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shè jì
  • State;the country;the god of the land and the god of grain -- the state
社稷 [shè jì]
  • [the god of the land and the god of grain - the state] 土神和谷神,古时君主都祭祀社稷,后来就用社稷代表国家

  • 将军身被坚执锐,伐无道,诛暴秦,复立 楚国之社稷,功宜为王。--《史记.陈涉世家》

  • 亦以明死生之大,匹夫之有重于社稷也。--明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》

社稷[shè jì]
  1. 还有一些士大夫在党锢之祸后选择了不仕汉室和隐逸,另外一部分士大夫则放弃了以社稷为念的精神,转而向地方发展自身势力,其中的代表人物就是袁绍和刘焉。

    Also there are some scholar-officials broke away from Han dynasty and chose seclusion . The rest of them gave up the spirit of concerning the country and turned to expand forces themselves , whose representatives were Yuan Shao and Liu Yan .

  2. 天子不仁,不保四海;诸侯不仁,不保社稷。(《孟子》)

    An emperor cannot keep the empire within the four seas unless he is benevolent ; a feudal lord cannot preserve the altars to the gods of earth and grain unless he is benevolent .

  3. 略论中国的社稷祭祀礼仪

    Summary Account on Sacrificial Rites of the Country in China

  4. 可是这社稷坛我还是头一次听说。

    But it 's the first time I 've heard about She Ji tan .

  5. 论传统社稷之德对公民道德建设的启迪

    The Value of Traditional State Morality and Its Enlightenment for Citizen 's Moral Construction

  6. 土地是民之根本,关乎到国家社稷、社会安定。

    Land is root of the people which determines the nation and social stability .

  7. 人民群众的健康历来是社稷之大事。

    It is important for the society to promote the health level of the people .

  8. 社稷坛的北面是中山堂,原为社稷坛的“拜殿”。

    Zhongshan Hall , to the north of the altar , was the resting place of the emperor .

  9. 但他立志为官从政、匡扶社稷,也显示了出色的为政才能。

    But he was determined to official politics , the idealists boat , also shows the excellent political can .

  10. 这些名山秀水作为国家的象征、江山社稷的缩影,理应进行严格保护。

    As a symbol of the country and a microcosm of the state , these famous sceneries should be strictly protected .

  11. 中国历史上从未出现过全国性的政教合一政权,中国宗教习惯以社稷为上;

    Throughout Chinese history , there was never a theocratic national regime and all Chinese religions were accustomed to putting the country 's interest first .

  12. 社稷坛,是中山公园内的主体建筑,在全园轴线的中心。

    The major architectural item in Zhongshan Park , the Altar to the God of Land and Grain , is located on the central axle .

  13. 他在大功告成后,又还政于成王,成为流芳百代的社稷大臣。

    When this was successful , he return the power to the young king , for which he became a model for future generations of ministers .

  14. 确立社稷崇拜,将始祖稷作为农业神与土地神一同尊奉,体现了以周王朝为代表的华夏农业文化和宗法文化的结合。

    The commemoration of the land gods and the agriculture gods showed the fundamental characteristic of Zhou that was combined with the agriculture and the patriarchal culture .

  15. 可是,老子却非常清楚,这些道德标准,都是少数几个聪明的统治者,为求社稷安定、人民团结、以及顺利推行政务等而创造出来的工具。

    Nevertheless , Laotse knew it clear that the criteria are tools that were created by clever rulers for social stability , solidarity and implementation of policy .

  16. 济苍生、安社稷的政治理想是其诗歌的中心主题之一。

    One of the themes of his poetry is his political ambition of providing aid to the common people and bringing peace and stability to the country .

  17. 社稷为重,亲民为先&论杨时的社会政治思想

    The First Importance of the Spirits of the Land and Grains ; the First Thought of Concerning the People - On Yang Shi 's Social and Political Thought

  18. 当社稷,诸侯,卿大夫发生矛盾时,他们的忠观念也因各人的学识、观念、背景不同而存有差异。

    When the state , vassals , high officials had conflict of interest , they would possess the different Fealty Concept due to their knowledge , concepts , background .

  19. 明、清两代,北京作为都城,北京的社稷坛自然成了全国最宏伟的神坛。

    As the national capital in the Ming and Qing Dynasties , Beijing understandably has the most magnificent Altar of the Earth and Harvests ever constructed in the land .

  20. 住宅专项维修资金俗称住宅建筑物的保命钱,它关系到建筑物以及社区共用部分设施设备在若干年后的维修,是牵涉到社稷民生的大事。

    Residential maintaining fund , commonly known as the life insurance of residential buildings , is related to the maintaining of buildings and social common sharing facilities for years .

  21. 社稷坛上供奉的社神和稷神,相传是远古时代的两位“农业专家”。

    The God of the earth and the God of harvests to whom the altar was originally dedicated are , according to ancient legends , farming experts of primitive times .

  22. 科尔沁文化内涵丰富,里面蕴含着“崇尚英雄”、“辅佐社稷”、“追求发展”、“热爱故乡”、“保护生态”、“坚忍不拔”等人文思想。

    Kerqin culture has rich connotation , which includes ideas of " worshiping heroes "," assisting country "," pursuing development "," loving hometown "," protecting ecology " and " perseverance " .

  23. 宋代东海神崇拜与祭祀日隆,就与庇佑社稷和护卫海上交通有关。

    The worship and sacrifices to the East Sea God becoming more and more prosper in the Song Dynasty related with the wish of blessing and protection the traffic on the sea .

  24. 到1950年,石柱也被移走了。现在的社稷坛上,便只剩下明清时的遗物&五色土。

    In1950 , the stone one was also removed with the result that now only the five-coloured earth , left from the days of Ming and qing , is seen on the altar .

  25. 北京地坛与社稷坛祭祀对象之辨&略述地礻氏神与社稷神各历史时期发展演变

    The differences between sacrificial objects of the Land Altar and the Infield Altar in Beijing & Outline the development and evolution of the God of Land and the God of Infield in each historical period

  26. 汲黯作为西汉重臣,尽管未留著作于后世,但从他的“行”进行史料考察和分析,可以发现他的“无为而治”、“重民”、“社稷为重”等法律思想,具有重要的价值。

    However , we can find many of his legal thoughts through investigation and analysis of his action , such as letting nature take its own course , attaching importance to the people and country first .

  27. 封建社会吏治的目的是维护封建皇权和江山社稷,当代吏治则是为了建设中国特色社会主义,实现最广大人民群众的根本利益。

    Feudal administration system is established for safeguarding the Royal Society and the state power , while contemporary administration of officials aims at building socialist society with Chinese characteristics and continuously realizing the fundamental interests of the people .

  28. 他提出“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻”的主张,认为人民的安危与民心的向背是国家安危的关键所在。

    He claimed that " the people are the most important ; the state is secondary while the monarch is the least " and believed that civil security and public opinions are pivotal to the stability of a state .

  29. 在论述农事祭祀诗时,侧重于探讨周代对社稷与田祖的祭祀以及周代的藉田礼,从中体现出周代的重农思想和理性精神;

    When address to farming sacred poems , this article emphasize particularly on the discussion of the sacrifice on the association , agricultural ancestors , and the ceremony of farmland , materialize the people of Zhou 's emphasize on the agriculture and rational sense ;