
  1. 人是社会的构成因子。

    Human society is made up of individuals .

  2. 早期青岛移民社会的构成

    The Social Structure of Early Immigrants in Qingdao

  3. 后现代社会的构成设计教学

    The Constitution Teaching of Post Modern Society

  4. 而城市社区作为城市社会的构成分子,其建设成功与否直接关系到我国未来经济和社会的发展。社区经济建设是社区建设的关键。

    The communities are the constituents of the city , so community development will determine the economic and social development in the future of China .

  5. 分析了坡脚土家族以家庭为核心的差序格局中,父系亲属关系,母系亲戚关系,地缘与行政关系的功能,从而深化理解土家族基层社会的构成原则。

    In the relative and remote structure that regards a family as core , the dissertation discusses father-clan relative relationship , mother-clan relative relationship , function of earthbound and administration , and then deeply understand constitution principle of the Tujia basic society .

  6. 透过东北秧歌这种现实的文化现象,从其历史源流切入,对东北的疆域划分、自然环境的考察、移民社会的构成、东北发展史的演变进行整体分析;

    About the realistic cultural phenomena of the Northeast Yangge , we enter from its historic headstream , so that we can analyse holistically the boundary of the northeast , the natural entironment , the immigrant society and the development history of the northeast .

  7. 第四,它从文化意义上概括市民社会的理路构成了帕森斯、哈贝马斯等人研究市民社会的基本坐标;

    It is a basic coordinate of studying the citizen society .

  8. 社会权力的构成及其阶段演进特征

    The Make-up of Social Power and its Feature in Evolution

  9. 信息和互联网是现代社会的重要构成部分。

    Modern information and the Internet is an important component of the society .

  10. 社会资本的构成差异对农村社区经济的影响&以发展程度不同的两个农村社区为例

    Effects of the Composition Differences of Social Capital on the Economy of Rural Communities

  11. 或者他对社会的安全构成了威胁。

    Or a risk to community safety .

  12. 但是,人口过分增长对人类社会的存在构成了威胁。

    But the overgrowth of population presents a threat to the existence of human society .

  13. 社会的复杂构成导致作为交际媒体的语言发生变异。

    The maze of social constructs leads language , the medium of communication , to variation .

  14. 社区作为社会的基本构成单位,是维持社会稳定的基础。

    Community as a basic unit of society , is the basis for maintaining social stability .

  15. 县域是省级区域的重要单元,县域经济是省域经济和社会发展的构成部分。

    The level of development of economy about county region is reflecting the unbalance of province economy .

  16. 这将对加拿大和美国社会的团结构成前所未有的压力。

    This , in turn , will exert unprecedented pressure on the solidarity of Canadian and American societies .

  17. 体育教学社会环境的构成及其影响&关于体育教学的社会学分析

    The Structure of Social Environment of Physical Teaching and Its Effect & A Sociological Analysis on Physical Teaching

  18. 家庭是社会的基本构成单位,是建设和谐社会不可或缺的领域。

    The family is the basic unit of the society , and the missing link of the harmonious society .

  19. 信任、规范、互惠合作和关系网络是社会资本的构成要素。

    The trust , the standard , the mutual cooperation and the relational network are the social capital integrant part .

  20. 第三章研究企业社会资本的构成及构建的路径,把企业社会资本分成了企业内部社会资本、企业外部社会资本、企业家社会资本三个方面,并分别阐述了其构成路径。

    The third chapter is to examine the composition of enterprise social capital and the path how to build enterprise social .

  21. 学习型人才是学习型社会的基本构成单元,更是构建学习型社会的基础和平台。

    Knowledge-pursuing talents are the basic unit of the correspondent society and they contribute a lot to the construction of learning-oriented society .

  22. 民营企业家阶层的出现,改变了我国社会的阶层构成,成为发展和繁荣市场经济的生力军。

    The class of Private Entrepreneurs , who has forced prosperity and development of the market economy , changed our social class structure .

  23. 摘要中国社区社会资本的构成受到了文化传统和伦理本位的关系网络结构的直接影响。

    The construction of social capital in china 's community has been directly influenced by the cultural tradition and ethics-focused relational net-work structure .

  24. 从社会资本的构成要素入手研究产业集群的形成和发展是当代产业集群研究的一个新的视角。

    It is a new view to study the formation and development of industrial cluster from analyzing the integrant parts of social capital .

  25. 农村遭受着工业废水、废气、废渣的污染,农村的工业污染对人体健康、财产、农村社会的安定构成了威胁。

    Rural facing industrial wastewater and waste gas , waste pollution . rural industrial pollution violate on human health , property , rural social stability .

  26. 再次,只有深入研究我国先进社会生产力的构成要素和发展趋势,才能真正当好中国先进社会生产力发展要求的忠实代表。

    And some researches into the components and the developmental tendency of the advanced social productive forces of our country is another content of this article .

  27. 全面讨论了面向知识经济和创新型国家建设的项目导向型组织和社会的基本构成和作用机理。

    The basic structure and mechanism of project oriented organization and society for knowledge economy and construction the innovative country is discussed entirely in this paper .

  28. 全球环境变化作为威胁人类安全的因素之一,对国家安全和社会的发展构成了新的挑战。

    As one of the important factors threatening human security , global environmental change has become a new challenge to the national security and the societal development .

  29. 家庭是社会的基本构成要素,是儿童早期生活最主要的场所,对依恋的形成发挥着至关重要的作用。

    Families as the basic element of society , where a child completely spend his early life , play a crucial role in the formation of attachment .

  30. 在中国现实社会的文化构成中,大众文化的主要功能不再是宣传统治阶级的意识形态,而是近距离地表达大众的世俗欲求。

    In China , the main function of mass culture is not to propagate the ruling class 's ideology , but to express the mundane demands of mass .