
  1. 由社区义工参与的干预措施组合大大改善了印度适龄儿童的DPT疫苗接种。

    An intervention package involving community volunteers significantly improved age-appropriate DPT immunization in India .

  2. 做强制性的社区义工?甚至是短期监禁?

    Mandatory community service ? Perhaps even a short jail term ?

  3. 麦蒂被判缓刑,并且作了很多社区义工。

    Matty survived probation and some serious community service .

  4. 设计出一种由社区义工担任关键角色的干预措施组合。

    An intervention package was developed , with community volunteers playing a pivotal role .

  5. 罚款?做强制性的社区义工?

    A fine ? Mandatory community service ?

  6. 接下来的几个月,我会把所有的时间都用于慈善及社区义工。

    I will dedicate my time to charity and community work within the next few months .

  7. 我母亲以教会做总部,组织社区义工服务。

    My mother used the church as a headquarters from which to organize good works of volunteer service for the community .

  8. 并要求他每周至少做24小时的社区义工,必须进行一项关于脾气暴躁的药物检查。

    Additional rules for Brown require him to perform at least 24 hours of community labor a week and to submit to drug testing , as he deals with anger management issues .

  9. 他们认为让一些违法者去社区做义工是个好主意。

    They thought it was a good idea to make some offenders do community service

  10. 在你的社区做义工。

    Volunteer in community services .

  11. 他们梦想着搬到暖和的地方,在社区做义工,多花时间陪家人或是整天打高尔夫。

    They dream of moving somewhere warm , volunteering in their community , having more time with their family or just playing golf all day .

  12. 严重违反这一新规的青少年将被没收乘车卡,必须在社区做义工才能重新要回卡片。

    Teenagers found guilty of a serious breach of the new behaviour code will lose their travel passes , and will have to carry out unpaid community work to have them restored .

  13. 社区服务的义工做得很出色。

    The volunteer for community service is doing a good job .

  14. 他们知道她每星期五在圣迈克尔社区医院做义工。

    They know that she works as a volunteer at Saint Michael 's Community Hospital on Fridays .

  15. 家庭中至少有一人为社区志愿者或社区义工

    At least one of family members volunteering for community services

  16. 有时,两夫妇会在社区福利部门做义工。

    Sometimes the couple would work in community welfare deparment for free .

  17. 义工亦可协助我们的夥伴团体,推动它们在香港的社区发展工作,义工也可藉此扩阔其视野,认识各种社会经济议题。

    Volunteers can also assist our partners with their community development work in Hong Kong , which can be a good exposure to various socio-economic issues .

  18. 记者采访的主要对象和内容是实验小学和北濠桥社区国学班在城隍庙联合举办的端午祭活动,以及北濠桥社区成立的义工联合会。

    The interview was between the reporter and the person who organized the activity . Also , we have interviewed the Voluntary worker federation founded by the Residents'committee of Beihaoqiao Nanyuan .