
  1. 辩证法是人类社会观察事物规律的科学。

    Dialectics is a science that human being observes the law of the society .

  2. 关系视角下的媒介、言论与权力网络&对时评作者的社会观察之观察

    Media , Opinion and Power Network in the View of Relationship : an Observation of the Commentary Authors ' Social Observation

  3. 一些社会观察人士说,美国人乐善好施的传统基于宗教信仰以及早期殖民地定居者所面临的艰辛。

    Some social observers say the U.S.tradition of giving is rooted in religious belief , and in the hardships that early settlers faced .

  4. 全球信息社会观察报道,去年,信息和通信技术可以帮助削减高达15%的温室气体的总生产第二十第二十。

    The Global Information Society Watch reported last year that ICTs could help to cut total production of greenhouse gases by as much as fifteen percent by twenty twenty .

  5. 散文一章,从生活随感、社会观察、旅行书写、哲理思索等面向进行讨论,以呈现隐地散文的精神样貌。

    Analysis the section of essay from the feeling of live , the observation of society , the travelling note , and the think of philosophy to understand the spirit of his essay .

  6. 刘炜是中国「玩世现实主义」的重要成员。这一派画家经历了1990年代的动荡不安,脱颖而出,成为最具远见、最直观的社会观察者。

    Lot Notes Liu Wei is considered a member of China 's so-called " Cynical Realists ", painters who emerged from the malaise of the1990s as some of China 's most insightful and intuitive social observers .

  7. 目前关于舆论传播的研究成果大多数都是基于社会观察和社会调查的直观分析结果,缺乏分析舆论形成和演化机制的研究。

    As far , most of the study results are based on the immediate analysis of observation and investigation in human society , however , the study on the mechanism about the formation and evolution of public opinion are still lack .

  8. 我们今天不可能知道新石器时代的祖先们对植物到底了解多少,但我们在至今仍存在的前工业化社会观察到:人类对植物及其特性的详细了解应该是非常古老的。

    It is impossible to know today just what our Stone Age ancestors knew about plants , but form what we can observe of pre-industrial societies that still exist a detailed learning of plants and their properties must be extremely ancient .

  9. 他是个敏锐的社会现状观察者。

    He is an acute observer of the social scene .

  10. 大学生政治热情的社会学观察&从“传单”到“传销”的变化

    A Sociological Survey of the Political Enthusiasm of College Students

  11. 他将公布他对那些原始部落的社会生活观察所得的资料。

    He will publish his observations on the social life of these primitive tribes .

  12. 他深入社会,观察、体验生活,把忠实地反映社会现实作为神圣的职责。

    He goes deep into the reality of life , studying , observing and experiencing .

  13. 这是对社会进行观察,然后问我们是谁?

    It 's about holding up a lens to society and asking ' who are we ?

  14. 在倭黑猩猩的社会中观察到的一个特色就是倭黑猩猩个体间的攻击行为不多。

    One special feature observed in bonobo society is the low level of aggression between individual bonobos .

  15. 空间的权利与权力的空间&欧洲城市广场历史演变的社会学观察

    Symbolism of Space and Space of Power : Sociological Observation on the Historic Evolution of European Urban Square

  16. 他以杂剧作为抒情写志的工具,借助杂剧来表现他对社会的观察和思考。

    He regards Yuan opera as the lyrical tool which writes his will , displays his observation and thinking of the society .

  17. 从社会哲学观察效率和公平,应着重研究以下内容:建立效率和公平何以可能的理论前提;

    Observing efficiency and fairness from social philosophy view , we ought to research the following contents : establishing what makes them possible ;

  18. 画者不进行批判或讽刺的动作,而是以文化符号的拼凑,来表达他对现今社会的观察与诠释。

    His images of juxtaposed cultural symbols expresses a personal observation and interpretation of the guidelines of contemporary society fit for his times .

  19. 蚁群算法是一种通过对蚂蚁社会长期观察得来的优化算法.它建立在蚁群的一种叫外激励的联系方式上,对解决一些分布式控制问题和复杂的优化问题十分有效。

    Ant Algorithm is an optimization algorithm that gained by observing the real ant colonies , and it is very useful in solving difficult optimization and distributed control problems .

  20. 它也是表征现代性过程问题性的符码,构成了对现代社会进行观察和研究的视角与方法。

    Simultaneously , it is also a symbol demonstrating the " problem character " of modernity process , forming the perspective and method conducive to observing and studying modern society .

  21. 在它的作品中她做了什么样的创作,作为青年艺术家,作为女性,作为社会的观察者她提出了什么样的问题。

    In its work she did what kind of creation . As a young artist , as a woman , as the observers of the society she put forward on what kind of questions .

  22. 在对市民理论及其分析范式的阐释,以及对刑事司法实践进行法社会学观察的基础上,阐明了国家、社会与个人关系之分析框架的理论与现实基础。

    The chapter briefly analyzes theoretical and practical foundation of the frame of the relations among country , society and individuals , that is , civil society theory and its analysis frame , and criminal judicial practices in respect of social jurisprudence .

  23. 新闻作为现代社会的观察者和社会景象的构建者,对社会正义有着最深切的现实感受和最迫切的实践动力,新闻正义应该成为新闻行业重要的职业特征。

    As the observer of modern society and constructor of social phenomena , news is deeply influential in both perception of reality and in terms of justice in society , and thus news justice should be the occupational characteristic of the news industry .

  24. 而观察猿猴社会,比观察人类社会,还要困难得多。

    And ape societies are far more difficult to observe than human .

  25. 他将发表他对这些野蛮人社会生活的观察。

    He will publish his observation on the social life of these savages .

  26. 长江三角洲示范型社会体育的观察与思考

    Observation and Consideration on Mode of Social Sports in Delta Area of Yangtse River

  27. 我们必须把思想拓宽一些,从更广阔的社会背景去观察此事。

    We must cast our net wider and observe this incident in a broader social context .

  28. 论文还尝试以学生的社会生活作为观察学校教育的视野,对学校教育中的学生与教师关系、道德性等问题进行了分析。

    The study also has a research on the relationship and the morality between students and teachers .

  29. 基于此次韩寒的入围,他也肯定了《时代》周刊对于中国社会的敏锐观察力。

    He praised Time ` s keen observations on Chinese society for involving Han in its 100 list .

  30. 由于拥有深厚的犹太文化传统和对美国社会的深入观察,贝娄形成了独特的贝娄式风格。

    He has a unique style as his deep perception of the American society and his Jewish origin .