理决策本身是个多目标决策过程。

    Risk management of commercial bank is a multicriteria decision-making process .

  18. 城市商业银行薪酬管理体制改革研究

    A Study on City Commercial Bank 's Remuneration Management System Innovation

  19. 经济资本在现代商业银行经营管理中的运用

    Applying Economic Capital in the management of Modern Commercial Banks

  20. 国有商业银行信贷管理体制的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of the Credit Management System of the State-owned Commercial Bank

  21. A商业银行现金管理服务业务设计和案例分析

    Overall Design on Bank A 's Cash Management Services and Case Analysis

  22. 商业银行信贷管理问题及对策研究&以重庆某银行为案例

    Problems of credit management in commercial banks and Countermeasures for their solution

  23. 我国商业银行财富管理业务探析

    Research on Wealth Management Service of Commercial Banks in China

  24. 零准备金制度下商业银行储备管理行为

    Behavior of Bank Reserve Management Under Zero Reserve Requirement System

  25. 论我国现行商业银行风险管理法律制度的不足及完善

    On China present commercial bank risk management law system 's shortage and Perfection

  26. 全方位强化商业银行风险管理能力

    All-directions to Enhance the Commercial Bank Risk Management Ability

  27. 同时提出商业银行微观管理手段必须在一定的宏观条件下才能得以有效的实现,因此要不断加快经济市场化和银行改革进程,逐步实现利率和费率的市场化。

    The reformation of market economic system and banking system should be quicken .

  28. 商业银行现金管理实践研究

    A study on Practice of Commercial Bank Cash Management

  29. 资本管理:现代商业银行经营管理的核心内容

    Capital Management : the Key Point in the Running of Modem Commercial Banks

  30. 本文鉴于此,选择商业银行信用管理绩效评价问题从理论上进行研究,以其为商业银行信用管理理论的进一步发展与研究,做一些开创性的工作。

    This paper researches evaluating of the performance of commercial bank credit management .